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Possible Model Idea


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I know this is way off the Star Wars Universe Idea, but is it a possible idea for someone to make a playable Sephiroth skin, you know, from Final Fantasy 7. I mean c'mon, he had the coolest, look, the badass masamune. and a cold, inhuman personality... who WOuldn't want to be him!!!

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me ;)



you just need to understand that ideas like this just arent going to recieve a very warm reception here. suggesting things like anime characters, the Rock as a Obi-Wan Jabroni....its not going to go over well in this community.


JK2 may be based on the Quake engine, but it is not quake. Quake is just a first person shooter. Its got guns and blood, and thats as far as any semblance of a storyline goes. People want quake skins and models just to look cool while they frag. So it doesnt matter what genre they come from.


jk2 on the other hand, is set in a universe rich with story, and character development. its more than just a game for alot of people here, myself included. its an expansion onto something thats already established. a phenomenon that has spawned books, cartoons, action figures etc.


so when people suggest putting a professional wrestler in the game, alot of people, myself included, shudder at the though of watching The Rock run by with a lightsaber. it destroys any immersiveness that game offers.


just my two credits





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Ok, so let me get this straight, its ok to make a superman skin and everyone goes nuts about it, but its not ok to make a sephiroth skin... where is the logic in that?! Superman, The Crow, James Bond, they Have absolutely NO RELATION to Star Wars, and people went crazy... and what seeing Superman with a saber gives you a nice, warm, fuzzy feeling? god, the thought of that is repulsive... so why not make a Sephiroth skin?.. least he dealt with the idea of the sword/saber arts... They even made a scorpion skin... I mean c'mon.. Scorpion.. he was killed by Johnny Cage, at least if making a MK model, do Sub-Zero.. ... but get my point.. ?? cuz I mean people are even putting Ninjas and Samurais into the game... and they have nothing to do with SW... but THEY are getting a warm welcome... Strange on how anonther's logic is failing...



and just for the record... it offended me when you would even compare sephiroth to a professional wrestler as a possible model for the game... I mean, I wouldn't stoop that low to want to see the Rock Either... sephiroth could be made to a jedi, or rogue jedi easily.. a lot easier than any "pro" wrestler.

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Calm down Andy...


It's not that, it's just that most modelers have already got their Idea in the works and tons of other SW Ideas.


Post'l like this one have been littering the modeling boards for the past few weeks, so we're getting a bit touchy about them. I think every modeler here wants to make every SW idea there is and doesn't need to have the idea to make say a " Darth Maul" model burnt into thier head since they most likely have thought of it already.


And concerning Outside SW characters: Well, JO is a real hassle to model for in the first place, and Seph is a bit out of character in it. Take this into account with the fact that UT2003 is just around the corner and looks way easier to model for (and about the same polycount), and more fitting for such characters and you get frustrated with these requests.


We're already losing some good WIP posts by modelers with all these outside posts, so sorry for the less than enthusiastic welcome, but please try to understand.

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the thing that got me is that people are going hog-wild over samurais and Ninjas and Superman and Spiderman, and those 2 in particular are also animated, and where in the wide wide world do THEY play into Jedi Knight? Nowhere.. so for him to say that animated characters aren't welcome.. I say bull@$!@... last thing I want is another stupid darth maul that isn't even modeled right... i mean c'mon, there are no accurate hooded ones, or ones with horns, even with the SDK tools out.... and every other SW is all ready in production, and people are getting tired of 40 different versions of Kyle and Jan and everyone else being made... so I wanted something fresh and new... and what happens, gets slapped right back in my face... and don't say it didn;t... its not classy to try to be nice when saying something not right... everyone knows that...


I have 2 different guys all ready making Duel Maps, one of which is in beta testing (by me)(its a duel of the fates map), and the other is just about to be wireframed (its the sith temple of Korriban)... so there is my 2 cents for the SW universe...

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