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Horrible patch...


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The new patch has everyting wrong with it, stancs are messed up, saber throw can be used in a force DISABLED game, etc. Yes, I'm complaining, and yes I have adjusted to the system, and I can still kick some butt, however, I no longer have a desire to play this game. IF you want more in depth complaining about this patch, I'm sure there will be many more threads posted.

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So there are lots of threads out there that cover this issue? Threads where people back up their opinions with facts?


Umm...so why the hell did you start a new thread then? Just to let everyone know that you hate the game? Is that constructive criticism or just a pointless whine? :rolleyes:

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That was a rant, much like your post (tell me do you see yourself higher than me just because you can complain about my post just as well as I can complain about this game). Like I stated, and you obviously didn't see, I am aware of all the disgusting things they've done to this game, and that there was little point in listing them b/c everyone else already has.


However, I see that I must list them for you, perhaps due to your inability to read more that one most a day, or just because you are ignorant.


1. They changed the DFA, this is no big deal in that fact that it does less damage at certain instances in the swing, however, it is now almost impossible to land. I personally think that all you newbs should have learned just to dodge it like everyone that was good at 1.02.


2. No force games are just worthless. If you go into one, you'll notice that you can put 4 points in to saber throw, and yep throw your saber using force in a NF game. Also, you can't even use the pink move in NF games anymore, and you have to equip that 5 points you get, for a no force game, into saber attack just to get yellow.


3. It's bad enough that you can't use the heavy stance in NF games anymore, but when you can use it, there's no point in it b/c it's worthless. It's still the same speed as it used to be, except now the damage is so low that it takes anywhere between 2-200 hits (depending on when you hit them) to kill someone with the heavy stance.


4. Because all the swings now do the same damage, there is no longer point in using anything except blue, and 99% of the time all you can do is button mash... So it doesn't come down to skill, it comes down to who is the luckiest and who can hit the attack button the most. This must be why all you newbs love this version, b/c you can win even though you haven't developed any skill yet. Once again, you should've just sucked it up and played the game back in 1.02, trust me you would have got better, but why pratcie now when kills are virtually random.


5. I have no idea what problems guns have, but I hear there are some, I don't plan on finding anything out about that, since all I formally played was sabers, until they screwed that all to hell. All bitching aside, the fact that newbs can kill me jsut as much as I can kill them, which shouldn't happen and everyone knows that, leaves me with no desire at all to play this game.


6. There, that should be plenty of facts for you, and perhaps now you will be satisfied by my thread. I will see all of you guys in 1.02, if I can get over the disgust that 1.03 has given me, and I ever feel the desire to play JK again.

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"However, I see that I must list them for you, perhaps due to your inability to read more that one most a day, or just because you are ignorant."


No, you don't have to list them. I've read quite enough well thought-out criticism about the new patch. (That would make ~5% of all the anti-patch posts.)


I did not say I hated the patch or that I loved it. I simply pointed out that there are dozens of threads here along the lines: "the patch SUX!". I doubt we need any more of those. That is all.


And what is with the name calling? Every time You Guys post (I'm talking about the Experienced Players who OWN and have SKILL) you replace every valid argument (yes, the anti-patch movement has a lot of those) with the word "n00b". That is ridiculous.


Jesus...how many times did you call me dumb, ignorant, a n00b, a retard or whatever in your post? All because I said that there's no need to start the 17th "THIS PATCH SUX"-thread of the day.


Where is this rude, contemptuous behaviour coming from?


You really should try to adapt to the patch for your own sake. You'll have more fun.

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I apologize for the name calling... my temper got the best of me.


However, the game was much more fun before 1.03. I'm glad they fixed DFA, however denying me even the ue of the Heavy stance in a NF game but allowing saber throw just completely ruins the concept of NF. I could live with everything else, but those two things have to be changed back to the way they were.


Anyhow, me complaining about this patch is no different than all the people who complained about 1.02. So I figure if I bitch enough, they might at least make NF games truly NF games again and let me use whatever stance I want in them.

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seriously...come one the patch is ok, but it is terrible...I don't mind raven changed some stuff and making it more balance, but what i witness today really disturbed me. I don't know about you guys, but im a fan of the heavy saber, and i love the heavy move, but today with the new patch, i watched in horror that i could no longer preform the move that gave me so many wins. Every stance work, just not the heavy, and i tried everything, from the "run + swing + jump" to the "Jump + swing + jump again" but i never worked. Another thing, fix the absorb, i know there is an icon, but sometimes i don't pay attention, keep the blue glow, like other people can't see it but the player can, like that. For example, I can see the blue glow, but enemies can't, i think that would work better, they should also do that for protect aswell.


Please fix the heavy stand problem...

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"i watched in horror that i could no longer preform the move that gave me so many wins.....i tried everything, from the "run + swing + jump" to the "Jump + swing + jump again" but i never worked."


You, sir CAN NOT BE SERIOUS. No way! LOL! Please tell me you're joking!

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