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if you don't like the game, quit


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yep, thats right


stop playing. if you don't like it, go back your little counter-strike or whatever. no need to bitch, just makes you look like an *******. quit the game and stop bothering the people who do like it. simple as that.




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Gee, I wonder if anyone's gonna reply to this with some sort of threat. :rolleyes:


Frankly, I'd rather they simply accept the fact that they have to relearn the game to be good with it again.



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Originally posted by SubMerged

yep, thats right


stop playing. if you don't like it, go back your little counter-strike or whatever. no need to bitch, just makes you look like an *******. quit the game and stop bothering the people who do like it. simple as that.






Hmm. I don't flame people, for the most part, mainly because I'm supposed to be working on being less confrontational (or so my shrink says), but this one comes close to being flameworthy.


I think it needs to be said that I don't dislike the game. I love the game in it's original 1.02 form. I dislike what the 1.03 patch DID to the original game.


My next point of argument is that none of us would be here if a bunch of 'whiners' hadn't spent most of their time whining about items in the game rather than trying to learn them. If we could magically go back in time to before the patch release and apply your above methodology to those who complained, we'd ALL still be on 1.02.


In all truthfulness, I'm not much of a gamer. I grew up playing consoles and so PC games haven't really been my forté. Prior to JK2, my FPSs of choice were UT and JK. Yet, in the month I had JK2, I learned the styles, and I learned the counters against the dark force whores, bunnyhoppers and gunners; never did I complain about this game on any forums or to anyone at Raven or LucasArts. I didn't give two dung beetles if I "owned" at the game or not - the game was fun and MP was one of the best I had ever played on any platform (even in my limited experience).


Yes, in the last two days I have re-learned most of what I knew before, and, on some level, for me some of the timed moves are much easier to do. However, this does not detract from the fact that I feel this patch has made the game not nearly as fun as it used to be, and I have outlined my reasons in other topics and they are far too lengthy to rewrite (reference: see my lengthy post on one of the later pages of the official patch topic). And now, when I do have what I feel is a legitimate complaint, I post it with detailed insight into why I feel the way I do and am immediately brandished as a whiner and a hypocrite.


Finally, to reiterate, I don't dislike this game and I'm not going to quit playing it - I'm just going to have to keep two installed versions: 1.03 for competitive play and 1.02 for general fun play. However, if you really want people who have legitimate complaints to stop complaining, my question is: Do you plan on reimbursing all of these people out of your own pocket? 49.99 seems a bit steep for one month of gameplay which is exactly what you're suggesting.

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