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Throw and general fight in 1.03 patch


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Well first I am glad that they made this patch and fixed many annoying mp bugs , as well as dismemberment .So I think its anyway better with this patch than without .


BUt some things I dont like . Like that fact that non force duels have a saber throw by default on .Some admins (pls admins don't take this as insult) r too lazy to alter default options .And so far most non-force servers have throw .It completely changes game from a saber duel to a throw contest .I have played 5 matches 10 round each on such server. Use anything except throw is futile .Absolutely . I won 4 of them ,using only throw (course I used saber on ocasion but it was like only 10 % of time) .Player run u wait , he jumps u trhow , he attacks u throw .Sooner or later he is dead . Only u lose in case he is a better thrower . In force duels throw is easily countered (insert your favourite counter here), but in non-force its just an ultimate weapon . Maybe its a good idea to have a throw contest type game , but I dislike it in normal non-force duels.


Next .Duels last longer now .I dont think its very bad,but I prefer that idle saber does 5 damge like before ,not puny 1 ,not only this is not realistc ,but practically it makes touching opponent with saber useless .Which imho only adds to longevity of fights without increasing their spectacularity.

Third .I dont mind what they did to DFA ( I never ever had any problems nor with using it ,nor with players who spamming it) .And with light (think its became faster) .But I dislike that they took out spin from medium . It adds to longevity imho again .Because spin in hands of experienced player is a very powerfull weapon against any spammer or" headless chicken " . U just counter spin em and they die . Light imho has too limited range for it.

Well fights in non-force (on those rare servers where throw is off) duels r completely different now .Actually backstabs became very powerfull weapon .They dominate the field . Skillfull backstab is imho most effective move now .I like it .Because imho it adds a nice edge of spectacularity .

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Odd, I havn't found a no force duel server with throw enabled. Hmmm. Personally I like throw but I agree it is used to much. I think they should do like in single play where you can easily knock the saber out of the way.


That would mean that short of you being defenseless due to a mistake of some sort most of the time their saber would clank to the ground. That would make people think twice before spamming throw I think.

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The best way to play is to adapt and use different styles under different situations. If someone throws too much he's easy to beat - just block his throws and wait for his force to run low then he'll come after you swinging so you just back up and throw at him! Beat 'em at his own game. :D


It poetic justice! :D :D

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Might I also please point out that the idle saber was never designed to be a weapon? The idea of the game is not to run up to people and point at them. You are supposed to engage in combat. Also, the spin was removed mostly from medium stance to set it apart from light stance. They were far too similar, and medium stance was far too effective against light. Now it is far more balanced between them. Also, the range of light stance's spins is very good, as it prevents it from being a simple butchering technique that anyone can use. You have to know when to use it, as if you are too far away, you are very exposed, but in the right situation, you can rip someone to shreds with it.

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Originally posted by crazyplaya73

The best way to play is to adapt and use different styles under different situations. If someone throws too much he's easy to beat - just block his throws and wait for his force to run low then he'll come after you swinging so you just back up and throw at him! Beat 'em at his own game. :D

It poetic justice! :D :D


You talk without actually trying . Try your theory against a good thrower . You will lose 40 times out of 50 if you will use it . Good thrower dont throw saber at u when you are waitng for it . He throws when he thinks you wont be able to block it (and most of the time right timing is no problem after some experience). And it happens when you actually try to swing - he steps back and throws , or he sidestep ,evade and throws . You only can beat a thrower with throw . And only if you know what you are doing .

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Originally posted by DarkMadMax

...You only can beat a thrower with throw . And only if you know what you are doing .


I don't agree.


You beat a thrower by closing with the other player. If they keep throwing while they are on the move to try and avoid you, and you are sticking on their heels, it takes a second for the saber to catch up with them, a time you can use to carve them a new nostril...


You have to be quick, and you can't give them time to regroup and rebuild their force pool. This turns saber combat BACK into a close quarters fight, and you'd better be good if you want to win, but I would submit that someone who spams the saber throw in a duel does NOT have the infighting skills necessary to win, otherwise they'd use those (they're more fun, after all :D ).

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Originally posted by tempest8008


I don't agree.


You beat a thrower by closing with the other player. If they keep throwing while they are on the move to try and avoid you, and you are sticking on their heels, it takes a second for the saber to catch up with them, a time you can use to carve them a new nostril...


In a NF duel, both of you move at the same speed. I can throw, run out of force and then just roll away until my saber comes back and my force pool is full again, then go back to throwing.


You wanna get close? Sure. The throw does 30 damage. The blue and yellow stance do about the same amount of damage. But the throw is faster, and more reliable. You get in close, try to swing, and I'll dodge your swing and throw at you. I can get in 3 throws before a yellow spin. I can kill you within a full red combo.


The only way to beat a thrower is by throwing.

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