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A farewell to JKII

Damar Stiehl

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ahh, complaining about the saber blocks....is it me, or when i watch the star wars movies, most of their lightsaber combat has blocking...people shouldn't get frustrated just because cheap moves that always seemed to hit people get blocked, and people shouldnt get mad at people who TRY to block when their in a bad spot...remember how in .02 when you had to run to a completely open area to get away from 5 guys from the other team in a CTF because you couldnt nock their saber away long enough to make a controlled escape? Eveybody knows that no matter what, there will always be a person who finds a cheap move, and uses it to "cheat" his way to the top, but you cant stop that...you know it, just play and if you dont feel comfortable in a server, switch, it would help you to find servers that suit you, rather than trying to make people change to you.


Space Monkey §ß



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There is almost no distinction between a good player and a less skilled player.


Lowers the gap between newbies and skilled players?


Bespin air shafts: 10 kills, 2 deaths

Cargo bay 72: 10 kills, 1 death

Ceremonial hall: 10 kills, 3 deaths

Lightsaber training: 10 kills, 1 death

Hangar bay: 10 kills, 0 deaths


That was no force, sabers only duelling. Granted, my ping rested around 50msec, but by keeping my distance until I saw an opening, then moving in and having one or two hits (roughly 70% of my attacks resulted in a shield hit or groan).


All it takes is the patience to get used to the new way you have to create (or wait for) an opening for a hit to connect. a well-timed attack can easily deflect your opponents saber out to the side, leaving them wide open for an overhead slash to the torso.


Also, if you see someone running backwards at you, have some sense in your head and roll sideways before they stab you! Jeez.

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:rolleyes: when did I ever state that my opinion is entirely correct ?


If you think your opinion is better, GIVE A FRICKING COHERENT ARGUMENT !!!


In virtually every post I make I try to write down just what I think it is that I find wrong at this patch... If someone gives an argument, I try to reason with it, if I find a flaw in it, I point it out, etc...


Now, from a competitive point of view, I find this less fun. If you're a starwars fan who mostly just wants to relive the pure saber dules seen in the movie, fine. For you guys, I sincerely hope that if the combat style reverts to something that closely resembles the v1.02 style, raven will put in an option to have amore "movie-like" experience just as you have now...

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well it's painfully obvious that almost everyone on this forum is either a newbie or a flamer.


what the **** do you people care if we don't like the patch. if you don't want to hear it don't read the ****ing post! that's what titles are for. and the violin is almost as old as HEY! YOU THERE! which skidrow managed to bundle in to one wholey unfunny bundle of ass.

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Originally posted by flippo

well it's painfully obvious that almost everyone on this forum is either a newbie or a flamer.


what the **** do you people care if we don't like the patch. if you don't want to hear it don't read the ****ing post! that's what titles are for. and the violin is almost as old as HEY! YOU THERE! which skidrow managed to bundle in to one wholey unfunny bundle of ass.


LOL !! good one

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.......this is all I mostly see here at this forum. It is rather pathetic. I just fail to understand why these idiot crybabys have to make a Farewell post that they're leaving because 'the patch ruined they're game. :confused: -Like any of us freakin' care!! -I think Raven did a damn good job with this 1st patch. So it's different, big deal...i'll deal with it and adjust!-Whiners Just leave already!:mad: -I just wish all of the rest of the bitter idiot whiners would follow suite and just leave as well!:rolleyes: -To all you whiners leaving....BYE-BYE and Good Riddence!

:violin: :violin: :violin: :violin:

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SITH!NATOR and i agree.....thats scary..... but still, why bother making a farewell post, youre not scoring points off anyone by posting your baseless cricticisms one last time, youre not going to get anyone begging you to stay, raven isnt going to patch the game again just for you, if you dont like it just leave and move on. we dont care.

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Originally posted by Damar Stiehl

Well, it was fun while it lasted... I won't complain about just how exactly the patch ruined the game, but for me it surely did. It's sad to see Diablo II happening all over again.


To anyone unhappy with the patch, abandon hope all who enter here, there won't be an "undo" of it, it is more than obvious.


To anyone happy with the patch, enjoy the game, you got what you asked for.


To Raven, it was great to play an almost-perfect Jedi/Sith simulator before it got nerfed and tweaked into the oblivion. Thanks for demonstrating your methods of dealing with game balance though before I bought into Soldier of Fortune 2; now that game is definitely off my list.


With that, farewell everyone, guess I'll have another go at it when JKIII comes out! :)


Damar Stiehl, the Imperial.


I'd say sorry to see you go, but then I stop and think for a second...


If you think ONE patch out of the many that will follow ruins the game forever, I feel sorry for your teachers, parents, and just people who know you in common. One patch won't ruin the game. Besides, the game is not ruined, I love how saber fights actually last more than a few seconds, sorry if you hate that, JUST DON'T DOWNLOAD THE PATCH!

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Bottom line is... any skill you had at this game has been thrown out of the window, and is now replaced by mindless charging you opponent, wildly slashing with your lightsaber, hoping to hit/kill your oponent, OR spamming the backstab move/lightning all over the level... this due to the fact that everything else was nerfed and that these (unchanged) things have now become the best way to kill someone...


Some improvements indeed...


no the real point is, any skills that were displayed in the game, which consisted mainly of DFA, lighting, drain, and grip spamming, has been toned down to make people actually have to fight instead of relying on any ONE move. how anyone can call that a loss of skills I'll never know.


god forbid you should have to learn to use all aspects of the force and sabers to win a fight. as for the mindless spinning that everyone is saying has been ADDED to the patch......hmmmmmm let's see, in pre-patch games, both blue and yellow stance could spin like headless chickens.....AFTER the patch, the spins were removed from yellow stance unless you chain together different attacks....that seems like it would take more skill to do, and would reduce the number of spinning fools you see.


then there's the new blocking system, could it be toned down and still work? sure it could, but I for one am much happier to see my saber collide with someone else's rather than have it pass right thru it and still get hit like it did in pre-patch games.


prior to the patch if a blue stance user and a red stance user both timed their swings correctly, the blue would take away a minor shield or health damage, and the red would seriously inflict damage on the blue stance user, reducing shields and health to nothing, all during an attack that should have clashed sabers. so I guess you're saying that takes skill? rather than having to time your attack so your opponent can't block it?


basically what advocates of the pre-patch game are saying, is that when kills are much easier to get, and when you can spam a move endlessly and "own" with it, that takes skill, but timing your attacks, having to find your way thru an opponents defenses, and having to hit a player more than once to get a kill, doesn't take skill, it's just mindless play.


I fail to see how that could be the case... one way relies on repetition, and other relies on practice, and timing.....I'd have to go with practice and timing for skilled play, and mindless repetiton as the non-skilled.


the purple one

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Originally posted by S!TH!NAT0R


.......this is all I mostly see here at this forum. It is rather pathetic. I just fail to understand why these idiot crybabys have to make a Farewell post that they're leaving because 'the patch ruined they're game. :confused: -Like any of us freakin' care!! -I think Raven did a damn good job with this 1st patch. So it's different, big deal...i'll deal with it and adjust!-Whiners Just leave already!:mad: -I just wish all of the rest of the bitter idiot whiners would follow suite and just leave as well!:rolleyes: -To all you whiners leaving....BYE-BYE and Good Riddence!

:violin: :violin: :violin: :violin:


At the risk of being called a whiner... what do you think you're doing right now ?


Hypocrite... :rolleyes:

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ok here is a way to actually switch between 1.02 and 1.03, or if you wish simply switch back to 1.02:


1. Install the V1.03 patch


2. Rename the GameData directory to GameData_103


3. Copy the GameData directory from your CD to your JO install directory


4. Download these

batch files to your JO install directory.


5. First, run 103_to_102.bat and this will change your game from version 1.03 to 1.02


6. Run 102_to_103.bat and this will change your game from version 1.02 to 1.03


7. Make shortcuts to my 2 files to easily choose which version you want to play.


[edit: changed a few the grammar a bit so it didn't apear this is my work since its not]

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Originally posted by Kyth'emos

ok here is a way to actually switch between 1.02 and 1.03, or if you wish simply switch back to 1.02:


1. Install the V1.03 patch


2. Rename the GameData directory to GameData_103


3. Copy the GameData directory from your CD to your JO install directory


4. Download these

batch files to your JO install directory.


5. First, run 103_to_102.bat and this will change your game from version 1.03 to 1.02


6. Run 102_to_103.bat and this will change your game from version 1.02 to 1.03


7. Make shortcuts to my 2 files to easily choose which version you want to play.


[edit: changed a few the grammar a bit so it didn't apear this is my work since its not]


Cool, but what does Zone recognize when playing a MP?

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I have never before seen, in my twenty-six years on this planet, a greater amount of bitchy, drama queens who can blow a small issue completely out of proportion. You are leaving the forums? The game? Well we are better off. You guys have the thinnest skins I have ever seen.


I have seen no proof that a gap is closed, in sabre combat, between "newbies" and people with skill. If you consider yourself skilled and see this gap closing then maybe you aren't as skilled as you thought you were. I don't consider myself skilled and I am the FIRST to admit it. I am merely fair. I see people that are far less skilled than myself, swing madly and falling to my superior tactics but there are also a great number of people that I fall to. The latter know what they're doing. The first group do not. There is a huge gap.


Kick is far from screwed or nerfed. I have killed several people post-patch with the kick and I had little trouble doing it.


People keep spouting off about these two points and I don't see hwo they are valid at all. You know... even if they are valid to you, this is the first freaking patch. How many has ID put out for Q3 so far? A damn lot. And yet you are packing your bags? Weak, man, weak.

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they removed all the medium stance moves


the backstab is to powerfull


less damage, it takes to long to kill someone (boring)


very limited hit indication


the hit range seems a bit too extended in every stance (unrealistic)


allows saber throw (as an option) in no force duel






no more death from above spam


nice force adjustments


fixed some minor interface issues on the multi screen select


the ingame chat pop up box is cool (although it is over used)



the patch was a step in the right direction but all they had to do to the saber system was take out the dfa spam

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Originally posted by Ae0N

See ya, don't let the door hit you in the ass. :D




Now, I'm going to go play some JKII. :cool:


Yeah what he said. One less stupid whiner that I won't get kills off of any more. (i will miss those extra Frags but not that much) I thought this patch was just fine. It is really to bad that all these noobs gotta whine so much because they suck at a computer game. :D

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