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Lets fix DFA and twink some other stuff to make Sabre fighting

more interesting...Now all I see is people running at me ass first.


I sure hope Lucas Arts does not let Sony Screw around with the mechanics of sabre fighting like Raven software has done.


I am just as guilty all I do is BS now.

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I don't think you will have to worry about ass fighting in the future. It is really just people trying to take advantage of other people who aren't used to the new patch. I've fought some people who did that, and after I whacked them a bit, they stopped.

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*snicker* I just fought someone like that. In the middle of a fancy saber dance, he cut his saber, turned around, bent over, and started backing up at me.


DFA works wonders against people who turn their back completely. :D Just like any 'cheap' tactic, ass-fighting isn't much of a problem once you've seen it and killed it several times.

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Had a guy try that on me tonite several times, on a no-force/no throw (yay!) server.


2 DFA's later, he called ME cheap! LMAO. He then challenged me to not use the DFA on him, and he wouldn't use the ass move on me.


Well, he continued to use the move, so I nailed him with a couple Red jump/slashes, switched to Yellow, somersalted (sp?) over him, and hit him with a back-sweep. Man, was he pissed!


The next time, I switched to Red, strafe-jumped to the side, and hit him in the lips with a double-left swipe, side-kicked him to the ground, and finished him with a Red overhand.


The last time I saw him, I nailed him with a Red right/left combo (after stepping to the side a bit). I then switched to Blue, and two spin moves later he was dead again. He left the server at that point. Scrub!


It's a pretty silly way of fighting; I wish people wouldn't do it. I have no problem with people running towards me and at the last second spinning and executing the move, but it's stupid for people to run around a map backwards.


Dumbest thing I saw was a guy trying this on Nar Shadda Streets. I lost count the number of times the 'fewl' fell to his death. ROTF. He had the nerve to blame the new patch! OMG, I almost didn't make it to the bathroom when he said that!


All in all, a fun nite. I was concerned that I wouldn't be able to handle this move, but was able to counter it most of the time. The key, for me anyway, is anticipating the move (just like the ol' DFA) and going to work.



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