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Disabling Red Stance


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Now that we are all customizing our servers, I was wondering if we could disable red stance? I was told if you have Level 2 Saber Attack, you can't use red stance. Is it possible to only allow Level 2 Saber Attack? If it is, would that decrease the damage of your Lightsaber in any way?

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My understanding is that saber attack levels only affect which stances you can use--not the damage done. Saber defense affects how well (number, speed, arc) you can deflect projectiles. I'm not sure if saber defense helps you block saber attacks--it may.


Now, I don't know of any way to specifically restrict saber attack level to 2. I'm not sure how many force points someone gets at g_maxForceRank 0, but you might see if that limits them enough.

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  • 4 weeks later...

U could always do this

\g_forcepowerdisable 32768

Also, set the server to saber-only

This will make everyone run around with only the electric prod thing :D


I've done a bit of experimenting with saber attack and defense...

Saber offense has no effect on how much damage you do, only the style you can use (level 1 for blue, level 2 for b+y, and level 3 for b+y+r). Saber defense increases the rate at which you block, and also the arc in which you block attacks from sabers and projectiles.

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At this point, there is no way to specifically disable Red stance as opposed to the other stances. Although you can reduce the number of force points players have to spend, if they spend them all on saber attack, they can still get to red stance.

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