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How to make a patch everyone hates


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Spider, there is only one really cheap tactic in the game now.


This is nonsense, born of unobservant mentality. There are at least THREE cheap tactics. The 1 hit kill, the standing still and letting your opponent damage themselves sufficiently that one shot from a gun will kill them, and the headless chicken accidental kill rush. People win FFA duels in groups in two ways, the backstabs and the headless chicken rush. Neither takes any skill, but I use both, because I'm FORCED to, because sadly, they are the most effective moves on the board. Yes, they're cheap, but when everyone does them, to win, you must do them too.


I fail to understand how you consider the backslash tactic so much easier to do now, though.


Then let me spell it out for you, Drain has been nerfed. Without the power of Drain, darksiders can no longer resist my one-hit-kill tactics, because I can hold them immobile with impunity.

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"cheap moves"


They will probably always exist in thsi game and the answer is simple....DON'T OVER-USE THEM!!!!. I was playing a little while ago and the whole time (1.5 hrs) I used the backstab 3 times (only 1 ended in death). I took maybe 4 heavy swings total...and never once used the crouching uppercut. See how easy that was?


Sure I didn't win any games but who cares? The fights I had for the most part were fun and exciting. There were several other players just ganking around using backstab/crouch uppercut etc... yeah their scores were awesome, but I just can't see how they can consider that fun.


The WHOLE POINT of MP fighting with real people versus bots is that PEOPLE are unpredictable BOTS are much more predictable. Based on what I've seen there are MANY players out there that have LESS skill than BOTS!!!


If you're gonna do nothing but spam cheap moves you might as well just write a script that fights for you. This way you can sit back and watch the show without having to lift a finger!!!

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"cheap moves" They will probably always exist in thsi game and the answer is simple....DON'T OVER-USE THEM!!!!.


My aim in FFA is to win, friend. To kill the most people in the least amount of time. Now, when there is nobody on the server who equals my level of play, certainly I don't resort to cheap moves. But when someone appears who is a comparable player to myself, I must use cheap moves, as they also will use them.


I wish that cheap moves be removed. But I also wish that all Force Powers have a use, that both the light and dark sides be balanced, and that sabre fights be a matter of skill even in FFA. Currently not all Force Powers have a use, the dark side is weaker than the light and currently sabre fights in FFA are not a matter of general sabreing skill, but instead a matter of backswinging and headless-chickening one's way to victory.


I win. I win, by using the appropriate techniques... but even I can see that some of those techniques are cheap, and I therefore wish that they be removed, and/or the balance of force be restored. It was purdy good in 1.02 in my opinion.

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i agree, and always have, with the simple notion of playing for fun instead of points. if you think a move is cheap... don't use it. if you don't like others using it... avoid them. nobody says you have to walk up behind somebody, and having the ability to NOT end up behind an opponent in a duel is no different than the ability to NOT always be directly in front of an opponent. if you want to avoid being shot, don't stand in front of the gun, right? evasion is half of a duel. if it was just attack, attack, and attack some more, then everybody would end up looking like swiss cheese, because nobody would ever think to dodge or weave. do boxers glue their feet to the floor and just take turns punching each other (with the exception of power hitters like tyson)? anyone can exploit a move or combo for sake of winning above all else, but as Googly said.. you may as well write yourself a script to play for you. any DF2:JK veterans know that the fact that we HAVE options in saber battles is a HUGE advantage in JK2 over the previous swing, double swing. in fact, the best thing to happen to JK was the SBX patch, and i'd be willing to bet money that the Raven/LEC guys had that patch in mind when devising the JK2 combat options. in JK2, same as in SBX, we have the wonderful ability to dodge attacks via jumps and rolls. if anyone comes at you with a strong (aka: slow) swing, and you CAN'T get out of the way before getting hit, then you aren't paying attention, or you don't know how to dance the dance. a good multiplayer game has nothing to do with these debates surrounding the JK2v1.03 patch, a good mp game has to do with the multiple players in the game... good people make a good game... cheap, sorry bastards make a cheap, sorry game.

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Originally posted by drallvekk



they removed all the medium stance moves


the backstab is to powerfull


less damage, it takes to long to kill someone (boring)


very limited hit indication


Everything you listed above is actualy untrue.


The only thing they took out of medium stance, is the ablity to keep spining in the same direction.


The backstab hasn't changed in the least in this patch, it's the same as it was in 1.02.


The only time sabers do less damage is in heavy stance, and only at the very beiging and very end of the move.


And it seems even clearer now to me then before when I hit someone.

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