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How to fight "Like a man"


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It seems to me that the fastest way to accumulate a high score is to find a move that will kill a lot of people really quickly and practice that move to become really good at it. Most of the people who play this game do not even attempt to counter anything anyways, regardless if they know it is coming or not.


Several people have told me that if I sarted "fighting like a man" I could accumulate points even faster. He also accused me of whoring certain moves. I assume that "whoring moves" is not "fighting like a man" in the eyes of this player. Although I usually beat these players like 30-2, they seem to believe there is credibility in their statements, as I keep hearing them over and over.


ANyhoo, I am looking for a way to get kicked out of fewer severs while still maintaining my exceptional playing abilities. Although I am not a man I believe that I should be able to fight as one. Is it true that one can get more kills mixing up the good moves with some inferior moves even when no one on the server is bright enough to counter the good moves?


It seems to me as if the good moves should be spammed until people start to counter them to the point where they lose their effectivness. The problem is, everytime you use a move it might as well be the first time you've done it. My opponents always seem surprised.



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By spamming the "good moves", what you're doing is abusing moves that are poorly balanced in the first place. There's little skill involved in your victories because the moves are easy to do and hard to counter. You probably won't get as many kills, but what's the point of even playing if you're just using a couple horribly repetetive moves and ruining the fun for everyone you play against?

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Thank you very much Zek for saying what I was gonna say before I had the chance to say it.


The only skill involved in spammed moves like DFA is that it takes practice to get it to work every time. It takes far more skill to be up close and personal with someone who is attacking you like a madman, not take any damage, and beat him/her in five perfectly timed attacks.


But that is just my opinion.


And I LOVE the new patch.

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Originally posted by Zek

By spamming the "good moves", what you're doing is abusing moves that are poorly balanced in the first place. There's little skill involved in your victories because the moves are easy to do and hard to counter. You probably won't get as many kills, but what's the point of even playing if you're just using a couple horribly repetetive moves and ruining the fun for everyone you play against?


Yes you nailed it there. Good post.




Oh ya.... I love the new patch as well :)

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that a god dam LIGHT side ofthe force way of thinking The true path THE DARK SIDE i think that it doesnt matter if you force push the bastard off a cliff while he has a piic with his grandmar of ruun him through was a light saber after a long and argues battle

Either way HES DEAD why go 2 so much effort

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Wow. If the game has so many "spammable moves" that are "horribly imbalanced" then why are you trying to play it at all? Go play FFA with guns or something.


"Fighting like a man" to me means that you investigate all tactics available to you, and use the most efficient means nessesary to get the most points. Any other method of play is called "Fighting like an idiot".



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Originally posted by Essobie

"Fighting like a man" to me means that you investigate all tactics available to you, and use the most efficient means nessesary to get the most points. Any other method of play is called "Fighting like an idiot".




Wow :rolleyes: I play for the pure enjoyment of the game. Funny how some people just play for kills to see their name at the top of the server list. Are you that insecure that you need to feel like your a winner (I assume you are one of these people who used to spam DFA/Grip/Whatever.


DA :o yawn

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and you I assume are one of those people who "enjoys" walking around with your lightsaber off yelling at people who kill you. You are probably one of those people who "enjoys" typing the day away on a full server not allowing anyone to kill you.


SOme of us actually have to play the game to enjoy it, not just walk around watching and complaining about people.


If you're joining servers with the intention of "having fun" and not trying to kill other people, I suggest you get off so some people who want to play the game can join.



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Nice straw man fallacy there Prancer. Its obvious that we who play for style and enjoyment actually just enjoy getting killed (especially when we get to complain about it) and hog room on servers from you who play "for real" :rolleyes:


Personally I can't figure how someone can stand the monotony of watching the same animation over and over again just to get on top of the scoreboard. Can those little numbers next to your name really be that important or are you just out to annoy people?

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just my 2 cents:


usually when you play a game, say euchre, you play to win.


the beauty of multiplayer is you can play real people instead of the computer, so winning is that much more satisfying.


I don't love the game so much that I will scour the net looking for cheats and hacks BUT IF THE GUYS PLAYING ON THE SERVER CAN'T ADJUST THEIR TACTICS, TOO BAD FOR THEM.


pre-patch, I would punish guys with DFA. but get this: I would also duel, and although I didn't win all them time, I would win most of the time. Surprise #2: there were certain players (who I could beat) who would NOT be fooled by that move... which required me to adjust my tactics. I hated the drain-whores but I never complained about it because YES YOU COULD STILL COUNTER IT IF YOU CHANGED YOUR TACTICS. I hated the pull-kick kill with one slash scripts but big deal, IT'S JUST A GAME.


summary: in everything in life, I play to win. because this is a videogame, I don't lose any sleep if I lose but it's still nice to win when you don't cheat, and punishing newbies by using the same move over and over again isn't cheating in my books, it's punishing them for their lack of skill (or experience). and guess what? some of the newbs actually improve, during the same game, which is kind of cool to see.


lots of angry people on these forums...

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Originally posted by technobot

summary: in everything in life, I play to win. because this is a videogame, I don't lose any sleep if I lose but it's still nice to win when you don't cheat, and punishing newbies by using the same move over and over again isn't cheating in my books, it's punishing them for their lack of skill (or experience).


Punishing newbies for their "Lack of Skill"?!!




Man you are warped. Get bent. I bet you get kicked off a lot of servers.



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one more thing:


if you can't beat a guy doing the same move OVER AND OVER, the only wit involved here is the victim's, as in he only has half of it.


if you were playing basketball and you kept getting beat by a guy who dribbled to your left, I would venture to say you are being constantly out-witted. it doesn't say much for you that you can't adapt.


and this b@ll**** about style has to stop because it's so freaking subjective. who is the be-all and end-all authority RE: style?


"Well he used a lot of spinny moves which I guess makes him stylish?"




"Well he kicked me to death, he must be awesome."


"He didn't throw his saber once."


"He only did the backstab move at the beginning."


"He remembered to bow."


(oh yeah the punishing newbies thing was meant to be taken as a joke, but SOME people take this game way too seriously)

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Originally posted by technobot

wow people get BITTER on forums :)


That is because most people are pu$$ies in real life. So the ability to "man up" on the internet is irresistable.


Watch. Someone is going to assume I was targeting them...


Other than that, I think spamming one move is lame, not because it can give people 12,000-1 win streaks. But because it makes a potentialy spectacular game boring.


Who cares how many frags you have. They arent handing out door prizes or anything. I love it. People pat themselves on the back for a 30-0 score and they still suck. Not that they dont have a talent for racking up frags. They suck in the fact that they are boring to watch. I have gotten more enjoyment out of watching dogs#it bake in the sun than seeing some of these "masters" work their art.


In closing, your kung fu is weak.



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Originally posted by DarkAgent


Wow :rolleyes: I play for the pure enjoyment of the game. Funny how some people just play for kills to see their name at the top of the server list. Are you that insecure that you need to feel like your a winner (I assume you are one of these people who used to spam DFA/Grip/Whatever.


DA :o yawn


Good assumption... completely wrong, but good assumption.


I play "games" with the strict definition that goes: "A competitive activity or sport in which players contend with each other according to a set of rules."


If you are there just for the enjoyment, fine... but how _I_ play cannot be under contention if it is within the confines of the rules as they are given... in this case, by the guidelines set forth by the game designers as is played out in the server shown and shown to us by our clients.


The cries from people to play "different from the given ruleset" are just cries from people who can't deal with getting beat down by others that don't restrict their gameplay by some arbitrary set of rules that YOU give to YOURSELF.


People are not required to play any other game than what is given to them by the rules. Deal.

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