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THE NEW DFA's (multiple)


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you really should have made the swirling backstabs along with light backstab freeze the player.


These are in fact much easier to do now and much more devistating...i just got 60 kills in 20 minutes using only the medium backstab teqnique. Wait till the newbies get a hold of this one.


Not to mention its even easier to do now.


The heavy backstab does INSANE AMOUNTS of damage.


and now that you have to get CLOSER in to kill people it really tears **** up. both of them.


hell even the light one kicks serious ass now.


Dont believe me? wait a while..you'll see.


These are so easy I think their WORSE then DFA.


Very few dfa's could get 60 kills a 20 minute game...I had 60..the closest had 20. And this is THE new patch mind you. Kills are supposed to be hard to get.

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I have run into nothing but heavy-stance, backstab-spamming losers tonight. I'm coining the phrase "janitors" since they seem to do nothing except sweep the damn floor. It's even worse than the heavy-stance DFA was before the patch. Duels are pointless now, you inevitably run into some skill-less moron with a script for knockdown/sweep, and it's over before you can adjust for the lag. The only way to win is to pretend you're one of the new bots, and just keep running away and spamming lightning as you go.


Sad... very sad. I had high hopes for this patch, it was looking really good... now I don't even want to play any more. Oh well. Maybe next patch.

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I've been killed by the floor mop very seldom. As soon as you see yourself get pulled start clickin away at your jump button and holding back while you do it. You will get up and backflip out of there before he can finish the move most of the time. Some people are just very good and time it perfectly though and can still get you. But its not something just anyone can all the time. You can get away.

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In 1-on-1 fights that are in open environments, sure, you can escape some of the time. Most of what I saw tonight was happening so fast you didn't even have time to dodge, and in boards with low ceilings and narrow passages where you can't jump away after a knockdown, you're screwed 99% of the time.


I'm not usually knocked down all that often, but it almost seems worse after this patch. It's just not worth playing if all I get to do is mash the jump button every 5 seconds. Every loser is spamming this crap now... MP is dead as far as I'm concerned.

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Yes the new paluge has arrvied games are over in about 8 mintuens. I saw a guy kill 4 F0CKING people with one swing. More kills are now made facing away form an oppent then facing toward him. This is going to get out of hand real quick and After saying good things about the patch. Im gonna have to stop using it this backslash **** is to much it destroys anythign eles good that came out of this patch. Sorry I don't like to say it but Raven blundered badly on this one IMO.

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After playing some last night and noticing how many people got *REALLY* close to me trying to gangbang me I tried doing the backstab sweep.. *clunk* two kills in the bucket in one slice. It's not something new that got added in the patch, its the same old backstabs of old, its just that once the DFA became popular people stopped using the "trip you then run around you and backstab" moves.

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the light backstab always kicked ass if you were quick enough to time it right,


i personally rarely used the red dtance anyway cos it had the feeling of moving through treacle (at least to me).


it's just gonna take a while to get used to the new dynamic etc, i think that judgement should be reserved for at least a week before leaping to conclusions about how this patch has "ruined the game" etc.


Good players are good players, eventually they'll be just as efficient as they were pre patch, these things just take time.

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Originally posted by zufuss

you really should have made the swirling backstabs along with light backstab freeze the player.


These are in fact much easier to do now and much more devistating...i just got 60 kills in 20 minutes using only the medium backstab teqnique. Wait till the newbies get a hold of this one.


Not to mention its even easier to do now.


The heavy backstab does INSANE AMOUNTS of damage.


and now that you have to get CLOSER in to kill people it really tears **** up. both of them.


hell even the light one kicks serious ass now.


Dont believe me? wait a while..you'll see.


These are so easy I think their WORSE then DFA.


Very few dfa's could get 60 kills a 20 minute game...I had 60..the closest had 20. And this is THE new patch mind you. Kills are supposed to be hard to get.


Yup, one day after the patch and every game I have played has these *******s.

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It was always this good. In fact, it was better, before you would paste them on the wind-up and the wind down as well as the main swing. It is only b/c other moves are more difficult now it is done.


Raven have said they will attend to it in the next patch, making pull, sweep combo work less well.

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wow, I'm truly amazed at how this game went from being a close-to-great game to a boring button mashing nerf-fest. People literally duel with their back to you now. I really hope raven dramatically decreases the damage on the revserse slash and backwards stabs- better yet take them out. If someone needs to attack behind them, then they can spins their a$$ around 180 and swing normally. I really don't care if the force effects were dramatically reduced, but saber WERE real strong point of the game. All the style and strategy is now gone. I understand if noobs complain because they get whopped up on. Guess what we were all noobs once and if there is no chance to improve your skills, then why keep playing. Sabers need to be changed back to the way they were in 1.02 when there was an actual skill associated to saber battles. In addition to the pullsweepers please get rid of the "headless chicken syndrome as well as the "Janitors" (thanks Yakko, janitors is a perfect description) aka "backwards duellers", reverse nerfs, blind jedi etc.

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wow, I'm truly amazed at how this game went from being a close-to-great game to a boring button mashing nerf-fest. People literally duel with their back to you now. I really hope raven dramatically decreases the damage on the revserse slash and backwards stabs- better yet take them out. If someone needs to attack behind them, then they can spins their a$$ around 180 and swing normally. I really don't care if the force effects were dramatically reduced, but saber WERE real strong point of the game. All the style and strategy is now gone. I understand if noobs complain because they get whooped up on. Guess what, we were all noobs once and if there is no chance to improve your skills, then why keep playing. Sabers need to be changed back to the way they were in 1.02 when there was an actual skill associated to saber battles. In addition to the pullsweepers please get rid of the "headless chicken syndrome as well as the "Janitors" (thanks Yakko, janitors is a perfect description) aka "backwards duellers", reverse nerfs, blind jedi etc.

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wow, I'm truly amazed at how this game went from being a close-to-great game to a boring button mashing nerf-fest. People literally duel with their back to you now. I really hope raven dramatically decreases the damage on the revserse slash and backwards stabs- better yet take them out. If someone needs to attack behind them, then they can spins their a$$ around 180 and swing normally. I really don't care if the force effects were dramatically reduced, but saber WERE real strong point of the game. All the style and strategy is now gone. I understand if noobs complain because they get whooped up on. Guess what, we were all noobs once and if there is no chance to improve your skills, then why keep playing. Sabers need to be changed back to the way they were in 1.02 when there was an actual skill associated to saber battles. In addition to the pullsweepers please get rid of the "headless chicken syndrome" as well as the "Janitors" (thanks Yakko, janitors is a perfect description) aka "backwards duellers", reverse nerfs, blind jedi etc.

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wow, I'm truly amazed at how this game went from being a close-to-great game to a boring button mashing nerf-fest. People literally duel with their back to you now. I really hope raven dramatically decreases the damage on the revserse slash and backwards stabs- better yet take them out. If someone needs to attack behind them, then they can spins their a$$ around 180 and swing normally. I really don't care if the force effects were dramatically reduced, but saber WERE real strong point of the game. All the style and strategy is now gone. I understand if noobs complain because they get whooped up on. Guess what, we were all noobs once and if there is no chance to improve your skills, then why keep playing. Sabers need to be changed back to the way they were in 1.02 when there was an actual skill associated to saber battles. In addition to the pullsweepers please get rid of the "headless chicken syndrome" as well as the "Janitors" (thanks Yakko, janitors is a perfect description) aka "backwards duellers", reverse nerfs, blind jedi etc.

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wow, I'm truly amazed at how this game went from being a close-to-great game to a boring button mashing nerf-fest. People literally duel with their back to you now. I really hope raven dramatically decreases the damage on the revserse slash and backwards stabs- better yet take them out. If someone needs to attack behind them, then they can spins their a$$ around 180 and swing normally. I really don't care if the force effects were dramatically reduced, but saber WERE real strong point of the game. All the style and strategy is now gone. I understand if noobs complain because they get whooped up on. Guess what, we were all noobs once and if there is no chance to improve your skills, then why keep playing. Sabers need to be changed back to the way they were in 1.02 when there was an actual skill associated to saber battles. In addition to the pullsweepers please get rid of the "headless chicken syndrome" as well as the "Janitors" (thanks Yakko, janitors is a perfect description) aka "backwards duellers", reverse nerfs, blind jedi etc.

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Yes. The new DFA (now redefined - cheap and powerful shots). I think Raven's should make more new DFA's so they balance out each other lol


I say, Raven tweaked those DFA's into weaker combos, and make more combos so lightsaber duels take some skills.

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Nerfing is evil !!


They already nerfed the sabers (due to propostrous blocking) and guns (are blocked very easily in primary mode, and the secondary mode takes waay too much ammo now) into nothingness...


I'd like to see everything returned to what it was...




Have the DFA receive the same tweak as in the v1.03 patch (non-turnable)


Make backpedalling (sp?) go at about 75% of running speed (to catch up with the cowards who always keep running, and to make thesaber battles more interesting,as you cannot just go back and front dodging attacks anymore)


Increase the damage OR the speed of blue... (40 damage or 25% speed increase would be just right, I guess, to make it more usefull)


Make heal use a bit more force than first, but not as much as in v1.03... (25hp for 3 blocks seems good on level 3)


Let absorb be invisible, have no (or almost none, like half a block) activation cost, but eat about half a block per sec of force to have it maintained.


Drain should have 200% efficiency, in other words, draining someone's full force meter should use up only half your force meter. Catch is, it should take 7-10 secs of continued draining to fully drain someone. One full force meter drained = 75hp seems about right to me. If the drain is absorbed, it should give no health to the drainer, and give force to the absorber in a rate of about 1/2 of what the drainer spent.


Push and Pull should work on someone who turned on absorb, but only with 50% effect. Knocking people over with Pull/Push when they're absorbing should be impossible. Push and Pull should also need less force power when used on someone with a gun.


Mind Trick, Dark Rage, Seeing, Speed, etc... was all perfectly fine, no changes needed there.


Remember that al these changes are what I think should be done to the PRE-patch gameplay, in other words, undo any changes the patch did, then apply these changes. IMO it should make for balanced, competitive gameplay.


Now, to adress the issue of people wanting to have a more movie-like, we could include an extra RPG/Movie option, to switch to the new style, with lots of blocks.

Competitive style (or normal style) with the same blocking ratio as first should be default. I think that we could please everyone with this option.


(BTW, some people say there's less randomness in the patch due to th efact that now, when you slash while standing stilml, you have always the same slash. I agree that it should have been like that in the first version, this, too, along with the tweaked dfa, should have been different in the release version.)


I'm gonna post this again in the patch feedback thread, see what other people think of this...


Comments, anyone ? :)

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I like the current changes. Yours aren't bad but I like all the blance changes.


It just absolutely disgusts me to see morons running ass backwards into fights.


I only really want them to change that.


Im afraid once they do that all these whores will just find another trick.


ANYTHING but having to learn how to use a saber.

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What I cannot believe is how the "janitor" move, or even the backswing in general has attained this spam status on here. You people are acting like it didn't exist before!


IT DID! As someone pointed out it was MUCH worse in the previous version as it had the capacity to hit one person three different times and do its damage.


I know, bcz I became pretty darn efficient doing it. The light backstab and medium and yellow backswings are powerful. I never run ass backwards into a fight though or did the 'janitor' My tactic was to use it as I'm running away from someone. They follow you to finish you off, thinking, ahahah he's scared. :) Surprise!


If you want to hate that move, fine. But don't blame this patch for it. It may well become the new DFA, but DFA itself wasn't the problem (aside from hit detection). It was the fact that people spammed it all server and used it as their only way of killing someone.


If they remove the backswing, those same people who spammed DFA and backswing, will find something else to spam. People spam moves, moves don't spam themselves. Once the miscreants move on to UT2003 or SOF2 or the FPS dujour I can guarantee you'll see the on-line community become much less spammy.




TO REPEAT...BACKSWING WAS ALWAYS THERE AND HAS BEEN WEAKENED IN THIS PATCH. Check out Artifex's excellent saber guide if you don't believe me. Or heck reload v1.02 and see for yourself!

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If you see someone running ass backwards into a fight there are so many things you can do it almost makes it laughable.


For starters they can't see where you are so you can move out of the way. If you're a light jedi, mindtrick is very effective. The instant they start their swing you can force push. Heck if they are running at you in a straight line, maybe a DFA is in order!


So in duels I don't see it as much of a problem. FFA - maybe it can rack up the kills but it's not like its uncounterable. I recall even blocking the backswing on a few occasions last night. Light stance works wonders!



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