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How do I remove 1.03?


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Running the 1.02C JK2DED might fix it (It's a DOS Window).. And then clients connect they automatically convert to the pre-patch?


I'm not sure... I'd say reinstall the game.. But I have no idea what kind of effect it will have on 1.03 clients joining your (if your hosting) a server..


If your not hosting a server I'd say just reinstall the game..

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Ok....the main problem is that I removed JKII from my computer cause of problems....I reinstalled it and now when I try to install 1.03...it saying that JKII doesnt need the update cause its already updated...dont know what to do now.......anyone? :mad:

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Greetings all,


I've played the campaign through twice now, and I'm ready to head in the MP portion. But from I'm reading out here that the new patch is not so good of an idea? Plus I've been having a dificult time getting the download in the first place...


My game is not patched at all at this point. Any suggestions?




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My game is not patched at all at this point. Any suggestions?


Patching 1.02 to 1.03 would be like giving your virgin daughter up for sacrifice :D


If I do reinstall version 1.03...can I still connect to servers using version 1.02? Or am I just limited to the 1.03 minority?


Alas, no; 1.03 patched systems can only access 1.03 servers.

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Originally posted by Tozier

I sent a mesage to Lucas Arts trouble shooting last night asking the same question, I should have an answer shortly (I want it off my PC and smashed into many millions of pices).


Tozier... That would be great :) Do let us all know... I'm probably gonna stick to 1.02, until all this chaos about it calms down. Maybe even wait till a new patch or atleast till there are about 40% 1.03 users. I can't really install 1.03 now anyway cause of the problem I mentioned earlier.

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I finally got the 1.03 patch downloaded, but I have in a holding pattern... (I've not installed it yet)


Where can I get the 1.02 patch? I didn't see it on the JK2 support page! You don't think that they remove patches when they come out with a new one do you?


Anyway if someone has a addy for the 1.02 patch I'd be greatful...




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It seems there's still no solution for my problem. :( I'm still waiting for ideas so guys, help me out here! Once again, the problem is I am running 1.02 but when I try to install 1.03, it says my Jedi Outcast doesnt need the update....for some reason. Reinstalling JKII and trying to install 1.03 didnt help....

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