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Cairn_dock1 - black jedi's


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Please Help!!


I'm getting a bit sick of dying now.


I've entered a room with 6 black jedi suits in glass cases all of which I have smashed the glass and using my lightsaber I have made all the suit disappear.


I have now entered the room down the steps and as soon as I start to jump from platform to platform two nasty nasty black jedi's come out and kill me. I can't get through either of the two doors in the room presumable the door I need to go through will open once these two black nasty men are dead.


Can anybody give me any tips?


I'm not two good with my lightsaber and find it difficult to use my force and concentrate on fighting at the same time.

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Sorry to tell you this Lucy, but your lightsaber and Force are all that will really work against these two.


They are called Dark Troopers and are wearing armour that is laced with Cortosis, a mineral that resists your lightsaber. They are tough to kill...


First things first, keep moving. Save your Force for jumps and for Pushing. Get up to the highest platform, wait for them to jump up and then push them. They should take falling damage. If you do this long enough, it will kill them.


If you get forced to the floor, wait for them to jump or attack and push them, try to get them to fall over. When they do, pounce on them and hit them as often as you can. Make sure you're on the Medium stance to give your saber strikes more 'ooomph'.


Concentrate on one first, when one is down, the second is a lot easier. You can use explosives on them too, Thermal Detonators and Detpacks work well.

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Hello Lucy,


First tip, on the Shadow Troopers. Use your speed force, keep moving in your attacks, jump over them and come in hacking from the other side... But your speed force will help you a lot.


Now about using your force powers. What I did to help me get to my force keys fast was, I remapped my force's to my number keys, and put weapons under my "F-1" trough "F-10" it took a little practice to get used to it, but now that I know the key map it's a lot better for me...


Good Luck Lucy, and try not to get discourged...




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Thanks NomadWR and tempest8008, I'll but both your advise into practice and give it another go.


I let you know when I've managed to flatten these two nasty characters.


Thanks again


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It also helps to keep these guys apart. Don't try to take them on together or they'll make mincemeat out of you. Also, don't slash wildly, like I did. Wait for an opening before slicing. If you slash wildly, you can't block as well. You can also Pull them into your blade. If you hear a scream, that's good because you've hurt them. Just be patient.


You might try setting up a botmatch in order to practice the saber/force better. To do this, simply choose Multiplayer game from the launcher menu, the select "Play" and the "Create Server". You can then choose how many bots, etc, you want to play against.

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