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No cd patch!!


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why are the honest $$ paying players made to suffer with having to run the game from the cd drive? "to prevent hacking" umm...............Hackers will hack no matter what dev's do. So ultimately that means the only ppl going to get great load times ect ect is the people who hack or get a hack for a no cd situation.

Hmmmmm...........interesting? We pay the $$$ and get less preformance than a hacker who didn't pay for it? All in the name of stopping the hackers? WTF were you guys thinking!?!?! Brilliant..........make the legal owners suffer because of the warez welfare crowd!! Why not just make them suffer and give us the integrity we payed for? That whole mentallity of make good people suffer so you can spite the few bad people..is so.........incredibly childish, immoral, and just plain stupid!!

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It's really not there to prevent hacking, its there to prevent little Johnny from going out and giving the game to all his friends. Instead of "Johnny got JK2, lets go out and buy it! >forks out cash<" it would be more like "Johnny got JK2, lets go borrow his CD and install it so we can play it for free!".


God, you make it sound as though putting the cd in the drive is some huge thing. Try this. Hit button, wait for tray to slide out. Put in CD. Hit button to close tray. Play game.


If thats hard, you need excercise, or a slap in the head.



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