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All 5 SP Stances in MP cheat mode??


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Well... on SP when you type "setforceall 5", it brings all forces to lvl 5 if possible.


Saber Attack also increases to 5. Level 3 saber attack consists of 3 stances: Blue, Yellow, Red. 5 consists of 5 stances: Blue, Blue #2, Yellow, Red, Red #2.


So until a way is found to increase your skill levels Beyond 3 on Multiplayer.. Then you can't have 5 stances on MP.

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I wrote a hack that can do it... there are quite a few things you can hack in the game... but wtf, why would you even want to have more than one blue and red stance? It just causes more confusion when you are playing...


You cannot do special moves in the alternate stances... they would have no actual use whatsoever.

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