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Advice on Making Good MP Skin Portraits?


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Does anyone have any advice on the best method for making good Multiplayer skin portraits (like the ones for the pre-existing characters), and in particular does anyone know where I could find the texture used in the default skin portraits (the sort of sandy brick wall texture), as I've looked in all of JK2's pk3's and have been unable to find that particular texture...


Thanks for your help.

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There are a few good options for the Icon files. You can simply take screenshots (printscreen) with the model loaded in ModView. If you use the Sequences in Modview, you can put the model in different poses for better portraits. Another option would be to start a multiplayer game and use the third person cheat ( cg_thirdPersonAngle 180 ). This will shift the third person camera view around 180 degrees to be in front of the model. Then find a good backdrop on a level and take a screenshot :)



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