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The Anti-patch Movement (apm)


Should there be a formal petition for the removal of the patch?  

149 members have voted

  1. 1. Should there be a formal petition for the removal of the patch?

    • Yes, and I will sign it!
    • Yes, but I won\'t sign it.
    • No.
    • No, the patch should be reevaluated.

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Curse you whiners!

Originally posted by GileS__l7l


You hatahs are definitely the same n00bs I SABER SLAM™ every night over and over again - the same ones who say:


• "One move, that's all you know"

• "Lame"

• Darth Noobie disconnected.

• "You can't fight without the one-hit"

• "Know any other saber styles, loser?"


Well, that's when I switch to blue or yellow and shove my saber up their asses any way they like it.


Light stance? You got it.


Medium stance? Still PwNeD™


And you know what? I still own people in this patch, but it JUST AINT FUN ANYMORE. I don't want a saber fight that takes me all night, or a duel that I can't even tell when I hit someone. Face it, they ruined the game, and the only reason you queers like this patch is because you don't die in .00025 seconds like you used to.



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yeah, sure, bla bla bla, "i dont want a saber battle that will take all night, i dont want to think, bla bla bla", cant you see what they were trying to do? Raven knew that it was starwars, and seing as how only 3 jedi's in 4 movies have ever died because of a saber, youd think that they wouldve made it possible to BLOCK ONCE IN A WHILE...the old version, sabers were purly offensive...puting points into saber defence was pointless, because you never had to defend anyway. Either your someone who hates starwars, and bought this game to try to annoy other people, or you just dont care how realistic the game comes up as. jesus, watch the movies, see how saber combat should be, and try to play it like a jedi, not a jackass


Space Monkey §ß



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Damn them! I hate these people for giving us a free update to the game. Man! I hate it how they continuously are working for us so that we can have more fun in the game. You know what, I'm just going to play the game that they made for us without the patch that they worked hard at. What n00bs! seriously, they weren't able to please ALL of us. :mad:


(Oh, yeah. I was being sarcastic.)

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I'm not really sure why people feel that the new saber system took the "skill" out of the multiplay. The general complaint I've been reading about the new saber system is that it’s now "newbie" friendly. It has been argued that the saber fights have been watered down so that the "unskilled" or less skilled have a higher chance of successfully defending against better players. But I ask all of you who agree with the preceding assertions to consider what I am about to say.


Despite what some people have been saying, I think that the new saber system is now more demanding on ones skill than ever before in two ways. First of all, since blocking has been increased it is now more difficult to penetrate an enemy’s defense. Would this not entail that it would require a greater amount of skill to bypass your opponent’s defenses and successfully strike them in the first place? Also, if blocking has been increased wouldn't it be less likely that some "newbie" would manage to score a lucky blow on you?


The second point that I wish to bring up is the reduced lethality of individual blows in the new saber system. Some people seem to believe that this change somehow gives the “newbies” some kind of advantage. I fail to see how it does. All players now enjoy the benefit of not being able to be killed by a single lucky blow anymore, whether or not they are “newbies.” Therefore, no particular group of people of a certain skill level gain any advantage or disadvantage from this change. Still, some people may think that the reduced lethality fundamentally protects the “newbies” because it allows them to withstand single blows that were so “skillfully” delivered that would’ve killed them in an earlier patch version. And so the claim is that one’s saber skill negated by the reduced lethality. However, this argument lacks good reasoning. Wouldn’t one’s skill be best reflected in their ability to consistently penetrate an opponent’s defense rather then their ability to simply land the first lethal blow? Does the former not sound like it is more demanding on overall skill than the latter?


Now I can understand how people may be upset by the fact that lightsaber does not do the proper damage that it should based on the movies and the Star Wars universe. But I think we can all see that this is so simply for the purpose of more enjoyable gameplay. And that is what the latest patch is all about. More enjoyable gameplay with longer lightsaber duels, just like the ones we know and love from the movies. Raven never intended for the lightsaber duels to be the quick and dirty 2-minute affairs that they were before the patch. That is why they changed the saber system. I think the new system does a much better job of mimicking “real” lightsaber fights. This is what people were asking for and now they have it for the most part. And if you don’t like the drawn out duels and the lack of instant kill moves (except the backstab) then maybe JK2 just isn’t for you. But it should be clear now that the new saber system did not remove the skill from duels in any way shape or form. If anything, the opposite is correct.

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I think some people here are misunderstanding the definition of 'flame'. It doesn't mean preventing an opposing opinion (in this case, telling you that the patch does not suck). Flaming tends to be made up of nonsensical insults because some people can't stand it if someone disagrees with them. I haven't seen the "pro-patch" people tossing out childish insults like "I owned you before, and I own you now, even though the patch sucks!". If you people don't like the patch, then please, do us all a favor and quit the game and leave these forums so those of us who DO like the game still (which is the majority, of course) can get back to intelligent conversation.



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they removed all the medium stance moves


the backstab is to powerfull


less damage, it takes to long to kill someone (boring)


very limited hit indication


the hit range seems a bit too extended in every stance (unrealistic)


allows saber throw (as an option) in no force duel






no more death from above spam


nice force adjustments


fixed some minor interface issues on the multi screen select


the ingame chat pop up box is cool (although it is over used)



the patch was a step in the right direction but all they had to do to the saber system was take out the dfa spam

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The game is flawed now.. In the movies, if a jedi or sith was hit by a lightsaber, he was either killed or seriously wounded.. With the 1.03 patch on, a person can take up to 10 mediumstance hits before they die...


The damagesystem in 1.02 was fine, it very much reflected the spirit of Star Wars. The only flaw in it was the DFA-proximitybug.

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