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True or False?

Qui Kenobi

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What do we really know about Episode I: Obi-Wan so far? Let's get the concrete facts on the table for the benefit of everyone. This could lead to the elimination of rumors and false statements about the game.



"Well, you were right about one thing, Master. The negotiations were short."

- Obi-Wan Kenobi



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You've got my vote on that one!


Altogether now...We Want Info! We Want Info!


Doesn't it seem to you that LEC is gradually assuming the role of the Empire, and we're becoming the Rebel Alliance? biggrin.gif



'I have a very bad feeling about this.'


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Guest Darth Kurgan

If you mean that we're funding the Empire, and they're giving us cool stuff, then uhh.. yeah, sorta.


Here's my list of "facts" we know about ObiWan (of course these could change, LEC can do what they want with their project):


(feel free to add to this list)


(additions after my original post on 3/8/00 are in bold)


Title(correction): "Star Wars: Episode I: Obi-Wan"


Manufacturer: LEC (with Stephan Shaw on the design team, from MOTS and Outlaws)


described as:


"Phantom Menace Game" (it takes place during the events of TPM movie)


"next Dark Forces style game" (it is a First Person shooter, but not a direct sequel to any of the Dark Forces games)


"an action game" (not an RPG)


"will follow in the tradition of Jedi Knight"

(has a Force system and sabers similar to Jedi Knight or more properly, MOTS, and builds off of it)


"First Person Shooter" (altough you mostly saber/force fight)


Earliest vids of the graphics (and screenshots) show "better than JK" graphics (it features colored lighting).


Stars young Obi-Wan Kenobi, as he appears in the prequals.


Features Battle Droids and Destroyers.


Features Qui Gon Jinn (as a playable character? an AI buddy?)


Features scenes from the movie (Naboo, Trade Federation Ship)


Uses a new rendering engine.


Features (at least) lightsaber and fists, an inventory, and a life meter, and more importantly, a FORCE meter (what force powers, is anyone's guess).


First and third person views.


Vehicles (maybe just in cutscenes, or non-flyable), Naboo Fighter, some big hulking thingy (Trade Federation?).


Motion Capture for the character animation (shows ObiWan doing flips).


Storyline is set during the movie.


Coming by the end of 2000 (my bet is Christmas if it's not going to be out in



I think I also heard that it was going to require a 3d accelerator (no big suprise there), but I'm not positive (any confirmations?).




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited March 28, 2000).]

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Guest Darth Kurgan

And now that we have that swell article posted on today's news.. we don't learn a whole lot more, except that there's going to be alot of emphases on swordplay and force powers (more so than any previous Dark Forces game). We do get some great screenshots though, giving us a better idea of the locales, characters, and graphics.



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Ok, thanks! That's all good stuff to know, especially since I haven't been around in a while. I'm really looking foward to kicking some battle droid butt, but I hope Qui Gon isn't an AI buddy like in TPM, because at times that got really annoying.



"Well, you were right about one thing, Master. The negotiations were short."

- Obi-Wan Kenobi




[This message has been edited by Qui Kenobi (edited March 12, 2000).]

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Guest Dark_JVS

Gamestar wrote in it's article about other weapons, guns, but most of the time you'll use your saber! so, Kurgan, add less guns then JK to your list icon10.gif







The truth is in there!


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I suppose it was inevitable really. I mean, how many times did we see Obi-Wan use a blaster in the film? To my recollection, it was NEVER. So if we get any guns at all, we should count our blessings.


After all, a true Jedi needs no other weapons, except a trusty lightsaber to deflect blaster bolts and slice enemies in half. Now there's a thought. Do you think LEC will give us some nice, juicy body dismemberment animations? At the very least the enemies should have pain-skins to show the amount of damage you've inflicted.


Just a thought. smile.gif



So be it...Jedi

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My guess would be that, though they might consider it, LEC won't get any more gory than they did in JK with the grayish blood that showed up whenever you whacked off an enemy's arm w/your lightsaber. It would be cool to have little molten bits or something go flying whenever you sliced through a battle droid. Maybe the edges where you cut could glow because they're hot. What I would REALLY love would be to have it so Obi-Wan could bust down a door the way Qui-Gon started to on the Trade Federation ship. That was one of my favorite parts of the whole movie, seeing the concentration on Liam Neeson's face as he made the cut. It might be a bit more exciting if there were no guns because if you started out at the beginning with nothing but a lightsaber, a Jedi, and the basic skills of a Jedi, you'd have a lot more work on your hands. Just some ideas...



"Well, you were right about one thing, Master. The negotiations were short."

- Obi-Wan Kenobi



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Level8Drummer

Yeah, I really want to be able to cut through some doors like in the movie. Not just metal grates. If Qui-Gon can get through thick blast doors in the movie, then that should be implemented in the game. Nothing was more frustrating in jk than to have a lightsaber, but a thin metal door keeping you away from your goals.


Qui-Gon cutting through the blast door was my second favorite part of the movie. Obi-Wan from Qui-Gon's death to Darth Maul's death was my favorite part. Ewan Mcgregor kicked some serious ass. Every time I watched the movie, that part always gave me goose bumps. The first time I watched it, I yelled at Qui-Gon's death right when Obi-Wan did (and just as loud too. I think I scared a few people in the theartre.)

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Guest Kurgan

Sword of the Berserk has geysers of bright red blood from even hitting rabbit sized enemies, which we'll probably never see in a legit SW game. However, in that game, when you hit enemies just right, you do cut them in half.


Keep in mind, while we had no blood in JK (that was smoke and ash, not gray blood), in TPM game you have chopped up body parts (try having Obi-Wan jump into that huge fan in level 1), and we have blaster scoring decals on walls (hack or shoot just about any surface and see what I mean). Those features I'm sure will be within ObiWan's grasp.


I would think LEC will still shoot for the Teen Rating (as they did with their previous shooters), to get the biggest number of gamers they can (it won't be LucasLearning, but it won't be South Park or KingPin either).


Oh and I don't think there is any reason to believe there are FEWER guns in Obiwan than JK, just less emphases on them. I mean in TPM there were a bunch of guns, but they were far inferior to the saber in nearly all situations. It really sucked to be somebody like Padme and get a crappy little blaster or shocker thingy.


I certainly HOPE you at least get the option to use other weapons if you want to.




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited March 28, 2000).]

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