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Status of the JK2 Admin Bot


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Well, guess what. 1.03 broke the bot badly. The console status command now truncates player names. I can probably work around it, but it's going to take a LONG time to work with since I'll need to completely recode the player recognition system. Thanks a ton Raven. :mad:

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Originally posted by MatrixCPA

Well, guess what. 1.03 broke the bot badly. The console status command now truncates player names. I can probably work around it, but it's going to take a LONG time to work with since I'll need to completely recode the player recognition system. Thanks a ton Raven. :mad:


Well, "it" happens. Get back up on that horse and keep on truckin. :D

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Yes, sorry, i used to send raw udp packages. it's pretty simple, when you setup an UDP connection. Then i send four Chr(255) + getstatus + Lineend (i think its \X000 but I'm not sure, gotta look at the code ;)) That worked perfectly for me.

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Ah, I see. But, does that info contain the client numbers as well? Or just the player list. The key for me is the connection between a player's name and their client number. I emailed Raven and they said that if it doesn't risk a buffer overrun somewhere, they'll change it back. :) I have my fingers crossed.

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The only think I could think of would be to get a status and serverstats at the exact same time and then take the full names from the serverstatus and combine them with the clientnumber order. It's a pain though because you need to get them with 0 delay because if someone joins in between, it'll mess that up. I'm just gonna hold out for Raven to "untruncate" the status command.

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Hey Matrix,


Ever thought about how to have the bot work remotely (or even if that's possible)? The system I run on requires only game servers running, so all my administration stuff has to be done from a remote server -- I'd love a valid admin-bot, but need one which can work from afar.

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MatrixCPA, I am not familiar with your admin bot, and I am not aware of its capabilities... can you link me to some website with more information?

I am looking for some addon or something that will allow me to set a list of players, each one with his own unique password, and let only these ppl play on the server.

Is your bot capable of doing that? if so, it will be of great help for me.

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FWIW, my wishlist:


Players are informed of the server rules when they join the game.


Players who attack unarmed players (saber down) are kicked after a certain number of violations.


Players who use vulgar language or epithets are kicked.


Like I said, it IS a WISHlist... :)

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i hope u get a grip of this patch soon matrixcpa. cuz i am a server admin too and was dreaming of a ladder system for our board(a full time ladder from the stats). but despite the basic problematics of gathering information from the logs and put it on html, there is also the problem of unique nicknames. its no good to have a ladder if the system cannot recognize the real guys. mabe the patch brought us some advantages after all. now the shadow color is invisible, but one stil can select one. since its invisible to the other players, but not to the server i hope, it could be possible to have unique names recognized as the real ones by the system.

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Originally posted by Aerys

FWIW, my wishlist:


Players are informed of the server rules when they join the game.


Players who attack unarmed players (saber down) are kicked after a certain number of violations.


Players who use vulgar language or epithets are kicked.


Like I said, it IS a WISHlist... :)


The bot is already capable of providing a "message of the day" which is a broadcast from the console every X seconds. If the rules are short and sweet, that wouldn't be a problem. However, the message is frequently lost if there's a lot of killin' or shoutin' going on.


The is no way to tell from the server console what players have their saber up or down. So, #2 isn't possible yet.


The bot is already capable of kicking players with vulgar names (as defined by the admin). It can also detect what players say or teamsay, so #3 is possible.


It looks like modified status command works perfectly. However, I've yet to figure out how to get the CUIC's to show up in the log. I have g_logClientInfo "1" set, which I figure would do the trick...but nothing yet. I'll mess around with it a bit and see what I can get.

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Has anyone had any luck with redirecting the log file to a specific IP and port number? I believe the settings in the config are:


mp_logmessages "1"

logaddress "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX"

logport "XXXX"


If this would work, then all you have to do is redirect the log to a port. Open a UDP connection to that port and parse what comes through. That way you can get all the information (Team points, Team members..., etc.) I'm doing something like this with Counter Strike but can't get it to work. Any help would be appreciated.



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I don't know of any way to redirect the logs off the server through the application itself. The 3 cvars you listed above don't exist in JK2. Now, it may be possible to have a mod or separate application stream the log to another box. At this time, I'm not aware of any such mods/applications.

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wel that would be very usefull. why do i have to join the server everytime i want to know whats going on? if i would get the chat messages and other console stuff with a remote console, it would be much easier to manage the server. the only thing i got for now ist the console from the all seeing eye which doesn't give me any feedback besides mapchange info when i change the map manually...

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Thanks MatrixCPA. I figured it may not be possible. It shouldn't be too hard to get some type of mod that does it. I know that CounterStrike and Half-life has that ability. We just need to figure a way to emulate the same function.


I'll keep you posted if I figure anything out.

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Nitemare, if you are connecting to the remote console, you can see all the chat messages, kills, etc--basically everything that you get in the log, you see in the console. If you are running the server on 'nix then it's pretty simple to get into the server console. If you're running it on windows, then you need something like PCanywhere to use the server console remotely.

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heh thx, but we just have a sponsored server and jk2 is a new feature for the host. so they dont have any extras installed, well and there are not many extras to choosem from anyway...

i can't put anything but maps and skins on the ftp, so ill have to wait...and wait...and wait...

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