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Model errors


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This is the fourth time that I've posted this question:

I am new to mapping and I'm following the tutorials, but I still can't get models integrated into my map. Whenever I right click and go to a model it only shows up as a box, even when I've selected to view it skinned. The only item that does show up in radient is the wall mounted gun cabinet, but after I compile it still won't show up in-game. I don't know why. They are all in the same directory.


Anybody know what's happening?

Also, where should all of the models be?

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The way I do it : I installed gtkradiant 1.1.1.


On http://jk2ed.jediknightii.net there is a tutorial on how to get it working with jk2. Then I unzipped all map_objects models into my base directory. I open the models with gtkradiant and then they show up how they are supposed to show up. If then you open your map with jk2radiant you'll see that the models show up correctly.


gtkradiant : http://www.qeradiant.com

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I keep getting this message:


"unable to open the file c:\program files\lucasarts/star wars jk ii jedi outcast/gamedata/base/maps/models/chunks/crate/crate1_4.md3


(further errors from this file will be ignored furing the rest of this edit mission)"


Am I supposed to put all of the md3 files directly into the base directory or do they go into base/models?

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i feel your pain but i got the answear!

1: put all your model files in a "models" folder in the base folder then extract your models from assets0.pk3 there so like a tie fighter would be base/models/map_pbjects/imp_mine/tie_fighter.md3

2: make a brush in radiant and make it a misc_model entity

3: hit N to bring up the entity properties for key type "model" for value type (say its a tie fighter) "models/map_oblects/imp_mine/tie_fighter.md3"

4: hit enter

5: save restart radiant if its still a box


there is a bug in radiant that pionts to your harddrive for a long path when choosing the value for the model

ie: c:/blah/blah/jkII/base/etc.

radiant though doesn't like long location names so the path should start not in the c drive but in the models folder ie:model/blah/blah.md3


get it this also applies to anything of entity that want a path name like sound

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