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Escape from Bespin


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Doesn't anyone one here think the results of the contest was crap? Other than Escape from Hoth, which will crash on most peoples computers, but I have a newer version. Harvok was ok, but not nessesarly worth a Grand Prize. The Ewok one crashes right away, like its not even a SWGB .scx file. Could be a SWGB:CC .scx file though, LucasArts could have saved it as that. The Escape from Bespin one was horrible. Not only was it poorly balaced, but after I got through it, it wouldn't even let you win. The author didn't make very good use of instructions on what you have to do either.


I think LucasArts just took a handful of the scenarios and choose the best out of those. The scenario I sent them was definately better than the ones they choose (it competes with Escape from Hoth at least). I don't think they even played my scenario. And if you think I'm just saying that cause I might be someone who just thinks their scenarios are the best, then see for yourself: Battle of the Gungans


I'm not the only one who was dissapointed with the results of this contest either: Scenario Contest winners !!!!

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agrees, Ewok crashed(I think thats for the best), Harkov was good, but had a major bug at the end, so that when I tried to go into Mon Mothmas base, they shot and killed my forces.Escape from Hoth was shear brilliance, Cloud city was pretty poor.

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