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WHY raven WHY !! 1.03 is HORRIBLE


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I dont care what anyone says or thinks, I know for a certain fact that the game is now boring. It has lost the magic it had before completely, I used to go into duels being actually nervous and aware and tacticle in my moves, now it's just mash crap, just totaly flawed in every way. The gameplay has died completely, I want my fking game back the one I paid for originaly not some newbie retarted tweaked crap.

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i think EVERYONE WHO BOUGHT this game has a right to whine about it as long as there is a reasonable arguement!


people who buy this game spend a lot of money to get it and they dont expect to have any technical difficulties. this isnt related to the arguement put through at the start of this thread but i thought this would be a good place to put it. me and many others could have easily downloaded JK2 and play it for free but no, i went and bought it, i spent my money on something and by doing that i have given myself the right to whine! even the patches are included when i expect the game to have no technical difficulties because i see the patch as correcting a mistake in the game- i dont expect it to cause more mistakes!


yes, i do except that you can uninstal the patch but i think it is unfair on people if they want to get some of the advantages of the patch (like getting rid of bugs) but do not want to put up with some of the other things the patch has changed. i was to overcome this probem is to make the patch installer have a menu where you can decide with parts of the patch will be installed!



Divine Spirit

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Problem is , we give constructive criticism

Going "the patch sucks" is not constructive.

Asking for them to revert it to the old patch is not constructive.

Insulting others just because they LIKE the patch is NOT constructive.


and all the duelest scream that we are whiners. Calling us un skilled, 1 move whores.

If you don't like the patch simply because it makes the game harder, then you ARE an unskilled one move whore.

Those with skill can adapt. Those with skill weather it out and politely give their feedback on what they would like in the next patch.


A player on a saber/force only ctf server has more experience in the chaos of real time battle then some pathetic duelest will ever have

No, it's a video game. You aren't honorable for it. It's just polygons.


The real problem is not us who feal this patch has totaly unbalanced and destroyed the fun of the game.

This is what's called "destructive criticism". It means you'd rather complain than be taken seriously or don't even know what would make the game better.


THe problem is all the duelests who have there little gem now. and instead of playing the game spend tons of time on the board bothering us who wanna fix this problem


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I hear the word Adapt being said alot, fine I will adapt but I will not cuz even if I adapt and become the top rated player in this world, the game would still be much worse with alot less fun. It's all a matter of fun, and that's what games are about, unfortunately the fun has been killed, it truly has and If raven have any CLUE they would imed release an apology with a fix that removes the patch and fixes the dfa move only, nothing else needs tweaking other than the model bugs.

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Originally posted by Divine Spirit

i think EVERYONE WHO BOUGHT this game has a right to whine about it as long as there is a reasonable arguement!

I've seen about all of three people actually make any argument about the patch. 90% of the people have the intelligence of a third grader and go "This patch sucks!"


people who buy this game spend a lot of money to get

$50? Sure, that's alot of money... if you're a paperboy.


it and they dont expect to have any technical difficulties.

Then quite frankly, they're either stupid or naive. PC games have bugs. If people don't like that, they should stick to consoles.


me and many others could have easily downloaded JK2 and play it for free but no, i went and bought it, i spent my money on something

Do you expect a pat on the back? A cookie?

"Gee. Thanks for NOT stealing the game."


and by doing that i have given myself the right to whine!

Of course you have. But that doesn't mean they have to take you seriously when you're immature and irrational in the process.


even the patches are included when i expect the game to have no technical difficulties

Again, that's naive. There's a difference between "expect" and "want".


because i see the patch as correcting a mistake in the game- i dont expect it to cause more mistakes!

"Mistakes" being actual BUGS, or just things that you personally happen to not like?


yes, i do except that you can uninstal the patch but i think it is unfair on people if they want to get some of the advantages of the patch.

And they will. Next patch. Raven can't put EVERYTHING into one patch, or else we wouldn't get it for months and months.


i was to overcome this probem is to make the patch installer have a menu where you can decide with parts of the patch will be installed!

No. You can't do that. Here's a little lesson in multiplayer gaming: versions must be compatible. Such a thing would make every game have a different installation. You might as well roll a die to choose a server.

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Yes, i love it how whiners and patch praiser alike think theat THIER opinion is the best. But, in fact, thats all it is, and OPINION! You will NEVER be able to please everyone with a game. People will always either like, or dislike a game. Sorry if the patch ruined it. If you like the patch, play on. If you don't, thier are plenty of 1.02 servers out there

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You call someone a whiner because they express their opinion. Thats total bs, what are you afraid its true that the patch really does suck and it will come out how sh_itty of a jk player you really are without the lame auto blocking from hell. I hate the patch and i still own on 1.03 servers ( yes the patch sucks and its been made noob friendly so they live longer and no im not a dfa whore)

Please let the man post his opinions without the llama crying games horsesh_it, its immature and lame.

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Okay, if you wanna whine go to a liquor store, if you wanna play go to JKII either 1.02 or 1.03 what ever your flavor is. IT'S ONLY A FRAGGIN GAME! From what I see of the Anti-Patcher's and the Pro-Patcher's can be put simply:


Anti-patcher: Takes too long to make a kill (can't rack up them points as easy). Can't deal with the overall new style of fighting. Unable or unwilling to adapt to the patch. Ready to uninstall the game. Takes it way to personally when some one is critical of their point of view. NOOBIE FRIENDLY. Hate the patch, period and is ready to jump out of a window because of it!!!


Pro-patcher: Agrees, takes long to make a kill but that makes for a more intense and longer saber fight (since it should not be easy to kill another jedi). Can deal with the overall new style of fighting. Easily able to adapt to the new patch and the new style fighting. Ready to keep on fragging! Tries to instill in the Anti-patcher the fun of the game no matter what the version is. Give NOOBIES a chance to enjoy the game as well since they too will be like us one day: seasoned Jedis. Likes the patch but readily agrees that it needs more improvements. Waiting for future patches.


Now lets take a lesson from evolution. Those species that are unable to adapt to any new situation have gone extinct. Those species that adapt to any new situation carry on generation after generation and keep on adapting to changing enviornments.

JKII patches can be considered that evolving enviornment and we the JKII players are the species. Those players that don't adapt will be gone in time while those of us that are able to adapt will carry on the fight for survival. What form JKII will take when it has finished it final evolution is anyones guess. It would be like trying to predict what we humans will evolve into in a million years. But it will be amazing to watch and see. KEEP ON FRAGGIN!

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you pro-patch people are just as bad at giving contructive criticism, if not worse. rut-wo jodar has never, and i mean never offered any contrusctive arguments. only the same, tired ass icons. he obviously didn't excel in basic english, since the only way he can express himself is with pictures.


it's very annoying seeing someone spill their guts here about their favorite game being ruined and watching him get flamed endlessly with violins and "whiner!". we aren't whining. at one point we were very happy. we never asked for a patch (besides tweaking DFA). but we are stuck with it.


as of now we have 2 options: dumb ourselves down and play 1.03, or search for servers still running 1.02.


i have tried to play 1.03, and it honestly is not a game i would have paid for had it been released like this. the gameplay is just total ****ing luck. you can't time swings. go and try, you will be beaten by padawan fresh off single player swinging in your general direction. eventually this game will die. and much sooner than it should have. there is no room for improvement. holding down FIRE1 and running around, doesn't add up to an enthralling gaming experience.


i will complain until i either win or give up. until then, here i am, trying oh so hard to keep my cool under the avalanche of flames.


and LooNBB, if you're tired of these threads STOP ****ING READING THEM!

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Originally posted by Way1ander

My main concern is about the new damagesystem for the sabers, they should be more deadly. We are after all talking about lightsabers here, not woodensabers.. And lightsabers are deadly.


True they are not woodensabers but they are not as effective as everyone thinks nor is the force or you wouldn't need to use both as a Jedi. Look at the battle between Luke and Vader in the empire strikes back when they were on the gantry. Luke got a hit on vader's shoulder it was just like getting a papercut to vader.

No damage. I mean it did hurt because vader yelped a little and then vader choppes luke's hand off and he didn't die (like the NPC's do in the single player game) he screamed of course then he falls off landing on some antenna thing hanging underneath bespin and he still survived. Jedi's are alot tougher than we give them credit for and to kill one in just three or four hits just doesn't cut it for me. That is unless one just wants to rack up those points as quickly as possible. I myself could care less about points or who wins the match I just wanna play and the longer the battles the better. After all it is just a game it's not real.

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Originally posted by Xombie

I've seen about all of three people actually make any argument about the patch. 90% of the people have the intelligence of a third grader and go "This patch sucks!"


i thought i clearly covered this point (a comment which you "cleverly" avoided) i wasnt refering to ANY REAL LIFE SITUATIONS! i said "as long as there is a reasonable arguement. at no point did i say that the majority of posts were or were not a reasonable arguement


$50? Sure, that's alot of money... if you're a paperboy.


im sorry youre too naive to accept any financial difficulties of anyone, i assume you either have everything supplied to you by mummy and daddy or you earn a lot of money and dont know or care about other people. as part of the target audience for this game is teenagers i think you should know that not all teenagers earn thousands of pounds a year and not all have their parents buy things for them


Then quite frankly, they're either stupid or naive. PC games have bugs. If people don't like that, they should stick to consoles.


i know that they have bugs but the comment was idealist. i aim for perfection, perfection is impossible but if no one aims for it then we would end up with rubbish products and everyone shrugging their shoulders and saying "oh well, everything has a problem somewhere." if you think aiming for perfection isnt a good thing to do then thats YOUR OPINION, i aim for perfection and thats how i work! if you bother to mention consoles and show a clear lack of information on them i will tell you this: not all consolesand their games are bug proof


Do you expect a pat on the back? A cookie?

"Gee. Thanks for NOT stealing the game."


are you a moron or what? i buy something, i dont WANT it to have problems. i know it will but then thats a fact of life. why do you settle for less? if you had problems would you put up with them or would you WANT them to be fixed? i bought the game and dont WANT problems. if i expected to put up with something less i would download it.....but i didnt, i bought it


Of course you have. But that doesn't mean they have to take you seriously when you're immature and irrational in the process.


immature and irrational? i see whining as a form of constructive critisicm. if you dont then dont get worked up reading about people who do. i whine and point out problems so they can be fixed


Again, that's naive. There's a difference between "expect" and "want".


it is NOT naive. back to the point of wanting perfection, i expect to buy software where there is no bugs....ive already said its impossible but i expect perfection! and even though i work towards perfection- knowing i will never get it- i will try and make things better for me and not put up with what i have


"Mistakes" being actual BUGS, or just things that you personally happen to not like?


no, as i said, M-I-S-T-A-K-E-S. when i mention mistakes i mean bugs. in that comment i was not referring to anything that i "personally happen not to like." for example, im not referring to the changes in the strength of the stances


And they will. Next patch. Raven can't put EVERYTHING into one patch, or else we wouldn't get it for months and months.


i didnt say raven wouldnt do it, i dont expect them to put it all into one patch. what i meant it that people who want to get rid of the bugs will also have to make the game worse for them at the same time by having changes that they "personally dont like"


No. You can't do that. Here's a little lesson in multiplayer gaming: versions must be compatible. Such a thing would make every game have a different installation. You might as well roll a die to choose a server.


i agree i was wrong here, i was just making a suggestion.



Divine Spirit

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Okay here's the scoop! Since you Anti-patchers want a detailed explination of why the patch is worth it well here it is!




* Corrects an issue where players were unable to cycle to

detonator packs and trip mines on the “explosives” key

unless they also had Thermal Detonators.


* Corrects an issue that prevented launching a multiplayer

game on AMD dual processor machines


(AMD is the main fix I needed since I could not host a game with my AMD. I could only join!)


* Corrected an exploit to prevent players from using illegal

models in the game.

* Corrected an exploit that allowed players to have force

powers outside of what the server rules allow.


(These two are the main issues I think most of the Anti-patchers are basing their dislike for the patch. You can't be a cheeser now.

Two more points why the patch is worth it!)


* Added a keyboard icon that appears over the player's head

when the player is chatting or configuring force powers.


(oooppss they forgot to do one thing with that just because you

have a keyboard icon on your head in the game does not prevent you from being attached by some cheeser. I know cause it keeps happening to me. They should have made it where you could not be hit.)


* Backflip now requires that you double tap the jump button.


(AWWWWW... Another Anti-patch gripe! No more easy back flips. Now you players have to work for your points! I seem to have no

problem with this double tap.)


* Lightsaber usage in multiplayer has been modified to work

similarly to the way it works in single player levels. This

will enable better saber battles up close with your opponent.

* Lightsabers will do less damage at the very start and very

end of a swing. This should prevent kills from just touching

an opponent with the tip of your lightsaber.

* Other players will not see the glow from a player using force

absorb until they are attacked.

* Force Heal and Force Drain have been adjusted to require

more force energy to use them.

* Corrected an issue that prevent lightsaber locking from

occurring in duels even if it was enabled by the server.

* Correct various Duel mode issues, including:

* Reconfiguring force powers will not place your player at

bottom of queue.

* If one player leaves during a match when dueling with more

than 1 kill limit, the next person in line will not enter

the match with the score of the person who left the match

* Changing skins will no longer produce a loss score on HUD

that includes fraglimit


(The rest of these issues are alright by me I give them all thumbs up and that is why us Pro-patchers like the patch!)


Single Player:


* Corrected an issue that would cause the third AT-ST on

Artus_Topside to disappear that prevented Jan from landing.

* Corrected an issue that caused enemies not to be alerted by

the body of a comrade in their field of vision.

* Corrected an issue where enemies did not try to avoid

thermal detonators that were thrown at them

* Corrected an issue that would cause the player to be unable

to attack for about thirty seconds if they were force pushed

out of a saberlock


(All thumbs up again!)


Okay now look at all the pro's vs. con's. Alot more pro's for the patch. You Anti-Patchers show us Pro-patchers from these fixes that you can't handle! And now for the icing on the cake. With this patch comes the added feature of EAX sound! I have soundblaster EAX card and now the sound really rocks! For all those without EAX I pity you......... So with that add on in the patch as well as the AMD fix and the other issues I give this patch

a well deserved pat on the back! How is this argument for a third


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Originally posted by Chastan

Did you know I can get nearly four fingers up my asshöle? That is, until this patch came out. Now my daily excitement is gone.



No wonder you can't play v1.03 it takes alot more finger work and with your fingers up your a$$ I can see why. Man, your keys must be nice and brown now!!!!!

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Nemis11 spend less time eating your shlt and posting crap on these forums and more time playing, maybe you would f*%(ing figure out the new moves u fagwhore. Otherwise you can eat shlt and die you worthless pile of poo

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