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Eyes/mouth won't show up.


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First of all, the search function is down at the moment, and even though I've glanced at ALL the threads here, it's quite possible that I've missed an allready posted solution on these forums. If so, I do apologize.


My problem: I've created a skin based on the Weequay model, and it works fine cept the eyes and mouth won't show up. I've tried it in both ModView and in the game, but they're not there. They (the eyes) should be easy to spot since I made them white.


I do not believe it's a alpha blending issue, there are no tga files used on the model, also I've noticed that even the original weequay skin has the same problem, while Luke's and Lando's skins do not.


It doesn't make sense! What, Raven just decided that the weequays don't need eyes? If so, why in god's name did they leave the texture file for the eyes and mouth?



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Make sure the default.skin is pointing to the right file for your eyes/mouth. I had a similar problem where the eyes and mouth file was in a different folder than the model I based the skin on, it was pretty easy to fix, just copied the eyes and mouth to that folder, changed the .skin file to point to the right place, works fine.



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Nah, that wasn't it. I had allready chacked and doublechecked the paths, but thanks for the tip anyway. I love it when people actually try to help me. Thank you!


The solution is much, MUCH more bizarre! In a desperate attempt to find the problem (or more precisely, the eyes;)), I made the entire face transparent. Not surprisingly, there they were, and like I suspected, they were all black. Eyes AND mouth!

"Riiight...", I said to myself, figuring that they (Raven) must've made incorrect references to the texture JPG. I then went on to color the entire 'mouth_eyes.jpg' file white to see what would happen. Like I suspected, the eyes and mouth turned white as snow, and so I went about figuring out where exactly on the picture the eye and mouth textures were REALLY supposed to be...


After an hour of fiddling with the textures I realized that, and this is the truly bizarre part, the eyes and mouth could only have one (1) color, derived from the medial RGB value of all the pixels at opposing edges of the picture file!!!

i.e. if the top edge pixels were red, and the bottom edge pixels were blue, the eyes and mouth would become all out purple!


Apparently, smoking illegal herbs during work hours is not frowned upon at Raven...:D

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I'm thinking it's probably more a problem with the compression of the file itself. It sounds as if something got screwed up in it. I bet if you saved it out as a jpg (if it's a tga, or a tga if it's a jpg) as it should be, it would work properly. But maybe not. :)



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This just keeps getting better!:)

I really haven't screwed with anything like that, the file is a .jpg like it should be, and I haven't changed it's compression rate. I even tried unzipping it fresh from the assets file, no meddling whatsoever, and it STILL behaves like a monkey!!!


It has got to be me though. I've talked to Michael Gummelt at Raven, and it all appears fine on his computer, both in SP and in MP. He asked me to zip up my weequay directory and send it to him and I have, lets see what he can find...


I'm starting to think that this is all rather funny, I don't even need the eyes, the skin looks great without them, but now I'm interested.I need to know what the heck is going on...

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It wasn't me! According to Raven Software, they goofed up. Gotta be the smallest, least important bug in history, though...

Anyway, now that I know that I'm not an idiot (riiight), I can go on with my life, and leave the weequay skin behind me. Working on a reborn skin now (oooh, original), and you know what, the eyes work!;)


Thank you for all the great tips though, it sure was nice of you to show up in my little thread...


Fight the Viking war!

Be a Missile King!


Hail to the King, baby!

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Yes, I'm impressed! I feel that Raven software couldn't be nicer if they tried. When I first contacted them about this, I never thought they would answer me, or pay any sort of attention to me. Boy, was I wrong!


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