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I'm not giving up on JK2, yet...


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Poor Raven, they're in a tough spot. They're trying to satisfy tons of star warz geeks who arnt really FPS players, while trying to make a game with actual content.


I'm sure they were flooded with emails from non-gamer types that wanted to be "a great jedi knight" without learning to be a gamer. They wanted to win, so they just complained about what was killing them (guns, dfa, red stance, ect). They won't stop dying after the patch (even though it does cut down in the skill facter) and there will still be tons complaints.


A huge number of the JK2 players are NOT serious gamers and just regular SWs fans. They'll never stop complaining.


I do have hope that there will be a 1.04 that fixes everything and it will be soon. There certainly has been enough negative responce from throughout the JK2 community (competative types, saberists, gunners, and regular gamers) to hopefully make Raven listen up and change things for the better.


If not, then JK2 will die very soon.

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Okay, i'm a star wars geek and i think the saber fighting in JO sucks for MP. lol. I think it requires absolutly no skill.


Jedi Knight was so awesome because you had to get good at it. If you were a n00b, you would get your ass kicked really really bad. But with JO, it seems there there isn't *too* much room for improvment (on the player's side).


I was a big fan of JK's saber fighting. Even though it was very simple, there was alot of strategy involved. Timing, and predicting what your oppoents next move was, then trying to predict the lag. :) It was so good because there was little room for error. It is probably because I haven't been playing Jedi Oucast for too long, but it seems to me that the saber fighting is just swing your saber as much as possible in your opponents direction, much like Saber Battle X was for JK. I think the basic saber moves should be alot simpler, no spinning around and stuff. And make it more difficult to do the more complex moves, like spinning, and and stabbing behind you and stuff.


One thing i hate about JO is how it is so easy to run away from somebody. Force speed is basicly useless, and if you are playing sabers only, your only hope of catching the guy is by trying to slow him down with force pull.


Torment, you said some stuff about how Raven is in a tough spot trying to please hardcore shooter fans and star wars fans with one game. Why would shooter fans buy JO? whouldn't they just get Quake III? I mean, it's not like there isn't enough star wars fans to make JO popular, so do you really think Raven is trying so hard to make the shooter fans who buy JO happy?


That's all i got, c ya later.

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Just because someone (ie myself) is a starwars fan does not mean that I am not a FPS fan. I think that most FPS players out there like the starwars theme and really enjoyed JO. I think what Torment is saying is that the "Starwars theme" has brought many new people into the FPS game arena who are not really that interested in the common FPS gameplay.


Personaly I hope Raven fixes the gameplay of JO soon.

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I can live with most of the new stuff in the patch, but I'm not a gun player, so I wont pass judgement over that area. As far as Force Powers go, I'm not entirely happy with the serious downgrade in power heal and drain has recieved, but IMHO, , the single thing that really needs to be tweaked is the auto-blocking.


In 1.02, rarely did I feel that a death might not have been my fault. That there was no way I could avoid it. Sadly, this feeling happens all the time in 1.03. Autoblocking needs either to be taken right down to 1.02 levels, or else it needs to be added a force skill

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Why play JK2 over Q3/UT? For the same reasons I player JK of course. Adding forces to a guns game makes JK1/JK2 much much more in depth then any other FPS. Telling JK2 gunners to go play another game is not a valid point.


Unfortunately, this patch nerf the entire game so badly, that with or without forces, other games begin to become more appealing. Once UT2, SOF2, and Q4 hit the shelves, you'll see a major decline in the number of JK2 servers and players. Raven can only stop this by un-nerfing what they nerfed in 1.03.

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