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Saber Combat is Awesome!


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Bleu is TO fast


I wanna have a fast match sometimes cause Yellow's really slower now but bleu is pushing it.

So..bleu isen't fun


Yellow is slower


I can't believe they put a "red swing" in a yellow stance , it does not even hit most of the times.


Red is finally ballanced


Good..yet i never used it :rolleyes:



The only thing better in this patch are : Sparks and red.

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Yes, blue is WAY too fast.


Yellow is okay, it's too much like the old Red stance.. Other than that it's okay.


I'll agree and say that duels are fun, but FFA is ruined..


I host a server allowing a max of 6 people, and it used to be during brawls (3 or more people), there would be a little area open every few seconds... Meaning they would back-out and prepare to attack again..


Now it's just a constant display of sparks (fireworks?).. I can't even tell what, or who, I'm swinging at. I just run in and swing.


You also can't tell how you killed anyone. You just run in swinging and see someone die.. How? Don't know, you just know you got lucky.


And that's the problem, the game requires very little skill now. You just "charge and hope you get lucky."

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I couldn't disagree more.


Have you noticed when you engage a Light Stance with Medium or Heavy how you can actually knock their saber aside for a moment when the other person blocks?


It leaves 'em wide open.


I agree that Blue is fast, it should be, it's the Light stance, but it also causes piddling damage, and if you stay on Medium or Heavy against a Light stance you'll probably win.



In a large melee, the Strong Stance spammers will probably still win if they use your tactics of just charging in swinging.


Personally, I find it MORE tactical now, not less. Did they slow the fire rate on the Repeater too?


Oh, and the DFA now....MUCH better. Makes more sense as you can't turn, you're 'committed' to the move, and the animation is so much smoother.

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Fighting with sabers in FFA is always going to be crazy. You can duke it out with a guy for a few minutes, then someone comes along and rockets you, totally negating the minutes you just spent sabre fighting with another guy.



Saber 1 on 1 is great! I am new. I played all day yesterday, against people worse than me and mostly people who are a lot better. I saw many different styles. I saw most guys use more than one stance.


I saw one guy win 20 duels in a row against us, using the heavy stance. He used a modified DFA. (yes this is after the patch)


I kept trying different tactics and I finally beat him!



Conclusion: FFA is and always will be somwhat unabalanced and "crazy", with or without the patch.


But plain old sabre fighting is still awesome folks!


Dont be one of those who childishly refuses to play the patch. Ya think Luke Skywalker would quit just because the empire threw him a curve? No.



Everybody please get over the shrill petty whining and enjoy the game!


(what am I saying? There would be no internet without shrill petty whining!)

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blue is fast, but seems to work just fine.


It seems very hard to block strong attacks with blue now, to the point I stay yellow almost full time.


So even though the guy in blue is spinning around like a top, one solid whack from a red will make him think twice.


Having a lot of fun with the new patch, I personally detest red mode but it was very difficult to actually score any kills in the faster modes. Fights sometimes last a little too long, leaving people more chances to steal a kill.. but then again duel mode is available to fix that. ;)

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I'll help boba explain:


I sucked before I got a dfa bind but now that I can no longer spam the move and since no one has posted the new dfa bind I cant play. I will actually have to learn some tactics. I used to own noobs before, but now they can beat me cause I dont know how to stop them from spaming the blue stanz. And what are these force powers everyone keepz talking about. all i got is a saber. also how to do you do a double click. after I hit my F key (boba's jump key is bound to the "F" key) I keep double clicking the mouse like everyone says but I cant backkick


did that help you guys out. now you know why he might think the patch sucks.

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Saber fights ARE tedious and boring..


It's almost impossible to attack at someone without their saber touching you. Not hitting, mind you, but touching.


And all the skill IS gone. It's just run around and swing and hope you hit. There's no aim anymore.. There's nothing.. Atleast DFA required aim!


Both Blue and Yellow have spin attacks, and at very rapid rates too.


Oh sure you can say "Yeah but they are so weak!" It doesn't matter.. If I go to swing I always get it. No matter wut happens, the spin can't miss.


"Well why don't you just throw?"

If I was a person using blue, running around spinning, would I like my opponent to run away from me and constantly throw? No I wouldn't, so I won't do it to them.

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so you are sayin that joining a server where the only move people do is dfa is better?


Both Blue and Yellow have spin attacks, and at very rapid rates too

yellow spin attacks arent exactly rapid...

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I agree - saber fights are more tedious and boring. I was pretty good before the patch (usually owning duel servers and ffa but hardly unstoppable) and I'm pretty good after the patch as well. I've only had about two hours of play with the patch (some of us have jobs and relationships) But the saber fighting seems much more sloppy and random. People flail around a lot more with sabers. The autoblock is way too good now- I've let people bang away at me for five minutes straight without moving or attaching and they've failed to land a hit. It seems to block a lot of stuff when people are prone/getting up as well, which makes no sense to me.


The DFA cheap move has just been replaced with the backstab. In the sort time I've played I've seen people spamming it like crazy. Now if I want cheap kills, I just run backwards towards a group of people fighting, and can usually get 3-4. Once, I got three with one attack. Gee, what an improvement!


It's broken a lot more than it's fixed.

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It amuses me when people say it doesn't take any skill now. What a joke. Not everyone is overwhelmed by controlling the speed of the blue stance. Yes, some people are trying to learn and flail around and miss a lot. But I tell you what, if you come in towards me with a heavy swing, I'll move right around it and start whacking on your ass. I don't seem to have a problem winning since the patch, what's yours? I honestly think people are just upset because it requires MORE skill than just mastering a single stance and tactic. Get over it, learn to accurately time hits with all stances. I've had this game for under a week and can do it. Skill my ass...


Oh yeah, the enhanced blocking is good, the combat "feels" more like a climactic battle in a movie now, not Bushido Blade with less control. The only reason you're getting "lucky" hits on your opponent is because he's not defending against you, he's trying to fight you as you come in fast and hard. Keep in mind that if you maneuver WITHOUT attacking while someone is as you said, "going for a lucky hit", he will most likely pass you giving you a nice clean swipe at his back with yellow or red, or perhaps you'll discourage him into using a slower stance because he's being blocked. Once he does that, then it's your turn to switch to blue and wipe him out as he opens up going for a heavy swing. You people who bitch about 1.03 really don't have skill, get over it. Skill is knowing what your opponent is going to do next, and being ready for it. (and of course, aim, which you can do with all of the stances.)

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Never said it takes NO skill, but it sure takes less skill. I can kill just fine after the patch, but it's sucked a lot of the split second timing right out of the game. It's too forgiving now in damage, making for long drawn out fights - RE: tedious and boring. Maybe because you've only had the game a week, you didn't get to that level skill wise prepatch. I dunno. I usually play force enabled duel and FFA. My style revolves around knocking people down (kick/push/pull) and sabering them while on the ground. About 2/3 of them don't connect anymore or do nothing damage when the person is one the ground prone. No worries- I just do it again till one gets through. But it just draws out the match.... the out of control blocking actually helps my game, as I don't attack unless I'm very sure of a hit. (IE other person is on their back!) But again, it draws out the game in a lame way- people just keep coming in hacking and doing no damage.


As for all those bouncing light style people- just turn on absorb, pull/push or kick if they use absorb, and kill them. Nothing to fear.


I'm glad they fixed the DFA, but they broke backstab. People spam spam spam it like crazy. And it doesn't make sense- why tone down all the damage of the sabers, but then add in a one hit kill? Yeah, I can deal with it, (absorb to prevent getting pulled down, and sidestep/roll backwards) but again, it just makes for lame matches. And it doesn't make sense as they went through the trouble to get rid of DFA. (Move I always disliked... too cheap.)


I stand by it broke a heck of a lot more than it fixed. It's very slow adoption by the JK2 community (I still can't join over 1/2 the servers 1.02 out there) isn't a good sign that people love it either. And don't give me that people are just slow to getting around to upgrading- when a new patch came out in the Quake 2 or Unreal T. community, it was on 90% of the servers within two days. If anything, it's spliting the user base, which is a bad thing.

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Notice, how people are so much happier that Red Stance is now defanged... Its still the same sluggish speed now coupled with an even idea, using it slows you down to a craw YAY. Double Slash REALLY makes up for it, yeah I mean, 2 SLLLUGGGISSHLLY slow swings really makes a massive difference. Red Stance is reduced down to a support style (barely that as well, against better skilled opponents its not even a vialbe option), considering the fact that you can spot it a mile a way, run away since both the swing and the swinger are moving at the speed of molasses in antartica and then proceed to smack away in a light stance spin-a-thon even before he completes his swing. The only way Red Stance can actually do damage is a) other person is using red stance, simulating a duel between 2 drunked blind titans b) a moron who thinks he/she is a Drizzt Do'Urden impersonator and proceeds to spam the spin move a million times and just so happens to pass by you (manuevering is a bit different when spinning, something some people have't figured out yet). But of course some people will say, how the Red Stance was too strong before and that "all people had to do was time their swings", Well, hell yeah you had to time your swings, timing is everything in a saber fight, if you swing like a blind madman, you miss your oppurtunity to strike and leave yourself open to someone WHO WAITS FOR AN OPENING AND TIMES HIS BLOW TO DO MAXIMUM DAMAGE. A swordfight is all about technique, footwork and TIMING, all the strongest swings in the world is so much flash when you decide to slash when the opponent is too far away, or anticipating your swing (very easily both in real and game world since its hard to readjust the swing of a blade if you place TOO much unfocused and undisciplined force into it). For Blue style and yellow style, timing is also of the utmost importance, but the quick cooling time between slashes allowed for sloppy swordplay, or even worse blind flailing of the blade. Timing is now impossible with the Heavy stance since the opponent has to be in the middle of a swing while using heavy stance as well and is in the middle of a swing or nigh blind or has reflexes of a drunken snail in order NOT to notice your slothenly swing. I am NOT saying that all you should use is one particular stance, of course not, but Heavy is now useless for nearly all situations, Attack? Nope too slow in swing and in progession opponents spot it a mile away and wait for your swing to pass and then open up with an attack of their own. Defense? Nope, you SLOW down when you try to slash and allows for the opponent to manuever AROUND you, allowing for the new spam weapon, the Backstab.

Before the patch, against skilled oponents, I would, attack in Red looking for a opening, STRIKE and switch to a faster style, now that the oponent is near dead, most oponents will start to resort to blind flailing allowing me to captalize on their mistakes and a faster style allows me to recover just in case I make a mistake of my own, for those who are OVER-Cautious after getting hit with a heavy blow, I can proceed to chase them down and launch attacks in quick succesion, the fast swings making it harder for them to dodge away from, and for those who are truly skilled, a lighter stance helps accomadate for any tactic they might use because of the faster cooling period and the fact that the knowledge that ANY swing connecting to them is now deadly regardless of style. This is of course not my own dueling tactic, just a prefered one. As for Deathblow or DFA as it is popularly called, in a duel, this move was designed to be used when your oponent is caught of guard, in other words, A MOVE DESIGNED TO CAPITALIZE ON A MISTAKE, of course there was some level of imbalance as the person was able to manuever themselves and the blade and the blade did damage even the strike was over, these of course were bugs and definately had to corrected. But in a straightfoward duel a person who spams DFA is just simply asking for a person to go around them a slash them as they were coming down or already down on the floor blade in the ground (notice I said go around, the bug made the blade deadly even after the blow was over for a few seconds). The only truly annoying part was when some fool decided to spam this move in FFA when a group of people were battling one another, this is a problem that can't be help, there are always going to be more than a few morons who just want to look "skilled" with their impressive amout of kills. Take out DFA, its going to be a bunch of morons using the backstabbbing move , take that out, then its going to be a bunch of morons using light spin in a crowded fight, take that out, a bunch of morons who use the medium stance finisher, and the list goes on. I am not saying all the changes were bad, saber blocking had to be improved since it was nigh useless before, although some fear that it has been improved too much but it was SUPPOSED to be easily sovled with the hitting power of the heavy stance (now impossible since they will roll/jump/run away when they see that saber inching towards them. Drain and heal were corrected since their were simply too people draining and griping (something quite deadly when you were using the dark side of the force yourself since their was no counter) and heal was a bit too powerful before, although heavy stance USED to solve that problem. The game has been effectively reduced to 2 and a 1/4 ( doubting that 1/4 as well against skilled players) stance. It wasn't like it was impossible to dodge heavy stance before, its just that it required too much patience for some. Well congrats to them, they can go on spaming the blue spin during duels thanks to the increased speed, for the rest of us, well,this is not a disaster but, this is not fun either.

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Originally posted by JediGhost[sITH]

Did anyone else not bother reading that? I'm sure you can cram that down into a paragraph or two. :)


i started reading it and then i was like.......too much reading........


well, personally i think it's pretty good, if somebody's running up to you backwards they can't see you, all you have to do is move to their side and then hit em with some side slashes before they even realize what happpened..

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