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This may be a Noob question but....


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Is there anyway to rotate a brush (free rotation)? I've used the buttons x/x, x/y, etc, but I can't get diagonal angles. Any help here would be great!


Btw, I'm making a hoth map and I'd like to put in snow fx as well as snowspeeder models. If someone could point me in the right direction or give me a mini tutorial answer here, I would appreciate it. Thanks.


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Another thing, I've made a map which is actually very cool and very large! The problem is it's pretty much all boxy with the exception of a few cyliders scattered around. I'm having trouble figuring out how to make a circle or round brush (other than the hollow cylinders. I know it must be something simple that I've overlooked, but I can't figure it out! Again, I would appreciate any help with this. :confused:

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bump! :atat:;):p:rolleyes::c3po::jawa:evanpiel::bdroid2::biggs:



One more thing, I've looked through bubba's tutorial, Qworkshop and a bunch of other Q3 tutorials, but I haven't found the answers or workable solutions to the above problems. I really want to do my map right, but I need to figure the above mentioned stuff out. :fett:

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select the brush you want to rotate, then go to Selection>Rotate. You'll then have the option to rotate on either of the 3 axis or arbitrary (free rotation).


I haven't dealt much with the snow so I can't help you there.


As for the curves and whatnot, your best bet is to check out one of the many radiant tutorials that's out there. There's plenty of links in the Sticky's at the top of the forum.

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