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empire propaganda

some god

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anyone out there hapen to have some pictures of empire propaganda posters and banners? or maybe made some? :)


well i am making a map of a city that has recently been taken over by the empire so there are thire banners and propaganda posters everywhere hehe ;)


so if anyone got something like this can you e-mail it to me some_god@vapulus.com or just post links to pics here :)


if not il have to make some time so i can create the stuff :(:)

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Psychology has shown that RED white and black are the colours to cause the greatest imapct on people. Hitler used these colours to spread his influence and the Nazi's beliefs. I suggest you use them also add it will an an aufentic feel to your map.

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Have a picture of a stormtrooper pointing at the viewer with the text "Hey! You, there!" above him.


And "The empire wants YOU!" beneath him.


;P ;]



On a more serious note, how about just a large imperial symbol, and the text "Bringing order to the galaxy" beneath it. Perhaps go dig up the truetype font (search for it on google) called Aurabesh. That's the alphabet the empire commonly uses.


You could even hide an easter egg in one of the banners, writing a message in the aurabesh font reading "Hi mom!" or something similar. ;]




Or perhaps a spoof on George Orwells book: 1984


"Big Brother is watching you", then have a picture of the emperor or darth vader instead of big brother.


Or the 3 slogans of The Party (again in 1984)





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thanks for the font :) it is kinda hard to read it tho so i might aswell put in "hey you there" :p:D


i guess il look at some nazi/kommie propaganda posters and imitate a litle hehe ;)


but grr what color to use... i mean any color even pink can be made to put the fear of erm... me into people :p but what should i do not to confuse people... keep it red or like in the movies... dilemas dilemas, guess il make it black and white until i figure it out

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