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Important! How to beat ANY Spammer


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SPAMMER - Any player who uses the same move over and over again for the sole purpose of racking up kills.




1. Kick em: this has to be done as soon as the map starts, you cant kick the leader.


2. Ignore em : if some spammer dude is racking up 25 kills and everyone else is between say 20-10 then 2nd place is the winner!


3. Boycott em: when they talk/taunt you dont respond, if they try to duel you, leave.


4. Mass Suicide: if some dude is coming at you trying to get his spam on , run to the nearest ledge and jump, or better yet bind a key to "kill" and just kill yourself he wont get any kills and the person with the lowest score is the winner!


Eventually the spammer will get bored and leave the server and then you can resume normal play.


The spammer gets his/her jollies by frustrating other players and spoiling the game for eveyone else, don't give em the satisfaction.


And if all else fails.... "Don't give in to hate, that leads to the dark side."




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I don't wanna sound like a smart@$$ but how do you beat a messageboard spammer?


Nice tips, but instead of killing myself i'd prefer to kick their

@$$3$ like the doom twins ! :D (excuse my language)

And ye can spam him back ofcourse or just annoy the freaking idiotic spammer...

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....isn't the point of the game (well FFA and TFFA) to score kills? I believe so. How folk achieve that is entirely up to themselves.


Why should they be kicked for doing this? Didnt they buy the game too? Arent they WINNING? If folk keep spamming the same move, it should be EASY for you to deal with it - after all, you should know what they are going to do.


Honestly, some of the posts in this place are ludicrous.

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Assuming we're talking pre-patch here, the only ludicrous thing is that there was such an imbalance with the DFA move. It's called exploitation when you abuse something that gives you a significant advantage. You can try and justify it because it's in the game, but the patch shows you that even the developers saw the flaw in the move. You could even try to justify it by saying, "you can do it too..", but I don't think the game was designed so that you only had to master a single move to get the most wins. If you get off by exploiting your way to the top, then you really shouldn't play. It ruins the fun for people who want to have a somewhat fair and enjoyable fight.

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Originally posted by Swingin'Baws

....isn't the point of the game (well FFA and TFFA) to score kills? I believe so. How folk achieve that is entirely up to themselves.


Why should they be kicked for doing this? Didnt they buy the game too? Arent they WINNING? If folk keep spamming the same move, it should be EASY for you to deal with it - after all, you should know what they are going to do.


Honestly, some of the posts in this place are ludicrous.


I totally agree with you. Not like others, I admit I'm cheap, I SPAM, and will do anything to rack up my kills. If someone kills me, I keep going, i dont complain... If these people are dying by my cheap moves and spam, perhaps they are too dumb to avoid the obvious.


The problem is that everybody thinks they're a superstar... the biggest bad @$$! The $(@*!ing hero of their own dumb @$$$$$ movie. They are gods gift to "xyz" etc... when reality hits... that they know the just SUCK at it, they cant deal. They go and complain... they get more ppl who are as dumb as they are and complain... soon they become a community of DUMB users, and the collection of rampant stupidity has great power... Power to change things so it can be equally dumb as they are. Why you might ask? Because most people are DUMB and or LAZy, and they are the majority of the population. The majority dictates the marketable demographics... and what all these companies do is cater to the largest common denominator because they hold most of the ca$h.


This is not the first time people choose to exploit things... as it was with UO/AC/EQ/CS etc... whatever the online game. Dupes, instant kills etc... always happen... The dumb ppl will gather and become strong in numbers... And the stupidty will continue...


Very interesting huh? Its a small world trapped behind your screen. A disturbing reflection of real life.

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