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Hell Raiser

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I was just foolin around this evening with JKMP and setting it up as dedicated. I did that, and opened up another copy of JKMP and cycled through Local/Internet/Favorites, and to my amazement, my server "Born to raise hell" was listed in Local. I was like, cool, so I joined it.


I'm flipping back and forth between the ded console and JKMP when all of a sudden, someone joins. :eek: I asked how he found it, and he said it was listed in the server list......


I checked myself, and it was listed in the server list. I have no idea how it could have happened, because others state that it takes a while to show up in the master server list, some don't show at all. What makes me so special? :confused:


I left home for a while and left it running, I came back, and 10 people had joined. :eek:


Before I started up my JKMP to try to connect to my ded server (all on the same machine mind you) I tried disabling the heartbeat by typing in heartbeat in the server console. I couldn't figure out how to do it after about 3 tries. Maybe this is how it got in the list so fast?

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Time it takes to show up? Actually, no. It depends HOW many servers are on port 28070. I believe the list can only show a certain amount of servers from one port. 28070, naturally, is the default port so it fills.


If your game doesnt show up, type "seta net_port 28071" and restart the game.


Then it will show up.


I've switched to 28071, I'm tired of having to bother with switching between that and 28070 when I restart my computer.


theres no difference in any of the ports... no lag difference, visibility on the list difference, etc.

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