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Potential Editors: Send your stuff to Massassi!


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Guys, let's not turn this into a site war. Jkii.net and Massassi are on good terms, they share news and files, and have absolutely no animosity. Don't come here and complain about the forums' rules. If you don't like the rules here, hitch a ride on the next train out of town..

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AKPiggott- What about jedi-outcast?

That seems to be a pretty decent site for D/Ling JO files.


As far as Massassi vs. JKii.net. I could personally care less.

All I care about is who has the files I want/need. I am new to massassi as far as being registered, but have D/Led more files than I can count. As far as 'admin probs' there, well I haven't personally had any problems with them yet. Then again, I haven't used their chat, and only posted one comment ever, and that was on my first skinning attempt with JO.


Massassi Admins- Your always gonna have someone breaking a rule or 2 in an attempt to 'stand out' or 'be cool'. Bottom line, why should you guys care, what someone says about you........here?

Just a thought....


I personally agree with one aspect of AKPiggott's original statement, that massassi, in itself, is a well kept site. I also have to agree with DeTRiTiC-iQ in that, massassi does have it going on with the FEEDBACK. I too could care less about ratings, I would much rather here what users think of my work even if they hate it with a deadly passion. Feedback, IMHO, is how one learns what to do (or not do) in the future .


Anyway I hope I don't piss anyone off with this post, as it was merely an attempt to speak MY mind.














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Massassi Admins- Your always gonna have someone breaking a rule or 2 in an attempt to 'stand out' or 'be cool'. Bottom line, why should you guys care, what someone says about you........here?

Just a thought....


If you found out somebody you knew was talking about you in a negative way, wouldn't you confront them?

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Originally posted by ZDawg

#7. I myself got banned for saying "gay" you know how GHAY THAT IS!?


I for one commend Massassi for banning morons who use that slang. I can see why your presence there was not wanted.

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Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ

I'm not saying I won't submit levels here, i'm just saying that the most important thing for me when I make a level is qualitative feedback, a score out of 5 doesn't give me enough information. Massassi allows people to comment, and helps me overcome any problems in future projects.


That's a very good point. But the comment system does piss me off some times.. "woo first comment", "your work sucks" and "I can't get this to work on my computer so I'm gonna give it a 0"... although there are still a fair share of people with insightful and intelligent comments.


Orbitäl: I didn't realise that site was still going... last time I visited, it hadn't been updated for ages... if that's not the case, cool, the more the better.

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Originally posted by AKPiggott


But the comment system does piss me off some times.. "woo first comment", "your work sucks" and "I can't get this to work on my computer so I'm gonna give it a 0"...


Comments and ratings like those are against our rules. If you report them, they will be deleted, and the users will be banned. You wouldn't believe how many...people...we have had to ban.


As others have said, the forums are separate from the main site content. We can't possibly stop all of the bad behavior on the forums, because it'd be more than a full-time job. But we do the best we can.


And I will say this: if you will notice, most of the people who say they hate Massassi are people who broke our simple rules of decency, and were banned. I wouldn't put too much stock in their opinions.

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I think blu pretty much nailed it there. A lot more severity is added to the whole behaviour issue when you think about how much better the forums and comments used to be. However, when you look at some other sites (*cough*MaxPayneCenter*cough*), some communities make Massassi look like a bunch of distinguished gentlemen at a governor's ball. But like I said, not nearly as good as it used to be. I'm more happy of the fact that the site has retained its quality since Brian's depature.

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Well, there were a few things in the list I found either confusing or amusing. Especially this one:

#5. If Massassi Was Still run by Brian Loizer it would rock

Frankly, Massassi hasn't changed at all since the change of ownership.


As far as newbies go - there is occasionally a little bit of good natured poking fun, but there is no serious ill will towards newbies. Especially if you come to my editing forum. We always like seeing new faces. :cool:

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Jedi Legend- I guess you do have a point, but IMHO it all depends on the situation, or rather the severity of it.


When I stated that question/statement, I was more or less thinking of Slugs explanation of why someone was banned from Massassi. Personally, and I mean no disrepect toward him or any other Admin -massassi or otherwise, I find it rather pointless to go to another site/forum/etc and explain to the banned person, why they were banned to begin with.


If the person was banned, providing they were given due cause as to why, then that should be that.


Just an oppinion on my part I guess.











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Orbital - If it helps clear things up, why not? We were being painted as some sort of fascist dictators who ban people for absolutely no reason, I cleared up why he was banned, and how many times he was warned. That's it.

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Well like I said in my last post. If said person was already explained to, why s/he was banned. That should be the end of it. At the same time I totally see your point, it just seemed like you were doing everything (explanation-wise) all over again?










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Did you ever consider that they were in fact telling the rest of you? I would bet that Slug could care less why ZDawg *thinks* he was banned. However, his integrity is being questioned, and he's definately going to care what others think. It seems to me that he was more responding to tell/show the rest of you that he's not such a bad guy, not to try and explain to ZDawg or the others for the upteenth time why they were banned.


Also, I will personally vouch for the integrity, maturity, and character of *every* admin on those boards. Naturally there are some that I don't agree with on certain issuess, but when it comes right down to it, they're professionals. They only do what needs to be done. It comes down to this. I've been a member of Massassi for just over 2 years, and I have never seen anyone be banned wrongly. Never. Not even when there's been a misunderstanding. If someone is banned, it's because they deserved it, and the only reason anyone has deserved it is because they broke the rules either severely or repeatedly. I have never once broken any of the rules at Massassi (to the best of my knowledge) and have never had any trouble with the Admins. (It was, in fact, my excellent track record, that aided me in getting a job as a Massassi chat channel operator.)


When it comes right down to it, you're complaining about Massassi for two reasons.


1) You say we're too strict.


2) You say our boards are filled with immature people.


Well, here's the solid facts. If you all wouldn't act so immature, we wouldn't have any reason to be strict. So behave yourself on the Massassi Forums, and you will have no trouble.


Naturally I understand that whether or not you enjoy those forums is another maatter entirely, but if you don't enjoy them, no one's forcing you to post there.

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