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None of the real players are happy about this. whether they are saberists or gunners, you've managed to screw the serious players in favor of the newbs. DFA was it really all that scary? Or was it an issue of ppl need to practice more? I haven't really checked out the gun situation (i'm mostly a saberist). But I don't really see what was wrong with them in the first place. Pretty much before this patch all seemed ok. The only thing I would have added to this game is a real parry/redirect system. Along the lines of DOA and SoulCalibur. As far as were gunners more able than saberists................no. Just a lot of people unwilling to learn and excell, instead whining and getting the game ruined for everyonelse. I am spamming this basic message everywhere I can. Because I really think this is the answer. Add a good parry/redirect system. Set the guns back the way they were (at the very least) and give gunners the ability to parry/redirect as well. I can go in to further detail if anyone wants to hear it.

Ultimately make it so these types of things are the hosts choice!!

This way nearly everyone can walk away feeling good about thier experience in JK2, wether they be hardcore players, or weekend warrior's, or total newbs.

You know ubder advanced options put all the choices

parry/redirect advanced.........or simple

amunition........lots or little

saber moves easy (newb friendly)........... or advanced

See its as simple as putting a little thought (and time ) into it.


Then what will people have to whine about and basically your job as the developer has just been simplified. as well as you have just secured more $$$ for yourself because you have become able to appeal to a much wider variety of players and playing styles. Think about it.

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I agree with this post written by Nocturn.


I really don't like this patch (Beware flamers, I don't say that the patch sucks, but I'm saying I don't like it, and it makes ALL the difference...).


I mean, in terms of gameplay, lightsaber fights are now pure comedy : you don't need anymore to take care of your defense, just slash, slash, slash, and slash again and again, until you're lucky enough to hit your opponent. Don't be afraid by any of his saber counterattacks, you'll parry 'em all when both saber will be in contact each other even if YOU are attacking. In FFA guns ON servers, someone will almost kill you and your opponent because saber fights are now really too long. Whatever you do, you'll parry LOTS OF your opponent's attacks.


Efficient saber moves combos are now way toooooo slow, you'll eat force powers most of time without hitting your opponent.


Some guys love that, because there's a feeling of "being in the movie". But wtf ? Are we playing that game in order to get a victory upon our opponent, or are we trying to get the "best saberist styler" Oscar ?


Oh, yeah, the Force...the best counter attack against a mad Jedi rusher...yeah, just push / pull him. Did he fall ? Nice, just turn your back to him, and use the backstab (low stance) or backward slashes in one of the 2 other stances and kill him. Yeah, he will die almost every time...bye bye DFA, hello Backstab...


Force adjustments...oh well Drain is eating more mana now...bah lol..now, using drain will consume your mana at the same speed it consumes the mana of your opponent (I even heard it would drain less mana than it will cost you..hmmm..)..how nice. Don't expect to get nice heals from this power anymore, due to its cost. So you can change your force side to lightside. Why not. Force heal now costs more mana too. Use Absorb, cast 1 heal if you have a lot of mana, and it's over. Now, just watch your opponent killing you with Lightning....blam, you're dead.


I were used to use Drain a lot, and I admit I was a bit powerful. But the nerf almost made this power worthless. Both Heal-type powers are now useless, and I'm afraid that saber fights will now turn in a "grab Health/shields items as fast as you can".


I mainly play Clanwars, which represents for me the best interest of any Quake Like, because it requires good teamplay between members, and needs some basics on strategy, and play a lot on Team FFA guns ON (I think guns were the best way to kill those bitching DFA spammers...), and CTF Guns ON.


Now the guns are pretty worthless....TeamPlay games are pretty fast, so what's the interest of a 4 shots only gun ? (take a repeater or Golan, you won't be able to have more shots than that). Yeah, team FFA wars NEED the alt shot mod, as CTF wars need it too, and I don't think it can be called "spam"...just pull the gun from your opponent, which is quite fast, and kill him with your saber or with his weapon....


Yeah, I agree with that fact "In old FFA guns ON mode, there were a lot of Kill Stealings (ks)", and I know it's a bit frustrating. But when you're playing a clanwar, this kind of problem doesn't exist anymore. And getting KSed in FFA games is part of the game, like KSing other players is, too :D


We can't blame Raven for listening players on their game problems, oh no. The changes made in this patch have been asked by a majority of inexperienced FFA players, not clanwars players, which will, I think, represent the majority of the JK2 community in the near future. This game is quite "young", and some guys started whining about this or that, without trying to find a true way to counter these drawbacks, such as DFA spam or Golan/repeater spam.


I totally understand that all players can't agree with my post, just because some guys are playing to WIN, while other guys are playing for FUN, or in order to make nice moves, etc.


Actually, I think Raven should make an option like Enable/Disable old gameplay style, or something like that, and everyone would be happy.


Enable/Disable option are always the better ways to make everyone happy with their games...


Thanks for reading :D

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Originally posted by Niurath

Actually, I think Raven should make an option like Enable/Disable old gameplay style, or something like that, and everyone would be happy.


Enable/Disable option are always the better ways to make everyone happy with their games...


Hey Raven, if you're reading this.. remember my idea:




1 = new saber style

0 = old one


You could do the same for all things:


A non-involved example:




1 = way it used to be

0 = new ways



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I enjoy all the changes.


I simply suggest that they could retain the old style - like an XP with 98 interface option.


That way people can still upgrade to the new version with all the fancy EAX stuff, but if they prefer the old style, they can play on servers that offer those styles enabled.


Why not make both sides happy?

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Originally posted by Nocturn

None of the real players are happy about this. whether they are saberists or gunners, you've managed to screw the serious players in favor of the newbs.


Accoring to the polls on the main page, that statement is tottaly false, it seems that most people actualy are quite happy about the changes.

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The only change that i REALLY don't like is some of the saber tweaking... i can't seem to kill anybody! In an FFA, i went up against some kid with sabers and we swung at each other for what must have been five minutes, and neither of us died. I think all the tweaks that were made were a step in the right direction, but too big of a step. Pushing some things back a bit would fix a lot of gripes.:fett:

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Vanor, please don't get too much attention to the poll...


I think this patch is great for n00B...


But we are not n00B, we are in clan which made Clanwars and for us (the clan where an other in this thread is) we come from HL where we were in one of the powerfull clan in the world... So i cal speak really knowing what i say... The clanwar players can't like this patch cause if you spent 3 minutes in a sabre duel can you imagine how boiring will be a 20min match???!!!


So ok for the n00B this patch is great... For the experienced players this patch can't be retain... So every good player I know stay on 1.02 version and hope this patch will be backward soon...


But certainly your a n00B too so it is normal you like the patch... I really can't blame you...



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The way I see it.........


1)Gun-players hate the patch.

-I hardly play w/ guns and mainly frag on saber-only servers so I can give no input to this issue.


2)DFA and KICK spammers hate the patch.

-They can no longer mindlessly spam these moves as easily as they could before the patch. I think Raven made a good call as far as making these specific changes;)


3)Pure Saber-Only players for the most part welcome the patch.

-Like myself, the added tweaks and changes to the saber fighting are very welcome in my book.Saber control is not as wild and 'luck-based' as before. Also, the tweak where minimum damage is achieved at the beginning and the end of the attack is vvery cool. Pure max damage is achieved at the peak of the saber swing. In the middle like it should be. This tweak fixes the issue where we were all getting killed by an opponents saber barely touching us. Good call Raven!:D


4)Whiners hate the patch.

-These types of people will whine about any changes or tweaks regarding patches and the game itself. They just need to whine. Plain and Simple!:rolleyes:


...................just my .02 S!TH-Sense:p ;)

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I agree with Nocturn and eSTeG. IF you were ever an experienced gamer, IF you played the game for a while before, played HL or any other GOOD game, you would realize what this patch is doing!


If you can't comprehend past your new saber style and lack of force powers (whats a jedi who can't use force?) then you shouldn't be playing this game. Go back to playing child games where everyone wins. OTHERWISE, you realize that drain, grip, kick, DFA, and all that were moves practiced, perfected, stylized by people who CAN play. I can't do DFA or saber battle. So when I played today (05.07.02) I was screwed. No FORCE.


I think IF you were better than n00b then you would realize this game has been prison raped by n00bs. I am completely boycotting this piece of trash.


I curse the day that this patch came out. I curse Raven for concieving of killing their own game.



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New patch has ruined the game.

1. The Double Tap on the forward kick.


Only a 75% chance of pulling this off while runing head on to a player. Look the whole thing about kicking was to use it for two resons. Out of force powers. Running up and kicking someone off the edge was AWESOME instead of just using push.

Second. To bring back the kick to the standard way was if tired of someone talking trash all the time. All you had to do was Keep your saber withdrawn and just kick him to death. Killing a player with just kick no saber was The best feeling there ever was in gamming.


The invisiable absorb.

Lame now players just keep it on the whole time with all the push's they recieve the force powers will be rechared forever. Healing is way to easy now Not to mention just standing on a bridge getting a endless supply of powers for pushing an pulling people off the otherside's.


Drain shortened


Why not just make so the Darkside can't heal at all. Using it on two guys with this new and aproved Asorb is worthless. Read statement above to see why.


Walking with Gripe.

Just lame. Fun of being dark was running sideways on walls with them or other cool move's that could be done. All a player had to do was hit absorb and his force powers would of Double making grip Draging inposable to be done. Dark Side players it's your fault you didn't drain him before this could be done to you.


Protect. and Dark Rage.

Why not enable GOD MODE. with the Blue saber the way it is and the less damage sabers do anyways no way you can loose. Not to mention Drain deminishs force powers so quickly that a good chance you won't have enuff to use to stop them.




Just bring back the old style's or turn down blue some. Pink is fine though. Yellow is so bad now.


People now spam with blue just walk duck hit forward attack or back stab. The damage is so weak with sabers now game play take's to long for duals. I dualed a guy for 8 minute's onther for 7 and one for 11. Borring. To prove a point I went to the rest room backed in a corner with blue came back to the game and was still alive after the pounding I took for the other dueler.



All you had to do was tone down pink some and sabers would of been fine the way they where.





Well welcome to the lighting Fest now. Since sabers do little damage and Drain eats up so much this force power will be the hotest thing out there. Doing a good bit of damage with a saber then just light up the room with it or be the third or fouth player to use it in a row.


Game was fun with some impovement may of been needed but to change the game style completely is just LAME...


All a player had to do was manage his force powers to counter attack the others. As a Light side player I would hit absorb and run to lighting for recharging or keep just enuff in the force supply to counter a grip. When doing this this took my powers from a quarter empty to almost full. Now I would pull that player to my feed and saber him while he was getting up. Or would just push him off the ledge or do a backflip kick to knock him down to save the force powers that I took from him.



See All Around on Counter Strike..

No but wait didn't the 1.4 patch ruine that one also.


Tribe's II anyone?



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full agree with some of u


i think this patch is simply not for hard gamers but just a way for occasionnaly player...


i guess if Raven/Lucas want keep hard gamers players who look for fun in a different way from this patch ( clan war can t be played with it... it make the game really bored ) they will need to patch back... i prefer simply keep DFA spam and gunner spam !

at this time after tryed the new patch i keep play with the old version...

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