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Please humor me and answer a noob question.


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whats the point of downloading custom skins if u cant use them in multiplayer? i have yet to join a serve thats let me use one and the only one that i found that i thought let me, turns out the other players didnt see. same witht the black-light saber. nobody saw that. oh yeah and the BL saber doesnt work in SP, HELP!!!!!!!!!:dtrooper:

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Well, I think what has to happen for skins to work widely is for quality skin packs to be made. If it can be cut down to one or two downloads to get lots of quality skins rather, it would probably be more likely that people would have the same skins and they would show up properly. I beleive that if servers have these skin packs, even Pure Servers would probably allow you to use your skins.


I agree that right now, it doesn't work very well because of the limitations, but hopefully the really good skins will become widespread and useable :) Or maybe a future patch might make the system work differently.


In a perfect world, everyone would have "Allow Downloads" on, including servers, but I can certainly see why people wouldn't want to do that, could be risky with some of the people in the world.



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