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Overlooking the Obvious...

Havoc Stryphe

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before the patch, they complaint about DS is too powerful and it sucks.


after the patch, they complaint DS is not powerful and it sucks.



sigh, Raven got a hard time serving JK2 gamers.



Can we just give them a god damn break???

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I liked the game before the patch, and I like it now. Frankly, I think people get too wound up over PC games. However, I have some advice for Raven:


No more gameplay changes. No more tinkering with the balance. Any further patches should only address bugs. Take it from a T2 vet, you'll never satisfy the community by changing the gameplay. You listened to the complaints. DFA? Fixed. Drain whores? Fixed. Heal sluts? Fixed. SP-like lightsaber physics for MP? Fixed. Grip too powerful? Fixed. All of these were complained about in mulitple threads on this forum. Problem is that the majority of players were perfectly happy with MP, too busy happily dueling away online to rebut the complaints posted here.


So now you have a whole new generation of whiners, unhappy with the new balance (or perceived lack thereof). How do you fix it? You don't. Leave things as they are. People will either play the game and enjoy it, or move on to something else. Constantly tinkering with the gameplay, on the other hand, will just upset a new group of players with each patch.

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Trying to find a middle ground is a better route to take. I haven't tried the patch out yet because I'm at my parent's place, but from what I've read (the readme, DS/LS Weapons/Saber players' comments) it seems that they've done a pretty good job.


For the most part DS players will say that they are the best (e.g. have skill) and at the same time say that the LS powers are overpowered. Vise versa for LS. Saber users will always want the saber to be able to beat anything, while weapons users will always want to be able to overcome all force/saber combinations. You just can't listen to one group and hope to find balance, you have to listen to everyone.

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Originally posted by PhilCanuck

I liked the game before the patch, and I like it now. Frankly, I think people get too wound up over PC games. However, I have some advice for Raven:


No more gameplay changes. No more tinkering with the balance. Any further patches should only address bugs. Take it from a T2 vet, you'll never satisfy the community by changing the gameplay. You listened to the complaints. DFA? Fixed. Drain whores? Fixed. Heal sluts? Fixed. SP-like lightsaber physics for MP? Fixed. Grip too powerful? Fixed. All of these were complained about in mulitple threads on this forum. Problem is that the majority of players were perfectly happy with MP, too busy happily dueling away online to rebut the complaints posted here.


So now you have a whole new generation of whiners, unhappy with the new balance (or perceived lack thereof). How do you fix it? You don't. Leave things as they are. People will either play the game and enjoy it, or move on to something else. Constantly tinkering with the gameplay, on the other hand, will just upset a new group of players with each patch.


That's exactly what I was addressing but on the other end: the consumer. Sir, you are a gentleman and a scholar. You understand the paradox that is vexing this forum, and are aware that Raven has essentially opened Pandora's box. Let's hope that take your advice, and some people here understand what you just said! :D

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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

Whoa, I did mention that there was no offense intended, right? Just checking. As fas as you chocolate/strawberry Ice cream analogy, I'm not going to touch that lest I piss off any Dairy Queen afficienados. Look, I'm simply stating that you can learn to like anything, that's clinically proven. Psychiatrist and psychologist have proven time and time again that the human mind is malleable and trainable. I'm not saying it's exactly what you are looking for, you just don't know it yet. I'm saying you can, if you desire to, learn the new gameplay system and even learn to like it given time and an open mind.


let's be honest, the graphics have not been altered. The skins, models, weapons, music, sounds and maps have remained in the game. The people you play with will still be playing (provided they want to) the controls are changed onliy slightly ( far less than 50% of maps or attacks were actually remapped or reprogrammed) and the damage variables have been tweaked some.


Now you are going to say it's an entirely new game with absolutely no appeal to you anymore. That, my friend, makes little or no sense. It is the sure sign of a narrowmind, or one too set in your ways. Someone rocked the boat and now you want back on dry shore. Maybe you should wait for the boat to flip before you cry for dry land. If you want to quit now, that's fine. But you and I both know, that if you were good before you can become good again using the new gameplay. This game still retains nearly all the exact same details it originally did (That's considering the entire scope of graphics, sound, gameplay, storyline, multi-player etc.) If you liked it before, than there is no reason to Hate it now. Your simply having a hard time dealing with a change to something you have grown accustomed to and/or comfortable with, it's not a fault so much as it's human nature. You can overcome it, just like the prejudice of blacks in america, with time and a little work, but most importantly, you have to want to. Which you have made abundantly clear you have no desire to.


Sorry, you took the gloves off first. I don't want to come of as harsh or demeaning. I apologize if I did.


First of, what the hell are you talking about?

You don't even know me, let alone have the right to analyze me.



"Now you are going to say it's an entirely new game with absolutely no appeal to you anymore. That, my friend, makes little or no sense"


Note 1: Thanks for assuming something about me again.

Note 2: "Little or no sense"? - Good, because it was you who said that not I.

Note 3: I'm not your friend.



"If you want to quit now, that's fine. But you and I both know, that if you were good before you can become good again using the new gameplay"



Note 1: If I wanted to quit, I would not be here posting topics and hoping for Raven to take a notice of them. Nor would I be talking to an ignorant like you. (Ignorant because, you assume things about people when you know nothing about them.


Note 2: I have already told you that it's NOT about me having to get good again. That was part of the fun, finding a way to get good, and I would gladly do it again if I could enjoy the game.


Please don't make me repeat that again.


"Look, I'm simply stating that you can learn to like anything, that's clinically proven. Psychiatrist and psychologist have proven time and time again that the human mind is malleable and trainable"


Note 1: Good! Leave it to them to make professional and psychological assumptions about the way people behave. You my "friend" are not in a position to do so. And I "assume" that you haven't got the education to perform these analyzes either.


Note 2: Of course you could probably beat someone with a stick for years until they eventually start liking it, but that's irrelevant here, we are talking about a game.


I have stated my point clearly a couple of times now, and I'll now have to do it again.


I bought the game because I liked it. Then they changed it, and I

don't want to force my self to liking it again.


And If you are that convinced by your theories, why don't you go and do something you hate until you like it?


"Your simply having a hard time dealing with a change to something you have grown accustomed to and/or comfortable with, it's not a fault so much as it's human natur

e. You can overcome it, just like the prejudice of blacks in america, with time and a little work, but most importantly, you have to want to. Which you have made abundantly clear you have no desire to."


That is the last time I wan't you to presume anything about me again, understood?

And the fact that you compare prejudice against blacks with me and others disliking of certain modifications done to a game is totally beyond my comprehension.


"Sorry, you took the gloves off first. I don't want to come of as harsh or demeaning. I apologize if I did."


No I did not, in fact I haven't taken my gloves off at all. Don't make me

If you can't handle criticism, then don't come here and start agitating people by analyzing them and stereotyping them.


I never intended to be aggressive, but as I see it, it's you who started it, in your very first post. I just hope we can end this now.



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Originally posted by V-tecc


First of, what the hell are you talking about?

You don't even know me, let alone have the right to analyze me.



"Now you are going to say it's an entirely new game with absolutely no appeal to you anymore. That, my friend, makes little or no sense"


Note 1: Thanks for assuming something about me again.

Note 2: "Little or no sense"? - Good, because it was you who said that not I.

Note 3: I'm not your friend.



"If you want to quit now, that's fine. But you and I both know, that if you were good before you can become good again using the new gameplay"



Note 1: If I wanted to quit, I would not be here posting topics and hoping for Raven to take a notice of them. Nor would I be talking to an ignorant like you. (Ignorant because, you assume things about people when you know nothing about them.


Note 2: I have already told you that it's NOT about me having to get good again. That was part of the fun, finding a way to get good, and I would gladly do it again if I could enjoy the game.


Please don't make me repeat that again.


"Look, I'm simply stating that you can learn to like anything, that's clinically proven. Psychiatrist and psychologist have proven time and time again that the human mind is malleable and trainable"


Note 1: Good! Leave it to them to make professional and psychological assumptions about the way people behave. You my "friend" are not in a position to do so. And I "assume" that you haven't got the education to perform these analyzes either.


Note 2: Of course you could probably beat someone with a stick for years until they eventually start liking it, but that's irrelevant here, we are talking about a game.


I have stated my point clearly a couple of times now, and I'll now have to do it again.


I bought the game because I liked it. Then they changed it, and I

don't want to force my self to liking it again.


And If you are that convinced by your theories, why don't you go and do something you hate until you like it?


"Your simply having a hard time dealing with a change to something you have grown accustomed to and/or comfortable with, it's not a fault so much as it's human natur

e. You can overcome it, just like the prejudice of blacks in america, with time and a little work, but most importantly, you have to want to. Which you have made abundantly clear you have no desire to."


That is the last time I wan't you to presume anything about me again, understood?

And the fact that you compare prejudice against blacks with me and others disliking of certain modifications done to a game is totally beyond my comprehension.


"Sorry, you took the gloves off first. I don't want to come of as harsh or demeaning. I apologize if I did."


No I did not, in fact I haven't taken my gloves off at all. Don't make me

If you can't handle criticism, then don't come here and start agitating people by analyzing them and stereotyping them.


I never intended to be aggressive, but as I see it, it's you who started it, in your very first post. I just hope we can end this now.




Take a nice cold one and just relax dudes,, alls well that ends well. And speaking of ends,, i found some info on the "Oh Mighty pussy" Dvlos,, he he,, getting closer. Got a great trace on an message he sent via ICQ.. Now I just hope he can stand up 4 his ego and atleast not piss him self when i get my hands on him :D HA HA


Well well,, the patch lovers seem to be getting less and less here,, maby thay played the game with the new patch and understood what a mess of the game its made..


V-tecc,, ceep up the good work dude =)

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Originally posted by V-tecc


First of, what the hell are you talking about?

You don't even know me, let alone have the right to analyze me.



"Now you are going to say it's an entirely new game with absolutely no appeal to you anymore. That, my friend, makes little or no sense"


Note 1: Thanks for assuming something about me again.

Note 2: "Little or no sense"? - Good, because it was you who said that not I.

Note 3: I'm not your friend.



"If you want to quit now, that's fine. But you and I both know, that if you were good before you can become good again using the new gameplay"



Note 1: If I wanted to quit, I would not be here posting topics and hoping for Raven to take a notice of them. Nor would I be talking to an ignorant like you. (Ignorant because, you assume things about people when you know nothing about them.


Note 2: I have already told you that it's NOT about me having to get good again. That was part of the fun, finding a way to get good, and I would gladly do it again if I could enjoy the game.


Please don't make me repeat that again.


"Look, I'm simply stating that you can learn to like anything, that's clinically proven. Psychiatrist and psychologist have proven time and time again that the human mind is malleable and trainable"


Note 1: Good! Leave it to them to make professional and psychological assumptions about the way people behave. You my "friend" are not in a position to do so. And I "assume" that you haven't got the education to perform these analyzes either.


Note 2: Of course you could probably beat someone with a stick for years until they eventually start liking it, but that's irrelevant here, we are talking about a game.


I have stated my point clearly a couple of times now, and I'll now have to do it again.


I bought the game because I liked it. Then they changed it, and I

don't want to force my self to liking it again.


And If you are that convinced by your theories, why don't you go and do something you hate until you like it?


"Your simply having a hard time dealing with a change to something you have grown accustomed to and/or comfortable with, it's not a fault so much as it's human natur

e. You can overcome it, just like the prejudice of blacks in america, with time and a little work, but most importantly, you have to want to. Which you have made abundantly clear you have no desire to."


That is the last time I wan't you to presume anything about me again, understood?

And the fact that you compare prejudice against blacks with me and others disliking of certain modifications done to a game is totally beyond my comprehension.


"Sorry, you took the gloves off first. I don't want to come of as harsh or demeaning. I apologize if I did."


No I did not, in fact I haven't taken my gloves off at all. Don't make me

If you can't handle criticism, then don't come here and start agitating people by analyzing them and stereotyping them.


I never intended to be aggressive, but as I see it, it's you who started it, in your very first post. I just hope we can end this now.




I'm glad you got that off your chest, no sense carrying around all that pent-up angst. I guess than I'll leave you with this thought, I'm sorry. Sorry You can't communicate in a non-aggresive manner, at least with me (Gotta add that, lest I'm accused of presuming something else about you). I wish all the luck in your quest to make a software company bend to your will, or find solace in the game you once loved.


By the way, the phrase "My friend" was simply a figure of speech used to keep things in a much more civilized and "friendly" manner of debate, sorry it set you off, there's more of that irony stuff. Perhaps you should take things less personally, it will help lengthen your life-span.


I'm sorry the game no-longer appeals to you, I know JO brings alot of people great joy and fun, it's a shame you'll miss out on that. It would seem you could use a little more fun in your life, or maybe more fiber, it's hard to tell.


I hope in the event that Raven does not fix what you feel is now ruined, that you do find a game that meets and even exceeds your expectations. You are truly deserving of having a great gaming experience. After all, your people skills and the atmosphere you create here on these boards is certainly pleasant and personable. ;)

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The multiplayer experience in any game that has strong and seperate single player experience typically has NOTHING to do with the story line of the SP experence. Typically it is just a few non-linear maps with all of the weapons available in the SP game spattered about the place so that you can spawn, pick up some stuff, kill, die, repeat.



SP and MP have nothing to do with each other?? Oh, so it would be perfectly logical in RTCW for them to add electro-ray weapons and rail guns? Or maybe since you like guns so much just take all the SP weapons away in MP and replace them with MP5s and AK47's?


The game is Jedi Knight. That means the SP and MP should be Jedi Knight. That means that both SP and MP should be like being a Jedi Knight from the Star Wars movies.


There are plenty of games (UT, Quake) that have guns and do guns better than JKII does them. Sure there are no force powers, but:

a) you can write a mod and add them

b) Most if not all the powers mainly complement saber fighting.


And the complaints about guns are that they are unbalanced, not that guns should not be there. Spamming with the secondary repeater fire sucks even if it was Quake. You can't honestly tell me that repeater secondary fire vs. saber was a fair match up. So they balanced it by making it take a comparable amount of ammo.


I think you (and all the other Quake players) are mad because you can't kill 50 people with a cheap, unbalanced weapon anymore.


Brian Ellenberger

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Originally posted by bellenberger

SP and MP have nothing to do with each other?? Oh, so it would be perfectly logical in RTCW for them to add electro-ray weapons and rail guns? Or maybe since you like guns so much just take all the SP weapons away in MP and replace them with MP5s and AK47's?


Yeah, I would think that if I was stupid, I suppose. Luckily what I said was that the title of the game was not chosen to illustrate what lay in the multiplayer gameplay. It only illustrates what is in the single player. Which it does. No really... go play the single player. The title totally fits. It's CRAZY how well it describes it.


I also said that ALL OTHER GAMES that have both multiplayer and single player always have drastically different types of game play simply because of resource increases during the course of the single player game. Let me clarify that...


In single player you start off with a really wussie weapon (Doom; the pistol; Q1, the axe and the shotgun; Q2, the blaster; JK1 and 2, the Blaster Pistol; the list WILL go on and on). As you play through each level, you find bigger and better weapons. This is so that you can more easily fight your way past stronger and stronger foes (or more and more foes, of course). A lot of the times you won't get the most powerful weapon until very late in the game. This is the resource increase I'm talking about.


Multiplayer, on the other hand, typically (if not always) gives you ACCESS to ALL of those resources throughout the course of the game at the very beginning (i.e. all of the weapons in the single player game are present in one map that you can run over and pick up at the start of the game).


When looking at what "multiplayer" is for JK2, I look at the most rudementary gametype which most FPS's start with before they move on to the more complex gametypes. That rudementary gametype being Free For All.


The majority of the game balance that I've witnessed in the design of JK2 MP comes from balancing FFA... not 1 on 1, not CTF or CTY... Free For All.


They took all the elements of the single player experience (the guns from the entire span of the game, all of the force powers, and the light saber) and stuck them all in one place for you to duke it out with other people. That's it.


The multiplayer is not about looking or acting like the movies, as much as the guys at Penny-Arcade would like it to be. It is about joining a server with a decent ping, finding the most effiencent killing device available to you, and offing as many other players as you can before the timelimit or fraglimit hits.


THAT IS ALL. There is no other goal present in the gameplay of this gametype. The game was balanced for this purpose, and still is... with or without added ammo depletion in certain weapons.


Some other comments (I hate breaking other people's posts... but it wouldn't make sense otherwise...)


And the complaints about guns are that they are unbalanced, not that guns should not be there. Spamming with the secondary repeater fire sucks even if it was Quake. You can't honestly tell me that repeater secondary fire vs. saber was a fair match up. So they balanced it by making it take a comparable amount of ammo.


Good God, no I couldn't tell you that they were a fair match up! Know why? Because a saber user up against someone with a Heavy Repeater should be RUNNING AWAY. It isn't SUPPOSED to be a fair match up. Ever play Rock, Paper, Scissors? It's a common theme amongst game designers because it works. Heavy Repeater Alt Fire kills Saber. Saber kills Blaster and Blaster Rifle. Force Pull and Force Run "kills" Heavy Repeater.


I think you (and all the other Quake players) are mad because you can't kill 50 people with a cheap, unbalanced weapon anymore.


As I said before... I'm not mad. Why? Because I STILL CAN and DO kill people with that "cheap, unbalanced weapon" as you call it. All over the place. With just the same tactics as before.


Granted I can't kill as many now without going in search of more ammo... but that isn't stopping me from hitting the fraglimit when everyone else has to do the same thing. No one is going to get more kills by using only the Saber than I will using everything at my disposal (even the Saber when nothing else is available).


Yeah... I'm a "Quake player"... at least originally. But I've played everything else as well. JK2, while different from other games such as Quake, still can be tackled with the same mindset of "kill effieciently or lose" that works in Quake... and every other multiplayer action game. Arcade fighters, real-time strategy, hell even some of the MMORPGs. Doesn't anyone else get this?


I think it is the "honorable" Star Wars fans such as yourself that were mad before the patch because of the weapons and will continue to be mad DURING the patch when you find that they havn't quite nerfed these weapons as much as would be required to make the Saber reign supreme.


It all comes back to people fighting in tight circles of saber waving that make the guns work so well. The only way the Saber is going to top everything else is if the everything else really IS removed. Why do you think there's an option for Sabers Only?



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Originally posted by Havoc Stryphe

First of all, let me point out that is neither meant as infalmmatory nor is it meant to incite rioting in the forums. It is merely my observation of the last month and a suggestion to help facilitate a "friendlier" and constructive online community. That being said, I'm now going to piss the majority of you off... ;)


Raven has listened to you for the last month, even though you made it difficult to want to. Complaining malisciously, making deragotory comments and being, in general, very negative. In spite of that fact, Raven corrected most of the issues you voiced and made known. Yes, I am well aware that Force Grip was not an issue voiced here on the boards, but perhaps it was taken issue by the patch developers after the other changes were made. All in all, it was a fast turn-around for a first patch by Raven and very true to what you asked for. Yet you continue to berate and verbally abuse those who, despite your disrespect and extreme attitudes, have been trying to make your gaming experience a better one.


After watching this community for the last month, I have come to a simple yet profound conclusion: The majority of you might as well stop complaining and demanding another patch. Why, you ask? Simple: because it won't make you happy. Here's why: When you first purchased Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast, opened the box, installed it and finally played it, there were initial issues that you felt needed corrected or did not seem the most effecient implementation in the game. This is a normal reaction. It's new and it's different. It's going take some getting used too. But before you gave yourselves time to get used to it, you jumped online and started posting your first impressions. Here let me remind you of some of them:


"This game sucks!"

"Multi-player Sux!"

"Backpedalling sucks!"

"Drain Sucks!"

"Heal Sucks!"

"Heavy Stance Sucks!"

"Single-player Sabers is soooo much better than Multi-player sabers!"


Remember now? So Raven heard your cries and got to work fixing what seemed to be genuine issues. But nobody expected what happened next...


As Raven took the next few weeks to flesh out a patch to cure what ailed their gaming community, the gaming community continued to play their "Sucky" game. Without even knowing it, they slowly adapted to their "Sucky" interfaces, and "Sucky" sabers and even found out how to counter DFA's, Drain Whores and Heal Sluts. They, without knowing it, proved that the game didn't "Suck", it was just different then the games they were playing beforehand. Finally, Raven completes the patch which basically redesigned Mulit-player, I mean let's face it, the aforementioned list pretty much picks at every aspect of the online game!


Now get ready for the Irony, Since many of you had adapted, unknowingly, To the orignal gameplay, when you installed the patch everything was different again, Or to use your terminology: IT SUCKED. Now you've got to change your strategies again, and relearn your killer combos, or better aim your guns etc. All the meanwhile, screaming at Raven to change it again. Ok, here's some more of that irony stuff, Patches don't come out overnight, by the time Raven Fixes everything you're yelling about now and released another patch, you will have adapted to this new gameplay and the new changes will enivitably "Ruin" your game... again.


So here's what it boils down to, take this new gameplay (read: patch) and play it for a while. You'll find that amidst all your complaining and yelling at Raven, that you will adapt and learn the ins-and-the-outs of this new multi-player gameplay. Before long, it will seem fun and you won't know why you were yelling in the first place.


Oh and for those of you who are saddened, disappointed, angered and/or pushed over the legal limit with which we judge legal insanity, over the "weakening" of the guns. I would like you to consider the name of the game of which you are taking issue with. Allow me to furnish you with that, Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, the game is not entitled "Rebel Soldier: Rebel Outcast" or it is not the upcoming release "Bounty Hunter", It is a game centered around a Jedi, the force, and the Jedi Academy. I'm sorry if you feel that it should be a direct carry over of Quake 3, Half-Life, Counter-Strike etc. But quite frankly, it is not. The game is designed more for intense saber duels and Jedi combat, the guns are to be supplementary and/or to add diversity and to change things up. The guns, however, are not the primary focus of this game. Again, I am sorry, but I can only relate the facts to you.


So in conclusion, This post is meant to help you understand the actual problem with which you as a gaming community are currently struggling with. It's not that Raven purposfully attempted to "ruin" the game, It's not even that Raven didn't do exactly what you asked (actually, quite the opposite!), it's just that you have played the game for 3-5 weeks and have actually learned the game, and the patch is forcing you to re-learn the game. This too will eventually become second nature to you. And I promise you, you will be kicking "newbs" to death again in no time, even if you have to double-tap the jump key. :D




Havoc Stryphe


Umm.. I just uninstalled 1.03 and installed 1.02 (straight off the cd).


Fixed my problem.

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it's just a game, most people wanted a change and they got that


i myself am very fond of the old style multiplayer, but i guess we'll all grow accustomed to the sp style multi soon enough


get used to it.


and stfu :monkey4:

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lolz i agree that once you get what you want your opinions always change. just a part of human nature. when you first meet something you want to change it but as you grow accustomed to it you want it to stay. if people listen to what you first said and change it how you wanted it (thinking to do you a favor) you just criticize them and say that everything was fine in the beginning. true irony but hey that's life just read a history book and you see people get what they want then abuse it and want a change right back to the original... people are such hypocrits

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Umm.. I just uninstalled 1.03 and installed 1.02 (straight off the cd).


Fixed my problem.


As did I, I take issue with only a few things in the new release, but frankly they are enough that I have a hard time enjoying the new version of the game.


I was primarily a NF Dueler and frankly found the addition of Saber Throw to NF servers to be rather pointless and annoying. I like the new Saber interactions but they wreck ping, which is (I assume) why Saber combat was as it was in the first place. I love Raven and enjoyed the product they released but I think they rushed to patch the game because of the very vocal community and we're seeing the results now.


I have little doubt that any changes made will be well balanced and frankly I thought they did a good job of addressing some of the balance issues with the patch--there just seem to be a large number of bugs and mistakes with the patch that need to be addressed. I think that I will hold off on my new version MP playing until I get the impression that it is a little less buggy.

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