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A small suggestion on how to make things better.


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Instead of arguing on a message board about how we hate the new patch.. Let's badn together and write a letter to Raven on what should be fixed to appease us. Sounds good? I'll start off...


1) Fix the ammo problem with guns.

2) Revert the Kickflip.

3) Fix heal/drain to not take so much force.


You can reply with the things you want done, and then I'll send the email to Raven and see how things go from there. Instead of bitching about it here, we can act civilized, and confront THEM with what needs to be fixed. Arguing causes more tension, and we don't need that.




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Shock, it's in the patch.


set g_jedivmerc 1


It's just a beta though, still might have bugs.

The option to choose which you are appears in your player select screen (Jedi: Yes/No) Jedi cannot pick up health, so I recommend drain/heal skills. So far I've only used it in FFA, haven't tested the other gametypes. Plus Raven doesn't support Jedi Vs Merc fully just yet.

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