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Overlooking the Obvious...

Havoc Stryphe

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First of all, let me point out that is neither meant as infalmmatory nor is it meant to incite rioting in the forums. It is merely my observation of the last month and a suggestion to help facilitate a "friendlier" and constructive online community. That being said, I'm now going to piss the majority of you off... ;)


Raven has listened to you for the last month, even though you made it difficult to want to. Complaining malisciously, making deragotory comments and being, in general, very negative. In spite of that fact, Raven corrected most of the issues you voiced and made known. Yes, I am well aware that Force Grip was not an issue voiced here on the boards, but perhaps it was taken issue by the patch developers after the other changes were made. All in all, it was a fast turn-around for a first patch by Raven and very true to what you asked for. Yet you continue to berate and verbally abuse those who, despite your disrespect and extreme attitudes, have been trying to make your gaming experience a better one.


After watching this community for the last month, I have come to a simple yet profound conclusion: The majority of you might as well stop complaining and demanding another patch. Why, you ask? Simple: because it won't make you happy. Here's why: When you first purchased Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast, opened the box, installed it and finally played it, there were initial issues that you felt needed corrected or did not seem the most effecient implementation in the game. This is a normal reaction. It's new and it's different. It's going take some getting used too. But before you gave yourselves time to get used to it, you jumped online and started posting your first impressions. Here let me remind you of some of them:


"This game sucks!"

"Multi-player Sux!"

"Backpedalling sucks!"

"Drain Sucks!"

"Heal Sucks!"

"Heavy Stance Sucks!"

"Single-player Sabers is soooo much better than Multi-player sabers!"


Remember now? So Raven heard your cries and got to work fixing what seemed to be genuine issues. But nobody expected what happened next...


As Raven took the next few weeks to flesh out a patch to cure what ailed their gaming community, the gaming community continued to play their "Sucky" game. Without even knowing it, they slowly adapted to their "Sucky" interfaces, and "Sucky" sabers and even found out how to counter DFA's, Drain Whores and Heal Sluts. They, without knowing it, proved that the game didn't "Suck", it was just different then the games they were playing beforehand. Finally, Raven completes the patch which basically redesigned Mulit-player, I mean let's face it, the aforementioned list pretty much picks at every aspect of the online game!


Now get ready for the Irony, Since many of you had adapted, unknowingly, To the orignal gameplay, when you installed the patch everything was different again, Or to use your terminology: IT SUCKED. Now you've got to change your strategies again, and relearn your killer combos, or better aim your guns etc. All the meanwhile, screaming at Raven to change it again. Ok, here's some more of that irony stuff, Patches don't come out overnight, by the time Raven Fixes everything you're yelling about now and released another patch, you will have adapted to this new gameplay and the new changes will enivitably "Ruin" your game... again.


So here's what it boils down to, take this new gameplay (read: patch) and play it for a while. You'll find that amidst all your complaining and yelling at Raven, that you will adapt and learn the ins-and-the-outs of this new multi-player gameplay. Before long, it will seem fun and you won't know why you were yelling in the first place.


Oh and for those of you who are saddened, disappointed, angered and/or pushed over the legal limit with which we judge legal insanity, over the "weakening" of the guns. I would like you to consider the name of the game of which you are taking issue with. Allow me to furnish you with that, Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, the game is not entitled "Rebel Soldier: Rebel Outcast" or it is not the upcoming release "Bounty Hunter", It is a game centered around a Jedi, the force, and the Jedi Academy. I'm sorry if you feel that it should be a direct carry over of Quake 3, Half-Life, Counter-Strike etc. But quite frankly, it is not. The game is designed more for intense saber duels and Jedi combat, the guns are to be supplementary and/or to add diversity and to change things up. The guns, however, are not the primary focus of this game. Again, I am sorry, but I can only relate the facts to you.


So in conclusion, This post is meant to help you understand the actual problem with which you as a gaming community are currently struggling with. It's not that Raven purposfully attempted to "ruin" the game, It's not even that Raven didn't do exactly what you asked (actually, quite the opposite!), it's just that you have played the game for 3-5 weeks and have actually learned the game, and the patch is forcing you to re-learn the game. This too will eventually become second nature to you. And I promise you, you will be kicking "newbs" to death again in no time, even if you have to double-tap the jump key. :D




Havoc Stryphe

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Fianlly a well thought out post!!!


Congrats mate!!


A lot of people don't actually realise how tough programming is and debugging/editing code is a nightmare!




Good work!!


:elephant: :elephant: :elephant: :elephant:

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

So in conclusion, This post is meant to help you understand the actual problem with which you as a gaming community are currently struggling with. It's not that Raven purposfully attempted to "ruin" the game, It's not even that Raven didn't do exactly what you asked (actually, quite the opposite!), it's just that you have played the game for 3-5 weeks and have actually learned the game, and the patch is forcing you to re-learn the game. This too will eventually become second nature to you. And I promise you, you will be kicking "newbs" to death again in no time, even if you have to double-tap the jump key. :D




Havoc Stryphe


Thanks for your assumption, but that isn't the case with me, or many of the experienced players on this forum.


I tested the game, finding it to my liking, I purchased it.

At first i sucked, but I loved the game so I tried more, learning, getting better and better every day.


In the end I got very good. Playing fairly. Getting compliments all the time. People said I fought with honor.


Then the patch came and totally changed the feeling of the game.

I like change, as long as its good. I can adapt.


If I like the game, then I like the challenge that getting good at it brings.


But that wasn't the case, its a different game to me, and I probably wouldn't by it now.


That's why I think many of the gamers on this forum and in JK2 in general feel cheated by this patch.


But I for one have not given up this great game yet.


Don't take this the wrong way... I'm just disagreeing, nothing wrong with that.



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V-Tecc I don't believe you (not an offense). If the game would have been like it is now from the start you wouldn't know the 'old' game adn you can't tell em you only bought it for MP sabering. So I think that you (like me) would have still bought it and liked it (maybe less than the 'old' version but still).



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Spot On®


A pleasant reminder that not everybody on these boards are complete <insert insult here>'s (OK there are quite a few nice people here but the vocal minority make them seem less in numbers).


Also the intelligence of these people can be seen by them creating entirely new threads concerning issues dealt with in countless other threads.


Final, again nice post. :)

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Originally posted by Chiori

V-Tecc I don't believe you (not an offense). If the game would have been like it is now from the start you wouldn't know the 'old' game adn you can't tell em you only bought it for MP sabering. So I think that you (like me) would have still bought it and liked it (maybe less than the 'old' version but still).




Exactly, you've only help prove my point V-tecc (no Offense ;) ) You learned the game the way it was and got good at it, you learned to like it, now it's changed and it feels worse, but in fact that's change. It's the conditioning of the human mind. It does not respond well with change. Over time the mind learns to optimize itself with it's present configurations, if that configuration changes or any avariable there-in, then the mind must remap itself. There is always resisitance to this change, but in the end, your mind won't know the difference. You will have adapted and be just as "good" as you were. Give it time, and you shall see... :D

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I dont give a **** about forcepowers or guns, the only thing i play in multiplayer is duels with no force and saber only. And with the 1.03 patch alot of the fun was taken away from those.. Sure, the DFA move is gone and thats good, but they totally changed the sabermoves and the damage they made. And that was very bad in my opinion.


What was once a thrilling experience in duels has become a boring experience with people sometimes taking up to 10 mediumstance saber hits before they die... Which would make sence if it were woodensabers we were talking about instead of lightsabers..

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I still want to see some threads where people wanted SP combat in MP... I truly dont remember seeing anyone wanting this, but there was a time I was addicted to JKII :p


First and foremost.. You get used to anything, and sometimes you dont want to change. That is natural. To draw an example from one of the worst crimes against humanity, the Holocaust, many people got used to seeing humans burn, sometimes alive, daily. If you saw that, would you, or COULD you blame the people who saw that everyday for not feeling bad about it? Honestly ask yourself if you saw that sight everyday, would you eventually lose any sentimental feelings that you would have if you first saw those victims? Sure, they felt bad, but not as bad as someone who had not been in Auschwitz for a year or two.


Now.. the DFA complains actually had a legitimate basis. There was actually something wrong with the move outside of the original design parameters (I assume, considering it has changed so much.), but most of the other complaints were just problems with lack of skill, slow connection, etc. People learned to get around it because it, like just about anything, can be avoided with practice. But.. does that make it right to leave in something with a problem? No, it shouldn't remain that way, because it was obviously not what the developers originally wanted.


Backpeddling is something I never really touched on.. but a quick view tells me thats just lack of skill, as I've appearently never had much trouble with it since I never posted a thread or reply on it. Maybe it'd be more realistic, maybe not.. but after that fix that, people will just start strafing out of the way like they do now and then people will complain about that for the same reason.


One thing troubling many of these 'conclusive posts' about the integrity of the gaming community is that they obviously don't realize the people in the community do not have a cohesive mind. Its obvious, because when people were complaining about the DFA, there were others who did not want it changed. The authors of these posts assume that every individual who may think one aspect out of many problematic or discussed aspects is wrong, while not caring, or even liking the other aspects in question.


Then, the author assumes this individual hates every other aspect in question and is called guilty of such a crime, that he should not be called guilty for.

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Well said, Havok!


This new patch truely IS EXACTLY what members of this forum have been asking for. Some people will complain about everything. I love the patch and besides that, it keeps things interesting now that everyone is forced to re-think / re-learn multiplayer moves / strategies.


Good to see a constructive post for a change!




DA ;)

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Originally posted by Chiori

V-Tecc I don't believe you (not an offense). If the game would have been like it is now from the start you wouldn't know the 'old' game adn you can't tell em you only bought it for MP sabering. So I think that you (like me) would have still bought it and liked it (maybe less than the 'old' version but still).




Again, thank you for assuming that, but..


Since I work in the computer retailing business, I can test a lot of games before I decide to bye them.

So I tested JK2 both in SP and in MP. I Did not find the feeling in SP to my liking but on the other hand I loved it in the MP part of the game. So therefore I bought it.


If I tested the game now I'm pretty sure I wouldn't buy it, and that's something I think I can answer a bit better then you can.



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Originally posted by Desslock


One thing troubling many of these 'conclusive posts' about the integrity of the gaming community is that they obviously don't realize the people in the community do not have a cohesive mind. Its obvious, because when people were complaining about the DFA, there were others who did not want it changed. The authors of these posts assume that every individual who may think one aspect out of many problematic or discussed aspects is wrong, while not caring, or even liking the other aspects in question.


Then, the author assumes this individual hates every other aspect in question and is called guilty of such a crime, that he should not be called guilty for.


Okay, if I caught your meaning Desslock, you feel that I have labeled the entire community unable perceive the results I had addressed and in addition, if one person took issue with one of the complaints listed that I am, wrongly, assuming they take issue with all the complaints. Am I right in my asessment?


If so, allow me to clarify. My post was intended as a "catch-all", I am well aware that some people took issue with only 1 or 2 of the complaints and were fine with the others, or even that some had no issues with the original gameplay at all. I was merely addressing the "vocal minority", as someone put it, who are blasting Raven for one thing or another. It was meant to catch all there concerns in a short-as-possible post (Okay, so it's not THAT short ;) ). I never intended to stereotype any legitimate freethinkers and any of you who voiced your opinions in a respectful and/or constructive matter. Again allow me to reiterate, I realize that most of you only took issue with one or two of the aforementioned list of problems the forum was raising, it was merely an attempt to address all issues in a relatively quick and short post. I am sorry and apologize to those I may have offended or hurt in my haste to address my concerns.

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I do not like the patch because of the simple fact that it was overdone, like burnt food. Nothing sucked. I loved the game. The only issue I had with it was the hit detection stuff, which was probably just buggy.

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe


Okay, if I caught your meaning Desslock, you feel that I have labeled the entire community unable perceive the results I had addressed and in addition if one person took issue with one of the complaints listed that I am, wrongly, assuming they take issue with all the complaints. Am I right in my asessment?


If so, allow me to clarify. My post was intended as a "catch-all", I am well aware that some people took issue with only 1 or 2 of the complaints and were fine with the others, or even that some had no issues with the original gameplay at all. I was merely addressing the "vocal minority", as someone put it, who are blasting Raven for one thing or another. It was meant to catch all there concerns in a short-as-possible post (Okay, so it's not THAT short ;) ). I never intended to stereotype any legitimate freethinkers and any of you who voiced your opinions in a respectful and/or constructive matter. Again allow me to reiterate, I realize that most of you only took issue with one or two of the aforementioned list of problems the forum was raising, it was merely an attempt to address all issues in a relatively quick and short post. I am sorry and apologize to those I may have offended or hurt in my haste to address my concerns.


Psst.. Im not offended :p


But, someone else may be, and we don't want to intentionally hurt feelings do we?




The vocal minority probably won't listen to reason, much less well constructed reason, such as your post, so its best to just really leave them alone.


I don't feel you have labeled the entire community, I just feel that summarizations on human thoughts and opinions is something that wreaks of controversy, as evident in my post. Its something I try to avoid (example, making a post similar to this one), because people feel violated if I were to put words and opinions on their name. This IS a public forum after all, and it does have its share of wankers and true whiners, but honestly where are they going to inform everyone of their troubles?


If a well respected community member were to come on and put down everyone in the forum because the poster felt that the 'community' were just *******s, you'd feel offended if all you had was good games with this person. Don't lie, you would in real life :p

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Originally posted by Desslock

If a well respected community member were to come on and put down everyone in the forum because the poster felt that the 'community' were just *******s, you'd feel offended if all you had was good games with this person. Don't lie, you would in real life :p


Absolutely! I'd be just as offended in a fabricated life as well! ;)


But seriously, you raise some very good points. Which I agree with entirely. Again, I was addressing those who fell into the parameters with which I used to define them. Those who do not fit within those parameters should disregard my post, and go on with their productive lives. Again, I apologize to those who felt they were being grouped with those they themselves have loathed and argued with.

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe


Exactly, you've only help prove my point V-tecc (no Offense ;) ) You learned the game the way it was and got good at it, you learned to like it, now it's changed and it feels worse, but in fact that's change. It's the conditioning of the human mind. It does not respond well with change. Over time the mind learns to optimize itself with it's present configurations, if that configuration changes or any avariable there-in, then the mind must remap itself. There is always resisitance to this change, but in the end, your mind won't know the difference. You will have adapted and be just as "good" as you were. Give it time, and you shall see... :D


Ohh, please..


If I should purchase a years supply of chocolate ice cream, I expect to get chocolate every month.

If they change the flavor to strawberry after 1 month, I would feel cheated.

What you are saying is practically that I'm supposed to get use to strawberry.


People have different taste and that's what this is about. This game is a different game now then it was when I bought it.

Stop telling me what I should or should not like.

Why don't you go buy a game you don't like and get use to it.


The game has 2 parts, single player and multi player.

I never liked the single player part of the game and now they have made the multi player part of the game feel more like the single player part.


Anyone with a relatively working brain can understand that i then would think less of the multi player version!


In conclusion: If this was a result of me being use to the changes, why is it that I dont, and in fact never have, liked the single player part of the game?



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Your base assumption is wrong.


The game out of the package was ausome.


I played 6-8 hours a day on my off days

Struggling to figure out how to play it mp . learning all the little tricks and set ups i could.


Now all that work is for naught.


The invisible absorbers rule again!


I have never even gone close to a msg board since i baught the game cause i was playing it way to much :p



No raven took the opinions of clueless people who didnt take the time to learn how to balance the original game.


A game which i thought was perfect , enjoyable but balanced



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"You learned the game the way it was and got good at it, you learned to like it"


Wrong! I didn't "learn" to like it, I loved it from the start.

It's this version that I can't learn to like because of the games new feeling.

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As I explained in a few other posts already...


This game would be even cooler if they toned the blocking down a bit in the next patch. Too many sparks for one thing.

With just a little less clashing/blocking it would be more accessible to the people who like original MP and still fun in the SP way too. The game needs to be a bit "easier". After all, the most fun games are the ones with fast, complex action which is easy to execute with a good control system. And I think they made it just a little too complicated now.


And fists damnit! I want fists! Not a stoopid stun baton!

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Originally posted by V-tecc


Ohh, please..


If I should purchase a years supply of chocolate ice cream, I expect to get chocolate every month.

If they change the flavor to strawberry after 1 month, I would feel cheated.

What you are saying is practically that I'm supposed to get use to strawberry.


People have different taste and that's what this is about. This game is a different game now then it was when I bought it.

Stop telling me what I should or should not like.

Why don't you go buy a game you don't like and get use to it.


The game has 2 parts, single player and multi player.

I never liked the single player part of the game and now they have made the multi player part of the game feel more like the single player part.


Anyone with a relatively working brain can understand that i then would think less of the multi player version!


In conclusion: If this was a result of me being use to the changes, why is it that I dont, and in fact never have, liked the single player part of the game?



Whoa, I did mention that there was no offense intended, right? Just checking. As fas as you chocolate/strawberry Ice cream analogy, I'm not going to touch that lest I piss off any Dairy Queen afficienados. Look, I'm simply stating that you can learn to like anything, that's clinically proven. Psychiatrist and psychologist have proven time and time again that the human mind is malleable and trainable. I'm not saying it's exactly what you are looking for, you just don't know it yet. I'm saying you can, if you desire to, learn the new gameplay system and even learn to like it given time and an open mind.


let's be honest, the graphics have not been altered. The skins, models, weapons, music, sounds and maps have remained in the game. The people you play with will still be playing (provided they want to) the controls are changed onliy slightly ( far less than 50% of maps or attacks were actually remapped or reprogrammed) and the damage variables have been tweaked some.


Now you are going to say it's an entirely new game with absolutely no appeal to you anymore. That, my friend, makes little or no sense. It is the sure sign of a narrowmind, or one too set in your ways. Someone rocked the boat and now you want back on dry shore. Maybe you should wait for the boat to flip before you cry for dry land. If you want to quit now, that's fine. But you and I both know, that if you were good before you can become good again using the new gameplay. This game still retains nearly all the exact same details it originally did (That's considering the entire scope of graphics, sound, gameplay, storyline, multi-player etc.) If you liked it before, than there is no reason to Hate it now. Your simply having a hard time dealing with a change to something you have grown accustomed to and/or comfortable with, it's not a fault so much as it's human nature. You can overcome it, just like the prejudice of blacks in america, with time and a little work, but most importantly, you have to want to. Which you have made abundantly clear you have no desire to.


Sorry, you took the gloves off first. I don't want to come of as harsh or demeaning. I apologize if I did.

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Great post, except for maybe a bit of a misfire in this paragraph:


Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

Oh and for those of you who are saddened, disappointed, angered and/or pushed over the legal limit with which we judge legal insanity, over the "weakening" of the guns. I would like you to consider the name of the game of which you are taking issue with. Allow me to furnish you with that, Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, the game is not entitled "Rebel Soldier: Rebel Outcast" or it is not the upcoming release "Bounty Hunter", It is a game centered around a Jedi, the force, and the Jedi Academy. I'm sorry if you feel that it should be a direct carry over of Quake 3, Half-Life, Counter-Strike etc. But quite frankly, it is not. The game is designed more for intense saber duels and Jedi combat, the guns are to be supplementary and/or to add diversity and to change things up. The guns, however, are not the primary focus of this game. Again, I am sorry, but I can only relate the facts to you.


The name of the game does not denote the style of play that is inherant to the multiplayer aspect of the game. It merely illustrates the SINGLE player experience. The first part "Jedi Knight 2" means it is a sequel to a game called "Jedi Knight" which is about a guy who is not a Jedi that turns into a Jedi during the course of the game.


Much like JK1, JK2 does the same thing. You start out a disgruntled former Jedi with no Force Powers and slowly grow back into Jedi Knight status via a boost from a mystical secret valley thingamagig.


The second part is simply talking about Desann (the Outcast).


The multiplayer experience in any game that has strong and seperate single player experience typically has NOTHING to do with the story line of the SP experence. Typically it is just a few non-linear maps with all of the weapons available in the SP game spattered about the place so that you can spawn, pick up some stuff, kill, die, repeat.


The weapons are not "supplementary" or there to "add diversity" to the "intense saber duels". The weapons are there kill people with sabers. The force is there to counteract the weapons' power. The sabers are there to defend against most of the weapons and give players a weapon that cannot be taken away from them in battle.


Granted I don't think the ammo "nerf" of things like the Heavy Repeater Alt-Fire were nearly as bad as everyone thinks they are. I played last night and STILL killed more people with that gun (and others) than I did with any force powers or wildly swinging the saber around.


All the patching in the world is not going to change the mentality of people that insist this game should be all about the Saber when in reality it is definately not (nor was it designed to be, as stated by part of the design team in an interview on jkii.net about a month ago).


I can only assume from your second to last paragraph (that which I quoted above) that you are in this group as well. I think YOU will find once you get used to this patch that weapons are STILL the major point scorers in this game as much as you sound like you wish they were not. I don't think that JK2 should be a direct carry over from Q3A, but outside of the addition of Force Powers and a Melee weapon that can be used as a shield, it IS a direct carry over.


And I think that's just fine. =)



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Well I do remember alot of posts of people stating they wanted SP saber for MP, I myself wanted MP in SP but whatever.


Personally I still like the game. I have also noticed that the damage of any swing is now based on when you connect with that swing or so it seems. If you connect at the beginning or end of the swing you do less damage, if you connect during the meat of the swing it will do normal damage.


The biggest problem I see with most online games be it a FPS or a MMORPG, is that people that whine the loudest cause changes to occur that alot of the gaming community may or maynot want. Because a developer my lurk in a forum and watch the threads and see wow lots of people complaining about this it must be a problem when in fact those people don't have the ability to adapt and change tactics.


The reality is that reguardless of what changes Raven had or makes in the future you will always have a large number of players that dislike the changes. You can't please everyone and IMO they should not try to.


Personally I would like to see blocking toned down just a bit, it does seem that even during a swing animation your opponent may get a block in, thats just not reasonable to me.


I would also like to see backpeddling slowed down by 25-35%, which is just realistic hell I can't run backwards as fast as I can run forward of course I don't have Jedi reflexes either :(


But if those things don't happen it doesn't mean I'm going to throw a temper tantrum and uninstall the game.


*dons his flameretardent suit*

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Okay, Essobie, perhaps I was a bit hasty in my remarks to those who use guns, which I love to do as well! It's just that I'm not going to call Raven idiots for tweaking them and making them weaker in a game that's about Jedi Knights. If the game were based in the Star Wars galaxy in general and only Jedi's got sabers and you could be a bounty Hunter or a soldier or a mercenary or a medic etc. in addition to being a Jedi, than you would have me dead to rights. But the fact of the matter is, every model comes with a saber and everybody has the force abilities making everybody Jedi meaning the game is focused on Jedi and Jedi combat. But you are right, it doesn't soley rest on that point, that is why the guns are there. It just tends to lean that way. That is all I meant by that. Sorry again (I'm getting good at that! :rolleyes: )

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I have a request for whoevr runs the Lucasforums site. If you could, would you please create a Flame/Complain board where all the whiners can go and p!$$ and moan about the game/patch/everything else they thing is wrong in life. Then, of course, we would have a new problem, no one qould post on this board.


I heard someone say it before, and I think they were probably right. Only whiners or people who can't play the game (i mean this literally) post on this forum. In other words, people who like the game sit down and play and play and play and never whine a bit. And if they have a complaint, they don't whine their little baby butts off. It seems like whiners are the only people who post on this board, cause that's the only kind of thread you basically see.


Sure, there is the occassional thread about a new saber move or maybe something about a new level or something along those lilnes, but it ends up at the bottom of the list very quickly. Why? Because threads with the title "Patch Sucks" or "This game sucks" quickly fills up the list.


So, I bet you are asking why I am posting? Well, I happen to be one fo those people who can't play the game. I am sutck here at school right now, my computer back at home is screwier than Jar Jar, and I can't get the patch to install because of my screwed up computer.


So, for all of you people out there who don't complain, yet are tired of complainers, get used to it, you don't have a choice.


Have a nice day!

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