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Drain/Heal comparrison post patch


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Heal lvl 3

cost 50% heals 25


drain lvl 3

heals depending on force lvl of opponent

will get some 5-15 each use, and keep opponent from force use if you use it often


In essence it's now easier to heal with force drain than with heal

is it just me or is this a sure sign that heal is totaly gimped now ?


See you on the dark side



-former light side

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light side has a foolproof heal, you could run away into a corner and chain heal until you get back up, a dark side user has to find a target, exposing their wounded selves to death, and even then they might not get healed *at all* dependent on their force level. stop whining.

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hey hey, SaberPro long time no see :) We should have a couple matches.


oh um.. about this thread - I agree Drain 'r' win =D


Heal is good too... but I'm not a lightie, Absorb is extremely useful for lighties for example:


Stage 1: The Lighty;


Light user: *turns on absorb just before going into action*

Dark User: *Charges and grips*

Dark User: "Oh crap he had absorb on" *looses 'mana' and absorb user gains*

Light User: Force Push/Pull spams dark user

Dark User: "nooOo, I'm outta here" *runs away*

Light User: Saber throws into darkies back


:fett: MATCH! GAME SET! 1- 0 :fett:


I'd say that the lighties get the upper advantage with "absorb" whoring nowadays. (especially when you can't see the times they are using it - so you have to keep a close ear to the sounds)


Cheers ;)

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Originally posted by AB_Legion

hey hey, SaberPro long time no see :) We should have a couple matches.


oh um.. about this thread - I agree Drain 'r' win =D


Heal is good too... but I'm not a lightie, Absorb is extremely useful for lighties for example:


Stage 1: The Lighty;


Light user: *turns on absorb just before going into action*

Dark User: *Charges and grips*

Dark User: "Oh crap he had absorb on" *looses 'mana' and absorb user gains*

Light User: Force Push/Pull spams dark user

Dark User: "nooOo, I'm outta here" *runs away*

Light User: Saber throws into darkies back


:fett: MATCH! GAME SET! 1- 0 :fett:


I'd say that the lighties get the upper advantage with "absorb" whoring nowadays. (especially when you can't see the times they are using it - so you have to keep a close ear to the sounds)


Cheers ;)


Hey Legion :) See ya on zone sometimes but I was doing my homework :lol:


Now Force Absorb is unpenetratable...I was thinking that Force Push or Force Pull should have special effects on them since they are like the Ysarimi (however u spell that) now except they can use Force powers...or Absorb should only take CERTAIN AMOUNT of mana...so it shuts down after a certain amount..just like Force Protect :)

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Force absorb is a pain now, i'll agree, but i don't find it unbeatable, Crank up the sound abit and it's quite easy to hear it :p


But i doo think it's weird that force drain is more effective for healing than heal is, and that one about needing a target well big deal, on a duel server how hard is that to provide not to mention dodging and evasion is alot easier with the changes to saber combat, though i really like those changes hehe, makes it more a game of skill than pure luck.

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absorb isn't too mcuh different than JK's version now.


The problem is, they nerfed every other damn thing in the game, so it seems ridiculously strong. I'm glad they at least made *somthing* worth using.




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Speaking of unbeatable try force drain/force lightning combo, that one is even easier to pull of now than it was before the patch.


Absorb can be stopped just dodge the opponent for a while and don't depend on grip, push, pull, lightning to kill him for you and you should have no problems, takes about 1min to run out of force power using absorb only if you don't jump or use force otherwise.

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Unfortunately, if yer on a level with drops, anybody using absorb has about a lil under a minute to toss people over the edge while they're immune.


Also, in a ff ctf match, theres not a crapload you can do to stop them anymore. The guns are too weak now to kill them, you can't really push them, you've gotta waist 5 minutes trying to kill them with a heavily weakened saber and if they just ignore you they can get away with yer goofy flag untouched.


If everything else hadn't been nerfed, i wouldn't even mention it, i'd be happy that they thru somthing in that didn't suck. Everything in the game should be that powerful.




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Drain is far more powerful than heal, especially in duel matches. You can put absorb on, but that does not help you against throw/push combo. Absorb runs out pretty fast in battle, and if you are hurt and cannot evade your opponent long enough to build up force for heal, you are dead. Wave upon wave of drain will leech all your force away, leaving you on little health facing someone on full health. You can be drained continuously, without ever been able to put absorb on. Absorb would only give a few seconds of freedom anyway, at the expense of your force, thus achieving the same result as drain = keeping your force on nothing. Without force it is only a matter of time before the dark jedi kills you. And to that fool who posted about 'chain healing' I say try it sometime...that is if you have a spare 5 minutes to use up 2 whole bars of force. And finding a target, yeah that is SO hard...

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Comparing Drain to Heal is absolutely no contest. Drain wins every time. If two saberists are fighting and one is using drain while the other heals. Drain will most likely win cause it depletes your opponents force pool as you're healing. Even if they use absorb it doesnt last all that long just rush in and attack. you can recharge whatever hp you lose in a few seconds anyways. Thus your opponent may be able to heal once while you continue to drain them. Also level 3 heal takes what like 5 bars or so? while drain takes 2? given these stats the drain user's hp can only go up while the heal user's can only go down. Also running into a group of people with level 3 drain = 100 hp in like 1-2 seconds for a cost of 2-3 force bars. Try doing that with heal. all in all there is basically no contest. besides when you are playing MP who wants to go hide in a corner waiting for force to recharge so you can heal while you can be out slaughtering people? wait to heal vs drain other people then kill them... hrmm hard choice eh?

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