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JKII+Raden 64 Vivo = Really Really Dark


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If any one out there knows what I can do to get my Raden 64mb Vivo video card, XP, and JKII to work proberly I would be greatful. When ever I play it the graphics are really dark and I have no control over them. I have the latest driver but I am not sure what else I can do.



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First look for r_ignorehwgamma in jk2config.cfg/jk2mpconfig . It should be set to 1 ( 0 disables the gamma slider in setup ).


You can also try these commands:

r_gamma "x" ( 1 is default, setting it higher will increase brightness)

r_ext_gamma_control ( ?? )


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what u do is never get the latest drivers..... are they 6071???? cause what u should do is use 6015 which is pretty damm stable..... with the most oddest hardware rig u can have....


another thing u could do is to go to the more video section of the configuration and adjust the brightness there....

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