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Some questions on the new surface changes...


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Well, it seems every time I take a step forward, I'm forced to also take a step back.


Here's what I got, maybe one of you can help.


1) As far as I know I have everything correct, what I'm trying to do is use the jedi_02 face and head skins (edited a little of course)but on the rebel model. I shouldn't have any issues with this should I, but here is what's happening. My head is on backwards and I have no face, but when I try just reversing the image horizontally, I have no ears and the face isn't correct. It looks pieced on like a bad Frankenstein job.


2) I want to have the rebel belt and holster, but I don't want the vest or the helmet. I thought I had this going but I can't get the belt and holster to stay on when I take the vest and helmet off. At least in ModView.


3) I ran into another problem in the middle of all this and checking it in multiplayer, all of a sudden my skin is gone when I try to play multiplayer. Not sure but it seems the more I mess with it, the more screwed up it gets. So before I get it even more whacked, I figured I'd ask you guys to try it out.


Here a list of everything I want on the skin.


head: jedi_02

face: jedi_02

torso: lando

hand/wrist: reborn

legs: rebel

boots: rebel

accessories: rebel (just belt and holster, no collar, helmet or vest)


If one of you more experienced skinning pros could help me out with this, that would be awesome.


I'd also like to put this into Single Player use, but I'm not sure how to go about it, could someone help out?


If you have any clue as to what I can do, or if you're just that good, and can throw this together in no time, email me at LeeLeifeste03@yahoo.com. I learn better from visuals than I do from being told, that's why I ask if someone can throw it together, I can learn and won't have to ask anymore annoying questions on this forum :).


Thanks All,


Lee Wyndrider

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There are a couple problems. One is that the face/head isn't entirely compatible with the face/head you want to use. Basically what this means is that the faces and heads on each model are painted on so they look right on that specific model. Some of the heads/face skin images are layed out differently, so they might not work. You might be able to get it going by merging the Jedi 2 face/head into the Rebel face/head images, placing the different parts of the face and head exactly in the place they are in the rebel images. This can be extremely tricky, but you might be able to pull it off.


The other problem is that some of the surfaces don't seem to work quite right with some of the other surfaces off. The belt and holster, for example, are not complete, which means when you turn off the vest, the belt is only a small chunk of it, and the holster is hanging on the leg. I couldn't find augments for this. I also couldn't find an augment for the back of the head, so when the helmet is turned off, the top of his head is missing. Maybe you were able to find one where I wasn't. If you can't find the belt augments, you might have to do without it, or try to re-create that belt over the normal belt on the waist, then create straps down to the holster. But if you can't find an augment for the head, that pretty much eliminates the possiblities of not using the helmet.



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Yeah, after I posted I spent most of the day mixing and matching parts and looking at every model to see what I could make compatable. Not much aside from the shirts and the pants on most things can be mixed and matched. I finally got one together that I liked though. I guess the next step is to start working on 3D Studio Max and see what modelling I can do, even though I've never done it before.

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