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Patch bad?


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Why exactly does everybody hate the patch so much? I havent played with weapons yet, since all the servers that I could find that use 1.03 are sabre only, but the ammo thing cant be that terrible. Learn to aim, gunners, one of the biggest problems that people had with the game previously was spamming of various weapons. (I ahd no problem with it, but when in Rome...)


I loved how they tweaked the DFA. I fought a DFA spammer today, he couldnt play for **** now. Everytime he'd spam the DFA, I'd just step to the side and whack him in the back and he buried his sabre. It was great. Previously, I'd have to stay away or I'd die.


Sabre fighting is cool now, IMHO. Sure, it takes longer, but it feels more realistic, as though its actually a real sabre fight. But thats just my opinion, dont flame me on it.


The only problem I have is the flipkick, the old way is much better.


But people are calling the game "unplayable" because of this. I dont get it.


So please, list out exactly why you dont like the patch. No editorials, no flames. Just a list in 1. 2. 3. format. And dont flame, please, do not flame.



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1. The Double Tap on the forward kick.


Only a 75% chance of pulling this off while runing head on to a player. Look the whole thing about kicking was to use it for two resons. Out of force powers. Running up and kicking someone off the edge was AWESOME instead of just using push.

Second. To bring back the kick to the standard way was if tired of someone talking trash all the time. All you had to do was Keep your saber withdrawn and just kick him to death. Killing a player with just kick no saber was The best feeling there ever was in gamming.


The invisiable absorb.

Lame now players just keep it on the whole time with all the push's they recieve the force powers will be rechared forever. Healing is way to easy now Not to mention just standing on a bridge getting a endless supply of powers for pushing an pulling people off the otherside's.


Drain shortened


Why not just make so the Darkside can't heal at all. Using it on two guys with this new and aproved Asorb is worthless. Read statement above to see why.


Walking with Gripe.

Just lame. Fun of being dark was running sideways on walls with them or other cool move's that could be done. All a player had to do was hit absorb and his force powers would of Double making grip Draging inposable to be done. Dark Side players it's your fault you didn't drain him before this could be done to you.


Protect. and Dark Rage.

Why not enable GOD MODE. with the Blue saber the way it is and the less damage sabers do anyways no way you can loose. Not to mention Drain deminishs force powers so quickly that a good chance you won't have enuff to use to stop them.




Just bring back the old style's or turn down blue some. Pink is fine though. Yellow is so bad now.


People now spam with blue just walk duck hit forward attack or back stab. The damage is so weak with sabers now game play take's to long for duals. I dualed a guy for 8 minute's onther for 7 and one for 11. Borring. To prove a point I went to the rest room backed in a corner with blue came back to the game and was still alive after the pounding I took for the other dueler.



All you had to do was tone down pink some and sabers would of been fine the way they where.





Well welcome to the lighting Fest now. Since sabers do little damage and Drain eats up so much this force power will be the hotest thing out there. Doing a good bit of damage with a saber then just light up the room with it or be the third or fouth player to use it in a row.


Game was fun with some impovement may of been needed but to change the game style completely is just LAME...


All a player had to do was manage his force powers to counter attack the others. As a Light side player I would hit absorb and run to lighting for recharging or keep just enuff in the force supply to counter a grip. When doing this this took my powers from a quarter empty to almost full. Now I would pull that player to my feed and saber him while he was getting up. Or would just push him off the ledge or do a backflip kick to knock him down to save the force powers that I took from him.



See Around on Counter Strike..



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