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WLS Duel Map Pack TOMORROW!!


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I thought I would give everyone one more teaser of the map pack. This is a final splash screen that will be seen while the map is loading, and it's original of my contribution to the pack, Duel Power Relay (DUEL_WLS11) :



The original:




The WLS Splash:



A whole bunch more: (Some of these are not the final versions):




Be looking back tommorow night for our first public release.


- Vorax

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Who would want to play such a gay game?? That is the question I have to answer each morning when I wake up. I can't believe that I wasted so much money on such a crappy and gay game.



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Well Borf,

You happen to have currently 87 posts. This doesn't make sense. Why would someone spend so much time on something that is gay? Do you crave to be gay? Do you like the idea of having a ***** crammed up your ***? Is that why you continue to spend your time here. If you don't like the game, then by all means, go away. Trust me, no one will miss you while you're gone. "Who would want to play such a gay game??" Well, who would want to waste his time by voluntarily doing something that is gay?? Perhaps someone who wishes to be gay? Is that right? You don't even say why the game is gay. Anyone who wastes his time by voluntarily doing something that he admits is gay must be gay.

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Well, it will be running on my server, when it is up. These are all really hi-quality maps, we set higher standards the Raven for MP maps, and tried to implement things learned and heard by this community as far as what is good and what is bad.


Also, all the major JK2 sites know this thing is comming and will be posting to let people know where to get it, so I think they will catch on. :)


- Vorax

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Dark shouldn't you like be "learning" or something? get back to work and stop browsing these forums


By the way that was ed the dickhead, i head over to fix a fax machine and i come back to find out he's called the game gay, he's in a great deal of pain now i'll have you know


anyhow, talk to you later

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completely untrue Vorax, I'm dying to get my grubby little paws on those maps, but I've been trying to keep the drooling down to a minimum. :D


I know a bunch of others who are looking forward to them as much as I am, but they don't post much


keep up the good work :)


p.s. is it friday yet????


the purple one

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I run my server on a semi-regular basis between 8pm and 7am EST. Its Duel, sabers and force. Name: Voraxs Duel Dimension


Unfortunetly, I can't let anyone download the maps until it is released, just the beta testers have tried it, so I am currently only running the standard maps and the 1.03 maps, if you see it running on the server, it is either me with the bots (they are actuall fun on it, or me and beta testers)


That will all change tommorow night :)


- Vorax

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