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I want it so i could send this map to somone it will play the same music from them. When i put the directory in it's opening a directory only i have. i was thinking of of puting the directory into the asset0 file but it's pk3 file and i don't know how to open it with the worldspawn. When i press noise it's looking for a .mp3/.wave, i can't open a pk3 file when it's like that.


as you can tell i'm am completely lost.


this has been plaugeing me for the last week.


(by the way you open worldspawn by pressing "n")

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I want it so i could send this map to somone it will play the same music from them. When i put the directory in it's opening a directory only i have. i was thinking of of puting the directory into the asset0 file but it's pk3 file and i don't know how to open it with the worldspawn. When i press noise it's looking for a .mp3/.wave, i can't open a pk3 file when it's like that.


I don't really know what you are asking here. Is English your first language, if not I understand.


Did you try out the examply I said above? This makes the music play when you play your map.

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To Radky, I think to let someone else hear the music you have to put the mp3 file into the pk3 of your level (in a music subfolder within the pk3)


To Voidmind, the way to have music playing in one area is to add a target_speaker entity and add the "music" key as described by funclown. I think that it has to be a wav file for that to work though.


Hope this helps :D

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