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Plo Koon skin


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Ok.. some of you maybe wondering about that dude who promised to make a "Anime-skin-pack", The Plo Koon skin, Release the X-box trooper and the other funny skin he mentioned.... [yep, I was reffering to me]


Anyway--- My internet still doesn´t work like it should.. So I got 2 complete skins ready for shipment on my other computer. but can´t send them away... [Grrrrrrr....]


Anyway.. this is the status at my work...


X-Box-trooper, status: Done

Secret Funny skin, status: Done

Plo Koon [original skin and sith skin] , status: Almost Done

Anime-skinpack, status: started on.


Just hope my internet will work soon.. (this is annoying)



I am the ghost who walks

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Sounds cool, can't wait to see it. Plo Koon is one of my favorite Jedi :) Now if only someone would get cracking on a Kit Fisto model... <G> Kit Fisto is great in Episode 2, can't wait till others see him in action <G>



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Originally posted by TyRaNis

Bradfu!!!!!!!! WHat do you mean with "Can't wait to OTHERS see him in Action???"!!!!!!!!


I mean I can't wait till others see the movie so I can finally discuss it, I don't want to spoil anything for anyone :)



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