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Desann's Apprentice


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She's kickin' my ass! I've never been good at the 2D combat games (Mortal Combat, Street Fighter) and like those games, I suspect there's a certain skill to the button-mashing. I'm just jumping around, pulling a couple of Force moves and mouse button-mashing.


Any pointers?

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Don't mash buttons!


You automatically block most of the time when you aren't attacking. Althought you can parry, etc. in the sp game (and multi with patch) blocking is much more reliable. Higher defense lvls increase the area you can block and the speed at which you block.


Wait till she swings then push her. Tavion likes to jump, so push her in the air, she cannot defend against that. If you cannot face her with the saber, work her to the platform edge and push her off when she jumps.


Always face the her saber, not her.

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As long as you use a clear strategy rather than random swinging you should be ok, I'm amazed you've got to that level just button bashing.


Follow Leagle if you want but I used evasive acrobatics combined with persistant force pulling (jumping to get angles that are harder for her to force-block) got her to the floor, and sabre throws to the head do the rest.

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Originally posted by Kingping

I used evasive acrobatics combined with persistant force pulling (jumping to get angles that are harder for her to force-block) got her to the floor,


Forgot to mention acrobatics.


Pulling if you push/pull her to the ground, throw your saber and let it hover behind her, let it slice her up from behind as she picks herself up.

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Originally posted by Kingping

I'm amazed you've got to that level just button bashing.


Your motha! :D


Yeah. I've known that I've been doing something wrong. Almost everytime I face an enemy, I take some damage. But, for the most part, yes; I've been beating every neo-Jedi with nothing but some decent button-mashing.


Do you guys use the F-keys to use Force moves? That's what I've been using and it's hard to multitask my fingers like that...

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My setup is this -


always run : switched on


left-mouse : primary fire

right-mouse : secondary fire

middle-mouse : light sabre (1 key)

scroll wheel : weapon select up and down

arrow keys : movement

right shift : jump

right ctrl : crouch

enter : use (for door switches etc)

space : stance


insert : previous force power

home : use force power

page up : next force power


delete : previous held item

end : use held item

page down : next held item


most used force powers on keypad

pad0 - pull

pad1 - push

pad2 - lightning

pad3 - grip

pad4 - mindtrick

pad. - speed


it works for me, I don't need to take my eyes off the screen.

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my setup is almost the same.


up arrow- forward

left arrow- side step left

right arrow- side step right

back arrow- backward

enter- use

mouse 1- primary attack

mouse 2- jump

mouse 3- alt. fire

right ctrl- crouch

shift- run/walk

L- saber style

delet- push

insert- speed

home- grip

end- pull

page down- lightning

page up- drain

mouse scroll- scroll weapons

space- use held item



I like to keep commonly used keys close to my hand. this setup works pretty well for me.:fett::ewok::jawa:deathii::atat::D;)

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wasd: movement

attack: mouse1 & 2

forcepowers: mousewheel

use powers: mouse4

jump: space

crouch: shift

walk: v

stance: q

use: r

inventory: [, ]

useitem: enter

weaponswitch: caps


push: f

pull: e

grip: ctrl

lightning: alt


\, z, x, c are all bound to varios scripts/enemy spawn commands as my whims dictate. In mp they are bound to attack scripts.


taunt: t

victory: k

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As for me, I dusted of the 'ol MS Sidewinder Precision Pro joystick from the original JK and made good use of it. I still switched back to the mouse and keyboard for gun battles (esp. aiming that ten-loss), but nothin' beats the joystick in saber duels!


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I have been told that my key configuration is weird (too the point where some people can't play with it)


I have a MS intelipoint optical mouse too, so I have extra buttons (woo). But my key are:


Right MB: Forward

Left MB: Fire

Middle MB: Alt-fire

Wheel Up: Next Weapon

Wheel Down: Last Weapon

Button 4: Force Heal

Button 5: Change Sabre Style


Strafe Right: C

Strafe Left: Z

Jump: S

Crouch: X

Back: ALT (people find this VERY cramped)

Use: Space


Use Bacta: V

Force Push: Q

Force Pull: A

Force Speed: W

Force Protect: E

Force Absorb: D

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mouseL: run forward

mouseR: run backwards


mousewheel spin: weapon choose

mousewheel press: lightsaber stance


mouse look around on.


space primary hit

alt secondary hit


n crouch

m jump

< strafe left

> strafe right


/ force use

H-# all different force powers

I use


love it :-)


:jawa otteeeeni

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my controls are:


right mouse: run

caps lock: walk

left mouse: primary fire

alt: altnernate fire

a: jump

z: duck

q: strafe left

w: strafe right

shift: backwards

e: force push

s: force pull

r: force lightning

d: heal

x: force choke

c: mind trick


i know my controls might seem weird but i've been using this exact setup (minus the force obviously) for every single first person shooter i've had since duke nukem 3d plutonium pack.

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