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New Patches Saber Swings - More Or Less Control?


Does the new patch provide better control over your saber?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. Does the new patch provide better control over your saber?

    • Yes, it\'s way tighter, it now goes exactly where I want it to go!
    • No, it\'s much more random than it was before!

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I believe the new patched light/medium/heavy saber is much more controllable.


It doesn't swing in random directions each time you hit fire, but rather it goes in the same exact place.


The control is super precise.


Please don't discuss ANYTHING ELSE except for the 'feel of the saber swing's.

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The way I see it.........


1)Gun-players hate the patch.

-I hardly play w/ guns and mainly frag on saber-only servers so I can give no input to this issue.


2)DFA and KICK spammers hate the patch.

-They can no longer mindlessly spam these moves as easily as they could before the patch. I think Raven made a good call as far as making these specific changes;)


3)Pure Saber-Only players for the most part welcome the patch.

-Like myself, the added tweaks and changes to the saber fighting are very welcome in my book.Saber control is not as wild and 'luck-based' as before. Also, the tweak where minimum damage is achieved at the beginning and the end of the attack is vvery cool. Pure max damage is achieved at the peak of the saber swing. In the middle like it should be. This tweak fixes the issue where we were all getting killed by an opponents saber barely touching us. Good call Raven!:D


4)Whiners hate the patch.

-These types of people will whine about any changes or tweaks regarding patches and the game itself. They just need to whine. Plain and Simple!:rolleyes:


...................just my .02 S!TH-Sense:p ;)


........I'm doin' alright NewbJedi;)

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Well, I'm neither a whiner nor a gunner or a fda/kick spammer, but I still think saber-combat was better before.


What I think that really ruins the saberfights ins the hugely increased auto-blocking. 9 out of 10 times you slash someone (doesn't matter what stance), it gets blocked....

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i am neither a kick spammer or a DFA spammer, and i do not like this new patch because of the insane amount of blocking, i do think the control feels tighter, just wish the animations were not jerky and the blocking is HORRIBLE ! i can just stand there in a corner and not even touch my mouse and be invulnerable untill someone gets bored and hits me with DFA or a back stab. It seems like the only way you can hit someone is when they are in midswing and this causes a LOT of turtle-ing were 2 people just run around waiting for the first person to swing. Also the difficutly in hitting someone with a saber has caused a lot more of spammy force power deaths, i mean if the fight is going to take 10 minutes thats PLENTY of time for someone to finaly get in that force push over a cliff, or heal themselves umpteenth thousand times.....


and sithinator, try to learn to support your opinions with logic other than crap like


who were too comfortable with thier skill-less fragging sprees! -GO HOME AND CRY TO MOMMA!


hows this, we will go home to momma once you get a brain cell.....

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Blocking was basicly exactly as it was in the original Jedi Knight, if you stand still and don't swing your saber you'll block every attack, you're only vulnerable to attacks when you're swinging it (or if its disarmed of course).


i absolutly LOVE the saber combat in multiplayer now, myself :D

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Heh, it's pretty cool....except the backstabs seem a bit cheesy, but oh well.


I love how with light stance, if you manage to knock someone down, just go up to them and backstab =)


Light stance's backstab has been toned up a LOT...although you usually have to do constant saber damage to kill them (that is, if they don't walk out of it fast enough). Seems to be 100 damage now, and with 25 shields, shields gone+most health. Am I right?


Heavy stance has a WICKED twist backstab too...

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One of the features of regular red swings was they had more range, that range has been taken away. Red swings used to react just fine, but after this patch they respond strangely. The red swings are faster an do less damage. This just perpetuates the never ending saber duels with heal/drain all day long cause you cant seem to get a hit to end it. Fast swings equal less control. Cant they figure this out? Slow the swings, ALL SWINGS down. Add more special attacks.


The red strike(A+F+J) change i think was bad, because it didnt actually help. The red strike still kills with one hit. They just made it so you cant move around as you land now.

I think they need to change it back to the way it was, and just make it so it doesnt kill with a single hit, make it do half the damage it was doing.

Thats why people hated and still hate it a single hit kill is retarded.


For the love of god, change the flipkick back to the way it was!

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Alright, here's my two cents.


As a LONG time player of JK1, I was disappointed from the get go with JK2 sabers. I perfered the feeling of direct control I got from JK1. However, I learned to adapt, and became proficient in there use, and eventaully learned to enjoy them, even if I never quite got over my initial dissapointment.


Now we get the patch, and I must say that I litterally HATE jk2 sabers now. First issue, blue stance. This is friggin rediculous. Spinning like a top at 500 mph? It's insane. Yellow? The removal of the yellow spin was a big mistake imho. Sure, you can still chanin a few spins together with some tricky strafing, but it's as slow as the red stance, the manuver required to do it in the first place almost guarantees you'll miss with the 2nd and 3rd swings anyway, and thus imho is quite useless. Now red. I like the way the jump slash was handled. It's still quite powerful, but at least it requires a bit more skill to use. You can't just spin around on the ground and kill someone who walks into you. It's still quite useful, but has a draw back, wich is good balancing imho. However, the rest of red is again changed for the worse. It's a bit faster, which is a good thing, but the damage seems to have been reduced way too much, again, in my opinion.


Baically, overall I found 1.02 sabers much more enjoyable and intuitive. In short, saber fights are quite boring now to me. Granted, they weren't perfect, but this patch is definately a step in the wrong direction. I can't comment on force powers as I haven't tried the 'new' ones yet, however, between these rediculous saber 'enhancements' and the CRAP way they handled the guns (again, a case of something that could have used a fix anyway, and they wen't in literally the OPOSITE direction they should have), I'm VERY disappointed by this patch. If this is an indication of the direction Raven will be going with future patches, I will move on to another game quite soon, unless the competitive community at large maintains using the 1.02 patch. Either way, I won't be on any servers with the 1.03 patch anytime soon. I am now going to resintall JK2 without this rediculous patch and hope for a more intelligent update from Raven soon.

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