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Stealth level - what now? *SPOILERS*


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Ok, I was able to turn off the electrified field and run, get on the elevator, and run between the generators and when I came around the corner, there were 3 (I think) officers there. Since I was running to get off the pad, I didn't have time to use a mind trick or anything so I broke out the lightsaber and took them out. No alarm sounded, so I figured it was ok.


I went around the corner and a group of stormtroopers and a officer are there. I went out and took them out too, and no alarm sounded. There are two doors in the corner of this area, but they're both locked. One has an orange light and the other requires a security key, which I don't have.


I can't figure out what to do next. I can't find any keys, and I can't see where to go. Please help!

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I eventually figured it out. But that was one wierd looking key! :)


I just broke out the lightsaber and took out the guys in this area (no sneaking!).


That was definitely the hardest level so far. I had to replay that part where you turn out the lights a lot of times!

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Originally posted by Raphael75

That was definitely the hardest level so far. I had to replay that part where you turn out the lights a lot of times!


there's a real bitch of an area coming up, that involves sneaking, I wont tell you what, but it took me a few gos to do it ....:(

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