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Why bother playing?


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Ok, ive been playing jedi knight 2 since the day it came out...at least an hour a day, but thats a minimal, ive seen all kinds of players, but i have one question...why play to win, rather than to have fun.


Too many times have i seen a person running around, setting up, and repeating the same move over and over to get cheap kills, bla bla bla, you get the story. Everybody seems to do this, and i dont understand it


Are the numbers next to your name on a computerized scoreboard really nessessary to have a fun time playing a game? Would it be worth sacrificing fun and varied methods of playing to just be able to say "i'm usually at the top of the scoreboard"? So many people now just play the game for the sole reason of getting points on something that is going to be erased from history as soon as that match ends...people complaning about people who watch saber deuls, then kill them while their saber is off because they were trying to watch (for whatever reason) a match between more people...it really ruins the game...games are meant to be fun, not abused for a personal way to pretend your more of a man then you really are...ive had enough of watching cheap moves being done over and over, then when their told to try something new, they get angry, start needless "noob bashing" and continue to spam the same move over and over.


So i ask you all, why play for points, and NOT FOR FUN?


Space Monkey §ß



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well getting kills can be pretty fun...but repeating the same moves over and over or "whoring" moves does get rather boring, i totally agree with u play the game to have fun.....sure i choose the crappy force powers that will probably get me killed and run around with unlit jsut to kick people but atleast i have fun :)

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Originally posted by SpaceMonkey1315

Ok, ive been playing jedi knight 2 since the day it came out...at least an hour a day, but thats a minimal, ive seen all kinds of players, but i have one question...why play to win, rather than to have fun.


Too many times have i seen a person running around, setting up, and repeating the same move over and over to get cheap kills, bla bla bla, you get the story. Everybody seems to do this, and i dont understand it


Are the numbers next to your name on a computerized scoreboard really nessessary to have a fun time playing a game? Would it be worth sacrificing fun and varied methods of playing to just be able to say "i'm usually at the top of the scoreboard"? So many people now just play the game for the sole reason of getting points on something that is going to be erased from history as soon as that match ends...people complaning about people who watch saber deuls, then kill them while their saber is off because they were trying to watch (for whatever reason) a match between more people...it really ruins the game...games are meant to be fun, not abused for a personal way to pretend your more of a man then you really are...ive had enough of watching cheap moves being done over and over, then when their told to try something new, they get angry, start needless "noob bashing" and continue to spam the same move over and over.


So i ask you all, why play for points, and NOT FOR FUN?


Space Monkey §ß




People play games for their own reasons, not yours. If people enjoy seeing big numbers next to their names, then that's what turns them on and why they like to play.


You should take off those horse blinders and look around every now and then. ;)


And if you don't like them killing you the same way over and over and over, it might be time you learned some moves of your own, so that you can counter his move, and beat him down every time.

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Originally posted by geronimo27



You should take off those horse blinders and look around every now and then. ;)



In my opinion that is a very lame statement. It should actually be applied to the other side of the fence. A person using multiple techinques doesnt need to be enlightend to other things. It's the frag whore who thinks the game revolves around them and their score who needs to broaden their horizons.


Because you are right, NOT EVERYONE plays the same. So some people should respect this. If a frag monger comes to server where everyone is sabering, or observing a match and waiting their turn, it is bad form to impose their style of gameplay on others. Kinda like you were trying to say.


There are a ton of servers out there. If one isnt to your likeing, find another one. Its not like frag fests are hard to find.


And vice versa. Dont come into a war server and expect everyone to follow your code of conduct. If it is a frag fest, seek life elswhere...

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Originally posted by Ten Tigers


In my opinion that is a very lame statement. It should actually be applied to the other side of the fence. A person using multiple techinques doesnt need to be enlightend to other things. It's the frag whore who thinks the game revolves around them and their score who needs to broaden their horizons.


Because you are right, NOT EVERYONE plays the same. So some people should respect this. If a frag monger comes to server where everyone is sabering, or observing a match and waiting their turn, it is bad form to impose their style of gameplay on others. Kinda like you were trying to say.


There are a ton of servers out there. If one isnt to your likeing, find another one. Its not like frag fests are hard to find.


And vice versa. Dont come into a war server and expect everyone to follow your code of conduct. If it is a frag fest, seek life elswhere...


If it was such a lame statement then why did you base the rest of your post on it? :rolleyes:


Furthermore, you make the assumption that frag whores believe the game revolves around them.


I love getting as many frags as possible, but never have I believed the game revolves around me.


I cannot stand that bowing crap, but the few times that I have visited a dueling server, I respect others and bow back to them, ewven though I think it's pretty stupid. I still knock their block off, and go for as many kills as possible, but I do it with respect. :)


So please, quit grouping people together and making illogical assumptions.


Lastly, the original post was about how people who played for frags did not know how to play for fun. My response was that those playing for frags are having fun - their kind of fun.

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i play for the thrill of the swordfight. infact i like it more when i find a real fighter who is really good and knows more then one move. i will fight him and get murdered 20 times over.. but man will those battles be fun and i will learn a lot.

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"People play games for their own reasons, not yours. If people enjoy seeing big numbers next to their names, then that's what turns them on and why they like to play."


That is sadly true. People do things because of their own reasons, just like Ted Bundy. I'm afraid there isn't much we can do about that except to try to avoid these morons.

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Originally posted by Luc Solar

"People play games for their own reasons, not yours. If people enjoy seeing big numbers next to their names, then that's what turns them on and why they like to play."


That is sadly true. People do things because of their own reasons, just like Ted Bundy. I'm afraid there isn't much we can do about that except to try to avoid these morons.


Comparing gamers to Ted Bundy (you must be one of those government genius types who thinks games are the cause of bad tendencies in children), and calling people morons because they enjoy playing a game.


If you are playing a game and don't enjoy it, then why are you playing the game?

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Originally posted by geronimo27


If it was such a lame statement then why did you base the rest of your post on it? :rolleyes:


Furthermore, you make the assumption that frag whores believe the game revolves around them.


I love getting as many frags as possible, but never have I believed the game revolves around me.


I cannot stand that bowing crap, but the few times that I have visited a dueling server, I respect others and bow back to them, ewven though I think it's pretty stupid. I still knock their block off, and go for as many kills as possible, but I do it with respect. :)


So please, quit grouping people together and making illogical assumptions.


Lastly, the original post was about how people who played for frags did not know how to play for fun. My response was that those playing for frags are having fun - their kind of fun.

I didnt base the rest of my reply on it. Try having a conversation instead of just being an ass till someone agrees with you. I quoted the little horseblinders comment. People who use multiple tactics dont need to broaden their horizons. Try reading before replying.


Frag whores DO think the game revolves around them. Im not talking about someone with a high frag count. Im talking about people who use every loophole possible to keep their scores up, and nothing else matters. And they dont give a **** if they are ruining someone elses time. If this characterizes you, then YOU are a fragwhore. And you DO feel the game revolves around you. Actions speak louder than words. If a server doesnt meet your style, find another. Dont force your s#it on 8 other players.


You dont want to bow then dont. That is hell and gone from intentionally spamming bulls#it that you can tell is not how the server in question is running. Youre counterpoints are a cop-out.


Error 404, point not found...


Better yet, your right and Im wrong. In an infinate sea of possibilities, I dont have a prayer of being even close to having a point. Feel better?

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your all bantering with semantics and BS... please try to stick to the point of this post... stop ripping everyones posts apart in a personal way ok? It really makes the debate unreadable.


I'm not claiming to be some genius or know it all, or on some debate team, but the point here is stop whining about something some other person said incorectly...


somebody says something about ted bundy, the next guy misunderstands what the first guy says, and now flames him for what he perceives as a comment that all gamers are like serial murderers... his point was this: Everyone has tere own reasons for doing things... some people like ted bundy murdered people for X reasons... People who play JKII do it for Y reasons... He was not comparing gamers to murderers... god damn people get a grip and stop being so defensive...


That is all...

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yeah, and to gerinimo, just because people "whore" moves doesnt mean that people cannot WANT to win...i understand that it feels good to have a high score, but why try to get it while sacrificing fun...and you cannot tell me that its fun and great for every person who repeats a light stance foward saber lunge to get 50 kills without even trying something else, it may feel good to have points, but it wouldnt be fun to anyone to just abuse the hell out of a single move

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And if you don't like them killing you the same way over and over and over, it might be time you learned some moves of your own, so that you can counter his move, and beat him down every time.


oh yeah and, for the record, i never said that i was getting killed over and over buy the same move, i said that people who find one move, stick to it, find people that do NOT know how to get away from it, chase them down, and spam kill them are probably not playing for fun (unless they are hitleresque towards newbies). I have enough skill to take down a lightstance lunge whore, because its easy to see comming, but some people dont, and its too annoying to play, watch someone spam, and have them get to the top of the scoreboard, thats what i meant, not that i have skills that cannot counter anything, but ive had enough of people who do not play for fun

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SpaceMonkey1315 -


I don't like you, and you don't like me. But you must understand the power it feels to be on top! The knowledge that you are first, and you shout in all caps - I AM YOUR GOD! To let everyone know that they are weaker and below you! I don't know, maybe it's the testosterone, maybe it's the fact that I have a small penis. I am not sure, but there is a need inside of me to be the greatest of all and to let everyone know it!!!


- Wang

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Originally posted by -=VIB=- Wang

SpaceMonkey1315 -


I don't like you, and you don't like me. But you must understand the power it feels to be on top! The knowledge that you are first, and you shout in all caps - I AM YOUR GOD! To let everyone know that they are weaker and below you! I don't know, maybe it's the testosterone, maybe it's the fact that I have a small penis. I am not sure, but there is a need inside of me to be the greatest of all and to let everyone know it!!!


- Wang


i never meant to say i didnt like you, even though i hated the poll about jan being the "man in the family" but yes, your showing the exact same behavior that i was talking about...i have NO PROBLEM AT ALL with people who are at the top of the heap, but tell me, would you go through every ffa game you play spamming one move just for the points rather than the fun?

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Amen to geronimo. I am one of those "lamerz" or "cheapos" who plays for points. Funny thing is I don't go around getting mad at the people who "play like real men" or play to"have fun" as you put it. I find I'm attacked more than I attack. Go figure huh? Frankly I'm sick of being called a gay cheapo or lamer just because I play a different way. I play and when I play I have fun? whats wrong with that? I didn't think anything was? Yet People get mad at me and post topics like this one or just plain outright insult me.


Really. I don't insult you. Why insult me?


Ace =AGD=


Note: This is a message to everyone I play in the game. Not just everyone reading this.


Second Note: Double AMEN to Geronimo.

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Originally posted by SpaceMonkey1315


i never meant to say i didnt like you, even though i hated the poll about jan being the "man in the family" but yes, your showing the exact same behavior that i was talking about...i have NO PROBLEM AT ALL with people who are at the top of the heap, but tell me, would you go through every ffa game you play spamming one move just for the points rather than the fun?


I tried ASS fighting or flooringmopping or whatever it is called on a FFA server last night just to win. True, it wasn't as fun, but I personally don't find saber only games very fun. It is way too repetetive anyway! I love playing with guns! I used to be a true gunwhore (its so easy to win), but now I love the challenge of winning with saber only on a gun server! I guess to me it shows that I am truly elite, but furthermore I find it very fun and challenging. I guess there is a mix between winning the fun factor. I am only playing saber only servers now b/c it's so hard to find a low pinging 1.03 gun server. Why do they all have to be Saber only? =(


- Wang


P.S. You know you don't like me. =P

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Originally posted by Demangel

your all bantering with semantics and BS... please try to stick to the point of this post... stop ripping everyones posts apart in a personal way ok? It really makes the debate unreadable.


I'm not claiming to be some genius or know it all, or on some debate team, but the point here is stop whining about something some other person said incorectly...


somebody says something about ted bundy, the next guy misunderstands what the first guy says, and now flames him for what he perceives as a comment that all gamers are like serial murderers... his point was this: Everyone has tere own reasons for doing things... some people like ted bundy murdered people for X reasons... People who play JKII do it for Y reasons... He was not comparing gamers to murderers... god damn people get a grip and stop being so defensive...


That is all...


Thanks, man. :)

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I play for fun, not for the point. How ever there are points and there are points. If the game I play is flawed and you need to use cheap tactics to win I consider my time somewhat wasted. It can still be fun but you don't really get the full satisfaction. Think about a game of cards. You play with people (say your friends for example) but not for money. However one of you cheats and wins the game. You'll have fun, but wouldn't be more fun if all of you would play with same set of rules?


So you see, it's important to fix the game balance, even for people who play for fun.

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Bah, just play the game. If you play to win, go for it. If you play for fun, go for it. Geez......the two aren't necessarily exclusive, you know.


Personally, I usually finish in the top 5 on 16-20 player FFA servers (the new patch hasn't changed that, since my style pre-patch works good post-patch). I've never actually WON a map, but I've been close. Trying to get that #1 spot is fun, as is ALMOST getting it. Point is, I have fun either way. I take the time to duel in every map I play; you could say if I just went for the killz all the time, I'd get the top spot. I have too much fun dueling, because FFA dueling is like a game within the game.


As has been said previously, people's definition of fun in this game varies from person to person. I just accept that, and have fun playing MY way. I've been told I've been 'owned' plenty of times, but I've never been called 'cheap' for playing. Guess it's because it's not life and death for me, like it seems to be for some. And there's nothing wrong with feeling like that. Some people get their competitive juices flowing, and will just go insane.


One thing I'd like to see is a Deaths column on the FFA scoreboard. I've played against many self-proclaimed 'l33t' players, but to get 30-40 frags quite a few of 'em died more than 20-30 times......hehe.....


Just my thoughts...



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Originally posted by -=VIB=- Wang


I tried ASS fighting or flooringmopping or whatever it is called on a FFA server last night just to win. True, it wasn't as fun, but I personally don't find saber only games very fun. It is way too repetetive anyway! I love playing with guns! I used to be a true gunwhore (its so easy to win), but now I love the challenge of winning with saber only on a gun server! I guess to me it shows that I am truly elite, but furthermore I find it very fun and challenging. I guess there is a mix between winning the fun factor. I am only playing saber only servers now b/c it's so hard to find a low pinging 1.03 gun server. Why do they all have to be Saber only? =(


- Wang


P.S. You know you don't like me. =P


guns servers are fine by me too...its better playing a deul or a ffa with sabers only (only sometimes in the ffa) but i almost always play CTF with sabers only...but your right, most servers now are saber only because they have gotten fed up with people who "whore" things like the alt fire repeater, rocket launcher, etc. If you find a good one though, winning with a saber feels even better.


Space Monkey §ß


P.S. right, good point, i must hate you because i said your poll about kyle being jans wench was stupid...i'm not that high strung

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Originally posted by Tekken

Bah, just play the game. If you play to win, go for it. If you play for fun, go for it. Geez......the two aren't necessarily exclusive, you know.


Personally, I usually finish in the top 5 on 16-20 player FFA servers (the new patch hasn't changed that, since my style pre-patch works good post-patch). I've never actually WON a map, but I've been close. Trying to get that #1 spot is fun, as is ALMOST getting it. Point is, I have fun either way. I take the time to duel in every map I play; you could say if I just went for the killz all the time, I'd get the top spot. I have too much fun dueling, because FFA dueling is like a game within the game.


As has been said previously, people's definition of fun in this game varies from person to person. I just accept that, and have fun playing MY way. I've been told I've been 'owned' plenty of times, but I've never been called 'cheap' for playing. Guess it's because it's not life and death for me, like it seems to be for some. And there's nothing wrong with feeling like that. Some people get their competitive juices flowing, and will just go insane.


One thing I'd like to see is a Deaths column on the FFA scoreboard. I've played against many self-proclaimed 'l33t' players, but to get 30-40 frags quite a few of 'em died more than 20-30 times......hehe.....


Just my thoughts...




being good is not the problem, the question is, do you vary your style of play to more than one repeated move

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