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Make MP skins with different surfaces on/off


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I just checked with folks in the modeling dept. and the only way to add surfaces is to create a new model with those surfaces. I had been hoping to add a holster to my character, but was told that in order to do that, I'd have to create an entirely new model, something that, as of yet, I have no idea how to do. But... from what I hear, the program costs something like 3500 smackaroos.

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HI, well i extracted the jan player and added the .surf file just like you posted earlier. . .


surfOff "hips_chaps torso_computer head_goggles torso_comp hips_belt l_hand_watch"

surfOn "hips_augment_off"


I'm assuming that the """surfOn "hips_augment_off""" line replaces the hip belt so that her hip is not transparent no?


I paked it up, named it jan.pk3 and threw it in my base folder. Well in multi the hip was still transparent. The other stuff worked though. Please help? tell me why the replacement didnt' cover up the transparency???


Also, none of it worked in single player, i have the 103 patch, deleted the saves, restarted the game and jan showed up with all her accessories on. Please help?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Madjai

the link is now to a duel map...


that's just my luck. :mad:


it figures ... now that i actually NEED to use this tutorial, it's nowhere to be found. i'm kind of understanding the whole surface on/off thing, but not completely. anybody know somewhere else we can find this tut to download for our own good?

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sorry but which tut you talking of? there is a link above that is to a quake skin, but i don't see a link for a tut. Are you looking for a tut that tells you how to turn surfaces on/off or are you looking for a tut that tells you how to build a model from scratch?

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Originally posted by Bell

Are you looking for a tut that tells you how to turn surfaces on/off or are you looking for a tut that tells you how to build a model from scratch?


just a tut of some sort that tells how to turn surfaces on/off. know where i can find one?

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