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Patch worst ever


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The ranting and the raving is very interesting, but I've got to add my two cents in as well. This new patch is disguisting. It makes me want to unisntall this game. It was addicting before, now it's just plain repulsive. I don't know about the guns, or what nots, but I do know how much they screwed up saber battles.


For example. I used to use the hard stance, and now it's just about useless. The timing is totally off from when I had it down. This varialbe dammage is just bout the worst thign out there. I used hard stance because it was 2 good hits, and you've got the match, now if you don't hit them in the middle of the swing, it doesn't do 100% of the damage. It took me 5 hits with hard stance to kill someone. I really don't have much complain about the DFA (as people like to call it) because it's still deadly if you can nail it. But general FFA and upclse combat has now become a clickfest.


My second problem with the patch is the no force tweaking that they did. No force before the patch meant that you had no force points what-so-ever. Now I start a no-force server, and at best there are still 5 points to distribute within saber defend, saber attack and saber throw. That's just plain ridiculous. I've tried all the settings that I can, and the best jerry rigging that I could come up with is to set the ForceRegenTime to an insane amount. However, you get everything back when you respawn.


All those criers out there that were getting rocked by people with skill have now ruined the game for players that knew what they were doing.


Granted, a common ground should be found, but there's no reason to really screw up the stances as the patch did.


1. No force option should be as follows. Saber defend and saber attack at full, and no force power points to distribute. And PLEASE, no saber throw.


2. Hard stance was made even slower and less powerful, just keep it as it was before. DFA is fine, it's still destructive.


3. The dedicated servers are still crappy, but I just thought I'd throw that in there.


Thanks for listening, and I hope a new patch comes out soon.

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