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Hard to jumpkick?


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Ya he really wrecked the jumpkick.. I can hardly do it any longer. While is wasnt a spammed move used endlessly in games I played in. And while i can understand the annoying flip while tryin to jump a short wall. Its hardly a reason to ruin one of the prettiest moves in the game. I keep hearing everyone sayin how easy it is to get used to.. Well im glad to hear its working so well for them. I however cannot use one of my favorite moves anymore. I hope they change this back in the next patch. Cause as far as gettin over a short wall goes.. JUST BACK THE F_CK UP A COUPLE STEPS AN THEN JUMP!!!! hardly a reason to WRECK THE JUMP KICK!!!! *RANT* *RANT* *RANT*

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Hey - sorry if these are dumb questions but Ive just bought the game and so dont know half of the stuff you guys do, so id be grateful if someone could help me out here please.


First of all as I said I just bought the game - is it 1.02 already? and if not where can I find the patch?


How do you kick now? and how did you use to kick in 1.02? I didnt know it was possible.


Besides the nerfs in the patch, were any additions made to the game - I didnt see much in the readme.


Thanks for helping out someone new to this.



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to kick in 1.02 you just had to run into someone and hit jump. You would flip off of them and they would get 20 points of damage and possibly be knocked over. You can also run sideways into someone and do a sideways flip.


In 1.03 you need to tap jump once to jump and then tap again if you want to backflip/kick, sideways flips/kick still only require one tap of the jump key.

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i think in 1.03 the kick is much better because the saber doesnt relly hurt you anymore

(a yellow hit does only 5-30 blockable damage - the kick does 20 and you cannot block it)

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