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YES! HAHA! It's cxoming for PS2!

Guest Saesee Tom

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Ok, I was annoyed as every1 else when it came to Obi-Wan being cancelled. JK is one of my all time fav games and I couldn't wait for the next. But according to an interview with LEC prez Obi-Wan was no longer that game, and the fact is that I was hearing rumors of a Dark Forces 3 staring Kyle Katarn during Obi-Wan's development, and in the interview I mentioned early I read it as the Prez was hinting at that. So all may not be losed, though the PC losing Obi is seriously not on, consoles can do good games with a story, take a look at Shenmue if you don't believe me!

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Let me say one more thing, IF LEC wanted to release Obi-Wan on any other platforms (besides PC and Xbox) I would certainly have no problem with that, more the merrier, I say!


My position was just that I felt that the Xbox should have been the obvious choice of console now that the PC version has been cancelled. I wish the PC version was still on, but I certainly am not against any other consoles getting the game.


The key I see here is the similarity between the PC and Xbox. If they are close enough, the idea of an eventual PC port seems to be all the brighter (keeping my fingers crossed).



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Why is it only the most logical choice now? On page three, you said XBox was absolutely the only possibility, since a PS2 port is "not going to happen. Surely you can understand that."


XBox's similarity to the PC makes it a logical candidate, but it's hardly the only possibility. I'm just wondering why you've changed your position from, "it doesn't matter, Obi-Wan isn't coming to the PS2," to, "I felt that the Xbox should have been the obvious choice of console," while still refusing to answer the questions posed on page three and claiming nothing you've said is incorrect. I'm happy to see that you've abandoned the false arguments posed earlier in the thread, but incessantly claiming that you're correct and then completely changing your stance on a topic is a bit rude.


Obviously, XBox is a likely platform for Obi-Wan, but it is not the only choice. I will not be surprised if Obi-Wan is released for another system; programming ease is not necessarily the main factor dictating which system to port to.

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Argath, the point, and the reason I said that was not because I was changing my position, only at that point I was tired of arguing.


Perhaps you feel the need to assert that though we have the same conclusion, your reasons for holding it are better than mine.


Clearly you have shown that you not only agree with me, but your conclusions are the same as mine. So we have nothing we need argue about endlessly.


We might as well argue who thought of the idea first, or who believes in it more strongly, or how many people agree with us.


Does any of that really matter? If it's coming to Xbox, as we agree, and won't ever see any other platforms, does it really matter WHY it won't be seeing the light of day on any other system? No, because if it won't ever be made, and we aren't the ones making the decision, then that's the end of it.


Maybe you believe that Obi-Wan will be released in another few years after the Xbox on another system. You can certainly hold that position too, if you like.


I believe what I said entailed that without massive cutbacks, you couldn't do the game justice on an older system. I wouldn't want to see an inferior or radically altered version of this game, if that's what you're asking, and I don't see why the developers would want to do that to their vision either unless they were forced to.


But that doesn't mean the game can't be made for it. Maybe you felt my language was too strong in that case. I can't please everybody.


The question I was asking was, if the PC is out, what system is most capable of emulating the game that was going to be made for the high-end PC? That to me was the pc/console, the Xbox. And there are other reasons why this would be more likely, which we have already mentioned.


Let's think hypothetically...


This game could be made for the gameboy (there is a game coming out titled Obi-Wan's adventures, though it is a different game entirely). It could be made for any system that LEC chooses. I'm sure they could handle the task if that was their goal.


The point is, it would have to be modified quite a bit, and moreso the further you move from the original architecture and system capabilities that it was designed to take advantage of.


In the past other games have been ported to systems and seen some pretty horrible versions (like say Gauntlet Legends on just about any system but the Dreamcast, IMHO; I'm sure you can think of other examples).


If LEC wishes to pursue that, I guess they can do that. I just don't see any reason why they would, considering the waning popularity of those systems by the time the game is released.


And all of this is just more and more rhetoric, we both have already stated our positions.


It's not that I don't love arguing, I admit I do, but I would rather argue over things that I consider important, or at least have a purpose and reasonably positive outcome from it, etc.


Again, nothing has really changed, we're just beating that dead horse again.. so what's the point? At a certain point it seems that there is nothing to argue about except petty, inconsequential matters.


And in so many words, I'm just repeating what I believe I already have asserted in this thread, hopefully more clearly this time.


I think we should be congratulated for at least agreeing on something this millenium. ; )



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Unless you've changed your position from, "it doesn't matter, Obi-Wan isn't coming to the PS2," to "XBox seems likely, but PS2 is a possibility," we do not agree. On the preceding pages, you clearly said there is absolutely no possible chance the game will come to PS2. Comparing that assertion to, "PS2 is a possibility," is like claiming a strong athiest and an agnostic are the same because neither worships a diety. To a point, that's accurate, but the agnostic does recognize that a god may exist; the athiest simply believes that the existance of a supreme being is impossible.


Obviously, you either still believe XBox is the only possible choice because PS2 lacks the hardware power to support it, in which case the burden of proof is on you, or you've modified your position and now believe that XBox is simply a likely choice. Either way, the game would not have to be cut back or radically modified to run on the Playstation 2, regardless of its requirements on the PC. A PS2 port could very well look better than the current PC version.


If you disagree, prove it; obviously, if you're correct, you should be able to easily answer the questions posed on the previous page. Of course, it seems that your claim of PS2's inferiority is simply another nonsensical assertion that you've somehow formulated based on inaccurate and incomplete knowledge of the topic. I don't expect to receive anything more than another dozen paragraphs of unrelated rhetoric in reply, but it would be surprising if you would, for once, post even just one link, or reference just one expert in the field to support your claims.


However, I suppose that is difficult when you base your arguments on skewed logic and inaccurate assumptions rather than fact.


[This message has been edited by Argath (edited December 09, 2000).]

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