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This may be pretty obvious, but...

Guest digl

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I think that now after force commander is released, and then in April JPB is released, LEC will start talking about obiwan, because they cant disappear from the scene. Probably they are giving away just a few shots to the german site to prepare us and make us even more curious than what we have been since they announced it.So then i suppose theyll give us more concrete information and slowly more and more shots, as they did with FC

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It's more likely they will just do a big media splurge just before the game ships.


Come to think of it, they'll have to, because there hasn't been much coverage so far, and if people don't know about it, they ain't gonna buy it smile.gif


It's a difficult task deciding whether to give a game coverage while in development or not - sometimes it pays off, other times it doesn't.


I actually enjoy following the development of a game from, say, mid-production to the end. Games I've followed have been Half-Life, Wheel of Time, Daikatana, Unreal, Jedi Knight, and a few others.


It's interesting to go back and look at all the old screenshots (which I just happen to hold onto), and see how things changed in the final version. Half Life was a prime example of this, because many of the monster designs were altered for the final version.


However, if you look at Daikatana, they released information about the game too soon, and people have been trying to follow a three year development cycle, which has resulted in some ill feelings towards Ion Storm. If they had kept the game largely behind closed doors for at least the first year, not as many people would be hacked off IMHO. Duke Nukem Forever has also suffered, because after some initial information all went silent for a while.


If a game developer (or a publisher) is going to start advertising a game, they should think very carefully about...


- how much info they're going to release over time

- ensuring once they start, they keep up a regular flow of info


IMO LEC have not given enough info - which leads to lots of speculation (sometimes harmful) - and IF they are releasing these screenshots, why not to a wider audience with concrete information to back it up?


Are they ashamed of their own game? Or are they thinking it is going to take the games market by storm?


If it's the latter, it will have to rely solely on gameplay, because I don't think the game engine is anywhere near as advanced as the Unreal engine. (I discount Quake 2/3 because they have poor support for large areas.)


It all comes back down to the waiting game in the end... smile.gif



So be it...Jedi

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well, i dont know much about game merchandising, but i do know that this last time LEC has always been posting screens and info of new games, and now the only game they have to show is Obi-Wan (sure they have another games, but in very early stages), so i hope in April well get concrete info from LEC, like requirements and other stuff

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Guest Dark_JVS

I don't think, you can compare the game to UT or Quake! It's a mixture of Tomb Raider/Indy and a shooter! The graphics have to be different, or did u compare Tomb Raider to UT when it had been published?





The truth is in there!


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If you mean Obi-Wan is going to be a mix of exploration and FPS, I know that already. I wasn't trying to compare the game style with Unreal Tournament or Quake - they're totally different. I was comparing game ENGINES. And in those terms, Unreal's engine looks far better, while also managing very large outdoor areas, a la Jedi Knight.


Incidentally, I hope there is absolutely NO similarity between this game and Tomb Raider, because I feel that game is totally over-rated, the graphics suck, and the controls are a nightmare. The guys at Core Design should have learnt a lesson from Heretic 2, but they just ignored it. Too bad! :p


If you take a good hard look at the Star Wars films, they have rich colours, and lots of detail, with as much dark as light. That doesn't come across very well in the Obi-Wan game engine...at least not at the moment.


I don't know...considering the dark side of the force is involved, I just think the whole thing looks too bright, so it loses some menace. It is supposed to be The Phantom MENACE you know! smile.gif



So be it...Jedi

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Guest Conor

I considered TPM to be a pretty bright movie for the most part. Not nearly as dark in plot or filming as the first three. Isn't that how Lucas planned it? smile.gif


Quite frankly, I'm worried about this game. The graphics themselves don't bother me too much, but it is the idea that LA refuses to do top of the line stuff for everything recently.



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-St. Francis of Assisi

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